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Post your thoughts on them. How do INFJs view INTJs?



Other type threads coming up.

Probably my favorite other type (along with ENFP). You'd think it would be another F-type, but I always seem to click with INTJ's. We seem to have some kind of weird geek connection. Like us, they use Ni as their primary, so they have a way of looking at the world that is very similar to INFJ's. Most of the ones I have met seem to have empathy underlying those logical minds too. They don't come off as cold to me, simply reserved in their emotion.
I believe NTs in general require a good amount of commitment before you see much return, espcially emotionally. What QP said makes a lot of sense.

One person I know is an INTJ. He is very smart and more of a geek contrasted to me being a nerd. He has a temper that tends to build up slowly, but it takes a long time to calm back down. He is meticulous, picky, and can commonly be seen as a snob due to his lack of participation in group lunches, extracurricular activities, etc. He is EXTREMELY good at project management and planning the implementation of new systems.

I get along with him quite well, although we never formed deep bonds, I don't think he would form a deep bond with but a few. He is single in his 30s, but he could easily get a woman if he chose to focus heavily on it, physically he wouldn't have a problem, his blocks are all mental. I think he is lonely but just hasn't built up the necessary skills to feel comfortable pursuing a mate. Then again, where I live isn't exactly overabundant with intuitive women, and I get the impression that is what he is holding out for.

We have always complemented one another extremely well when we take on projects together. I have travelled with him to other sites a couple of times. He is always on his own directly after the work was done for the day and much more introverted than I was. In contrast, I usually always go out to eat with the person I am travelling with or someone at the local site. Not doing so can be viewed as fairly rude in the corporate environment.

I think he is an awesome guy and I have grown a lot through my interactions with him. He is just misunderstood quite often.
I agree with QP 100%
I know one INTJ that is s extremely vague in how he speaks I turn into an S type next to him. The funny thing is, his speach is downright romantic and flowery, very odd for a T I think, yet he most certainly is.
I know many INTJ's and they all seem very able and wiling to get into verbal fights on the internet XD
I was married to one for 19 years.

He is very intuitive - but mostly about the world. He thinks in system patterns like I do - but on a macro level or globally. He misses the individual personal level. He's brilliant - and I really appreciated that. We had long discussions about humanity and as previously mentioned he has empathy for humans as a whole. But again - misses the mark when it comes to individuals.
He's arrogant - always right. And I found it hard to defend myself or get across my point of view with him because he could always box me in with his words. I think I was always needing time to try to express my intuition - which is hard for me to do without bringing in emotions and feelings. And OMG - when it came to THOSE - forget about it...

Uh uh - no way - no feelings allowed.

That's why I left. I wasn't allowed to be...

But I still love him and treasure him and am grateful for him being in my life. I hope in the end we will be wonderful friends - which I can imagine very well.
I heart INTJ's.

We often "get" other and I love the fact that I never have to explain myself because the INTJ just knows what I mean.

I'm able to overlook some traits that most others take to offense, because I know its not personal, it's just who they are.

I have a coworker who is INTJ, she's not my boss but she is the first person I go to for help and advice on any problems.
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Most of what everyone has said summs up hiow I feel about Intjs.

I have found that there are some that I like on the onset, but others that it has taken a while for them to grow on me. Of all the Types, I know the most Intjs. My older brother is one, my O chem lab partner is one, two people in my study group are as well, and most of my peers that were in calc 2 with me, were.

I actually like them a lot. Very insightful, and good at explaining things to you. And they just get you.

I don't like it when they get arrogant on me though. I start withdrawing when they do. It feels like they are blowing up a balloon that is their ego, pushing everything away as it gets larger, BUT their good traits more than make up for that, and the one's I've met on this forum are been nothing short of amazing.
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I love popping the bubble of their arrogance. INTJs seem to think they alone have Ni. And they think they alone are right. But they are stunned when they meet an INFJ with Ni also, but with the benefit of Fe to see the world in a way they had never thought of. There is a particular moment I enjoy that lasts for a couple of seconds with both the INTJs I know when they realise they have been one-upped. They are not used to it. Great conversationalists. Fantasic brains.
I love INTJ's wit. My brother is an INTJ and though we collide a lot, I never grow tired of his ability to just say things and not care what other people think. It is always so funny and the random connections he is able to think of just make me laugh. Also when we get together on a project or have some common goal in mind, it is just great. The idea's the bounce between us and the things that we imagine just makes the conversation between us amazing.
I love INTJs :m015:

I am an INTJ, so I might be a little biased here...
My father and brother are INTJ and I'm married to one. Surrounded by INTJnesss, it rubs off on me. Im lucky cause my INTJ wife is really very thoughtful about other people. We click on so many levels. Only place we really differ is that her J pref is stronger, and the traditional Te Fe differences. Honestly to Nis working towards a common goal sharing Te and Fe is very powerful. But we can sometimes get lost in our combined future focus.
I have a fondness for INTJs, since I know so many good ones in real life. They're pretty much geniuses at creating plans and fixing problems, they cut through the mess of complexities that other people (including myself) seem to get fixated upon, and just get things done. It's a beautiful quality. Ontop of that, they have a brilliantly blunt and dark sense of humor. They're also among the most intelligent people I know, and truly do try to understand you when you're explaining something, which I appreciate.

Downside - No tolerance for small talk, or emotional talk, or things that aren't clearly explained in a manner that makes sense scientifically. They can be arrogant and vengeful, and have trouble admitting when they're wrong. They also don't seem to have a lot of restraint when solving problems - it's very "all or nothing" with them. And there are only a handful of people they'll allow to get close enough to really know them.
I don't have much of an opinion on them, partly because I have not met many. The ones I have met I had either a neutral reaction to, or something felt very odd about them, and I wouldn't be able to get close to them over time. Almost as if they were too "focused/intense" on me or something else and it was a bit off-putting. I suspect I would get along with them, but not all of course.

I also had an INTJ professor (there's no doubt that's his type) and he was quite scary and one of the most emotionally flat and nonexpressive people I have ever met.
I have a complete aversion to INTJs. The ones I have met both online and in RL seem to not care about the effect they have on others. So to me, they are selfish, self centred and arrogant. They seem to think that their intellect is enough and spend time on meaningless semantics to prove that they are right. It is tiring to be around them.
Lets dissect one today...
MORE necroposting! Why are these ancient threads being dug up? This one has been dead since 2010! That is SIX years ago! If there's something you really want to talk about, make a new thread! Otherwise, if it's not important enough to warrant a new thread, by all means keep your peace!

I have a wonderful friend who has told me she's an INTJ. When I told her I'm an INFJ she said "Wow!" She's a teacher and research scholar, we grew up together but she now lives in another country. I love her very much! She is loyal and thoughtful and everything you could want from a friend. Very witty and clever. A little "chilly" at times... but I accept her the way she is.

As teenagers we watched "Xena" together. As adults, she gave me a reason to continue living by making a date with me to rewatch all of the episodes of "Xena" in our old age.

We are all on our own personal journeys. Anyone can be an absolute pain, who has not yet achieved mature personal development. It doesn't matter the type, it's the same for all of us.
MORE necroposting! Why are these ancient threads being dug up? This one has been dead since 2010! That is SIX years ago! If there's something you really want to talk about, make a new thread! Otherwise, if it's not important enough to warrant a new thread, by all means keep your peace!

I have a wonderful friend who has told me she's an INTJ. When I told her I'm an INFJ she said "Wow!" She's a teacher and research scholar, we grew up together but she now lives in another country. I love her very much! She is loyal and thoughtful and everything you could want from a friend. Very witty and clever. A little "chilly" at times... but I accept her the way she is.

As teenagers we watched "Xena" together. As adults, she gave me a reason to continue living by making a date with me to rewatch all of the episodes of "Xena" in our old age.

We are all on our own personal journeys. Anyone can be an absolute pain, who has not yet achieved mature personal development. It doesn't matter the type, it's the same for all of us.
Your opinion is heard.