Multiple Intelligence Test.

100% Naturalist
85% Intrapersonal
80% Verbal/Linguistic
70% Visual/Spatial
65% Musical
50% Logical/Mathematical
50% Interpersonal
35% Bodily/Kinesthetic

Naturalist Intelligence

The Naturalist intelligence has to do with how we relate to our surroundings and where we fit into it. People with Naturalist intelligence have a sensitivity to and appreciation for nature. They are gifted at nurturing and growing things as well as the ability to care for and interact with animals. They can easily distinguish patterns in nature.

Note that this intelligence is the newest added to the theory of Multiple Intelligences and is often criticized as being an interest rather than an intelligence.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are introspective and seek understanding. They are intuitive and typically introverted. They learn best independently.

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

People with Linguistic intelligence love and are talented with words. They enjoy reading, writing and learning languages. They have an ability to teach and explain things to others. They learn best by reading, taking notes and going to lectures.
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Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

People with Linguistic intelligence love and are talented with words. They enjoy reading, writing and learning languages. They have an ability to teach and explain things to others. They learn best by reading, taking notes and going to lectures.

Musical Intelligence

People with musical intelligence love music. They appreciate rhythm and composition. They are gifted with the ability to compose, sing and/or play instrument(s). Able to recognize sounds, tones and rhythm, they have a "good ear" for music. They learn best through lectures and often use rhythm and music as a way to memorize things.


Intrapersonal Intelligence

People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are introspective and seek understanding. They are intuitive and typically introverted. They learn best independently.


Visual Intelligence

People with Visual intelligence are artistic. They are very aware of their surroundings and are good at remembering images. They have a great sense of direction. They like to draw, paint and read maps. They learn best through drawings and visual aids.
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Multiple Intelligences

75% Intrapersonal


65% Naturalist


40% Bodily/Kinesthetic

35% Musical

35% Visual/Spatial

15% Interpersonal

Eight Intelligences

  • Verbal/Linguistic
    People with Linguistic intelligence are naturally good with writing or speaking and memorization.
  • Logical/Mathematical
    People with Logical intelligence are driven by logic and reasoning.
  • Visual/Spatial
    People with Visual intelligence are good at remembering images and aware of surroundings.
  • Bodily/Kinesthetic
    People with Kinesthetic intelligence love movement, have good motor skills and are aware of their bodies.

  • Musical
    People with musical intelligence are musically gifted and have a "good ear" for rhythm and composition.
  • Intrapersonal
    People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at looking inward.
  • Interpersonal
    People with Interpersonal intelligence are good with people and thrive in social interactions.
  • Naturalist
    People with Naturalist intelligence have a sensitivity to and appreciation for nature.
Hah, I just realised I have the kind of intelligences that NTs would probablyput speech marks around, like:

Naturalist "intelligence" *snicker*

Visual Spatial "intelligence" *rolls eyes*

Bodily/Kinesthetic "intelligence" *rofl*
Guess you're in the right place then, hey? *deliver fellow Naturalist chummy shoulder-punch*
Looks like it!

*crash tackles Zen* :D

Hah, I just realised I have the kind of intelligences that NTs would probablyput speech marks around, like:

Not to speak in behalf of all NT's... but Gardner himself was mostly likely a Rational.

We discuss this fairly often on the ENTP forums. Analytical intelligence seems so narrow and limited to define one's capabilities. Just as an example, I find kinesthetic intelligence an elusive and highly impressive thing. I wish I had more for myself and feel the lack of it all the time.
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Intrapersonal 95%
Logical/Mathematical 85%
Naturalist 75%
Bodily/Kinesthetic 65%
Musical 65%
Verbal/Linguistic 65%
Interpersonal 55%
Visual/Spatial 50%

Intrapersonal Intelligence

People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are introspective and seek understanding. They are intuitive and typically introverted. They learn best independently.

Common Characteristics
  • Introverted
  • Prefers working alone
  • Philosophical
  • Self-aware
  • Perfectionistic
  • Often thinks of self-employment
  • Enjoys journaling
  • Intuitive
  • Independent
  • Spends time thinking and reflecting
  • Likes learning about self
Career Matches
  • Psychologist
  • Philosopher
  • Writer
  • Theologian

Yay! I'm training to be a psychologist/psychiatrist :). Good to see something match up :P
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Methinks my logical is a bit too low to be happy as a chemist...
I knew my place was off in the mountains, with my guitar...

fyi, "alex" is a pseudonym.