MBTI third option theory


Variable Hybrid
What if the MBTI types were given a third option for each axis that is slight to mild?

Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert.
iNtuitive, Sensing, Biperceptual.
Feeling, Thinking, Conscientious.
Judging, Perceiving, Discerning.

And therefore, a fully balanced person would be an ABCD.

I would be an ANFJ because I'm very close on my I an E axis.

My INTJ friend who has a very strong F function would be an INCJ.

It would be a better description than the usual x, but would open up the scale to a ridiculous amount of more types (81 to be exact).

Biperceptual haha that's me!
INFD is what I'd probably be.

...I rhymed.
Yesterday, out of nowhere, my boss lady told me I was an "introverted extrovert."
She said I'm good with people, but it's obvious I need lots of alone time to "think my own thoughts." I think that's kinda true. I love being around people. In fact, sometimes I get frantically bored to be alone.. and yet.. I still need lots of space.

I'd be ANCD
I'd probably be ANFD.

Funny how nobody is losing the N, and Quin just got closer...
Hmm, mabye I would be an INCJ. I just have a very strong F and T use. I still feel INFJ, but INCJ is a distinct option.

I like this theory :D
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Funny how nobody is losing the N, and Quin just got closer...

I considered ABTD, because my N and S weren't that far apart in the most recent test results, but function tests put me too solidly in the NT category for a B designation.
That, and three letters in the middle are just too many for a J. :D
Hmm, I just had a thought.

I think that even with this theory, some people would still have to denote an x for one of their prefrences.

The reason being is that someone could have a weak prefrence for one letter, but little use at all for the other. This could cause confusion for someone in some cases. Since they are still using primararly one function over the other, albeit weak, they would have to list it as x.

Someone could in another scenerio have a strong prefrence for both functions, leading to confusion over weather a person uses one over the other. Since they use both sides, they could list it as A, B, C, or D.

The reason that I think I came up with this is because of how my type is organized. Both my I and J are very solid. My N is strong, but it is very one sides. I use Ni alot, but Si, Ne, and Se are not used very much at all. Because of this, on tests my N score does not show up as strong as other INFJ's on the board, despite having one of the stronger uses of Ni here. This is simply because of a dislike of the three other perceving functions. If my Ni were of lower use, it might cause confusion to whether or not I was an S or an N, this would cause me to have to list it as x if this were the case, because of a weak prefrence for both sides. With my F and T functions, each side is used quite a bit. While I do have a clear F prefrence over T, my T is strong enough to counterweight my F score down, because both sides of this are strong for me, and if my T useage was stronger, I would have to list this as C.

or ANFD... Mhh... I think in a very Tish way often, but I'm super emotional nonetheless. This said F is more about value judgements than about pure emotions so I would say ANCD.
I think I'd be INCD. I'm always getting really balanced results on my F and T, amd my J and P.
I think I'd be INCJ. The first time I took the MBTI I took the official test and ended up INTJ...but I have INCD tendencies, too. :D
I've come out with INTJ, INTP, INFP and INFJ. But from what I've read I am definitely an INFJ with stong T.
I'd be an IBFJ, my intuition is very close to my sensing.
ANFD. I can very easily come across as any NF type in real life. In many cases, I come across as an INTJ too, or INTP, but I know for certain my NF tendencies are very deep, so I'm going to leave the F even if my T is extremely well developed.
that's quite an interesting theory you've got there :)

i'd probably be an INCD
What if the MBTI types were given a third option for each axis that is slight to mild?

Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert.
iNtuitive, Sensing, Biperceptual.
Feeling, Thinking, Conscientious.
Judging, Perceiving, Discerning.

So then I realized that what I proposed here is a great indicator of type for those who are ambiguous...

If your I and E are close to equal, your dominant and secondary functions are close to equivalent, but also your tertiary and inferior functions are close to equivalent each other, though less than the former.

If your Perceptual functions are close to equivalent, then you're perception functions are likely your secondary and tertiary.

If your Judging functions are close to equivalent, then you're perception functions are likely your secondary and tertiary.

If your J and P are close to equal, your extroverted reasoning and your introverted reasoning functions are close to equivalent.

Also notice that many people who have ambiguous I and E, also have ambiguous J and P, due to balanced cognitive functions.

For an example of how to use this to help determine your closest type fit... in my case, my Ni and Fe are almost equal, and score around 40 on the cognitive functions test. My Ti and Se are also almost equal and score around 30. This leaves me with no doubt that I am an NF, but my I/E and J/P have always been indecisive, so I am an ANFD. In my case, the J/P is more clear, which means that my J functions have slightly more weight, and therefore my dominant J function is an extroverted function, making me an ANFJ. But, because I can rule this factor out, it means that my J functions are my dominant and (by proxy) inferior functions. Since F is my lead J, this means I am an ENFJ.

Therefore, according to this, all the INCJs are normal INFJs, because you have roughly balanced secondary and tertiary J functions, Fe and Ti respectively.

Also, the INCDs are also likely INFJs because if you have balanced J functions, your Ni and Se equal the weight of them, resulting in ambiguity between J and P. But, because you're not ambiguous about your I and N dominance, you're very likely Ni dominant, making you INFJs.

In both respects, you're well developed cognitively.
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