INFJ's As Soldiers.

There was a time when I wanted to enlist just to kick peoples doors open and hold them at gun point. I was also much angrier back then and I think if I put myself into that situation I would force myself to go through with it, but would suffer immensely later when it was finished.

reassuring :P
reassuring :P
Yeah, my father and older sister both talked me down both times I was going to do it, I think they recognized that I wanted to do it for all the wrong reasons, then again even if my reasons back then weren't that, they wouldn't have wanted me to go in anyway.
Personally, I could never do it. It's far too impersonal, and I get too attached to people. I can 'turn off' or supress my Fe sometimes, but I don't like the person I am when I do this. I find compassion to be too important. However, I respect the sense of duty and the take action aspect of the military. I'm torn, however, as to whether or not I agree with the Military altogether, since I hate war, but respect soldiers...

Anyway, I do think an INFJ could be a soldier, but it would probably not come as naturally as it would to someone who is more detached from people's well being and emotions. Not to mention the repetitiveness, the lack of ability to do things the way you want, and being surrounded by people all the time. It would be difficult, but an INFJ could probably get used to it.
Fe can be very conducive to the military. Fe is prone to creating a desire for service to the community, committing to standards higher than one's self, and desiring to be part of the team. Fe's inherent lean toward an 'us vs. them' mentality also plays very well into the military mindset, especially when Fe's drive to 'do what should be done' is incorporated into that vision.

FJs of all types, especially SFJs, have a strong lean to put themselves out to help others, and are very commonly attracted to careers in the police, military, firefighters, paramedics, and the like. The stronger Si influence in SFJs makes them very common in these areas, which protect and serve the community physically.

INFJs are more likely to serve their Fe mentally, emotionally, and spiritually because their Se is inferior to their Ni and therefore are more likely to want to serve as counselors, teachers, psychologists, or ministers. However, INFJs with a well developed Se share the sensibility of ENFJs who are just as likely to take directions that involve their tertiary Se to help in the world physically, and therefore can be found in both the counseling sector and the martial sector of public service. There are a lot of ENFJs in the military, many of them in special units as they have the inherent drive (Fe) and mental (Ni) and physical (Se) ability to excel through training and earn those positions - whatever position it is that they seek. I would imagine the same is true for INFJs that have a strong Se, though from what I have seen INFJs (the military used to extensively test officers with a host of mental inventory assessments, so I knew a few INFJs) tended toward less physical specializations such as chaplains, pilots, and the like.
As an aside, I know a handful of straight INFJ males that are not directly military and all of them have an interest in martial arts and warfare, with most of them having practiced some form of martial art or shooting most of their lives, and are quite accomplished in their areas of interest. However, all of my INFJ friends who are military also share these outside combat oriented interests and activites.

The INFJ females that I know personally have an amazing ability to pick up combat sports. I've taught three of them to fence, and they were absolute naturals for sword play and physical engagement. They all had inherent talent with things that most beginners struggle with like timing, foot work, balance, over extention. None of these things were ever considered or spoken of in our sessions. I've also trained one ENFJ female, and she was even more of a natural. If she could be around someone who could do something, she could do it just as well within days of training with them. It was uncanny.

All of this to say... the combination of Ni, Fe, and Se really do lend themselves well to military lifestyle, service, and performance - so long as this is something that the individual's Fe sees as admirable.
what about INFP's Von?

I'm starting to lean more and more towards INFP based on this descriptions..

To be honest, I think that the military lifestyle would be absolutely toxic for an INFP, especially the Marines and Army. Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard have much less domineering approaches to service. Fi is a very personally oriented worldview, and there is a whole lot of Te and Fe in the military that will constantly 'attack' one's Fi. Also, there is little room for possibilities, as the military is often a 'one answer' institution that strongly discourages alternatives which would be toxic to Ne. I think that the FPs of any kind, and especially the NFPs, would have the hardest time with the military of all the types.

However, you're not done developing RL, and the military might be a great way to forge yourself into the man you want to be, by forcing you to adapt into the person they will make you.
To be honest, I think that the military lifestyle would be absolutely toxic for an INFP, especially the Marines and Army. Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard have much less domineering approaches to service. Fi is a very personally oriented worldview, and there is a whole lot of Te and Fe in the military that will constantly 'attack' one's Fi. Also, there is little room for possibilities, as the military is often a 'one answer' institution that strongly discourages alternatives which would be toxic to Ne. I think that the FPs of any kind, and especially the NFPs, would have the hardest time with the military of all the types.

However, you're not done developing RL, and the military might be a great way to forge yourself into the man you want to be, by forcing you to adapt into the person they will make you.

That's true

I have just always had a dislike for the military for some reason.

It feels morally wrong to me, that I am contributing to an action of violence. I know its just to defend in case of attack, I just have an intense fear of violence. I am a person of alternatives, and would seek all else possible before going into conflict. I have a personal need for peace around me, I just think I would not survive with all the stress of the lifestyle and would quickly fall into depression.
Totally vh! Fe makes me service oriented, I would more then likely want to please my superiors then worry too mucha bout the nameless people I murdered in a destructive wake... only after would my actions dawn on me and result in an obvious suicide as i couldnt get around what i had done.

One thing I noticed about INFJs and J's in particular, if we find the right "leader" we are very very good soldiers. the rest of the time, we dont usually have use for leadership except maybe to keep our friends in check when we dont have to and go along with it until its no longer convienient.
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i could never do it, like billy i'd just end up killing myself.

The cool but tragic part of the INFJ disease of course being that we totally could, could totally force ourselves through it. Would our natures consume us in the end? I think so... I doubt few of us would be strong enough to withstand that level of pressure.
The cool but tragic part of the INFJ disease of course being that we totally could, could totally force ourselves through it. Would our natures consume us in the end? I think so... I doubt few of us would be strong enough to withstand that level of pressure.

i know what you're saying. in the past i have been able to do anything i truly believed in. although i'm not sure i ever believed in violence as a solution so i'm not sure that i could ever have done this particular thing. but, i like to think that i'm slowly obtaining some degree of mastery over that variety of paladin rage.
Totally vh! Fe makes me service oriented, I would more then likely want to please my superiors then worry too mucha bout the nameless people I murdered in a destructive wake... only after would my actions dawn on me and result in an obvious suicide as i couldnt get around what i had done.

One thing I noticed about INFJs and J's in particular, if we find the right "leader" we are very very good soldiers. the rest of the time, we dont usually have use for leadership except maybe to keep our friends in check when we dont have to and go along with it until its no longer convienient.

Having a good superior/leader/boss is like having gold!

(Derail) a strong component of my attraction to religion is that Christ led by example. It's sooooooo darned difficult to be a good Christian though (I don't think I'll ever actually achieve it - but I'll die trying).
I don't think I would be a good soldier, at least not in the battlefield. I'd probably do well as strategic analyst or something to that effect.
i know what you're saying. in the past i have been able to do anything i truly believed in. although i'm not sure i ever believed in violence as a solution so i'm not sure that i could ever have done this particular thing. but, i like to think that i'm slowly obtaining some degree of mastery over that variety of paladin rage.

I think my seeing it as a viable thing to do is kind of a creepy testament to my imbecilic curiosity to press the limits of my feelings. I always had a belief that we wouldn't know what satisfies us until we have too much, that kind of a nature combined with something as big as death could irrevocably change me. But that big of a gamble is to my curiosity like a pungent pleasant aroma. If I were to tie it to a Greek Myth for example its obviously the sirens calling and I've forgot my wax, but, am I the type who would put wax in to boot? I say no...

I am glad however that I have enough people that love me that they tackle me to the bow and restrain me and block my ears for me.
If I could go back to 1994 when I was 18, I would join the Air Force Reserves, and would've received training in Heating and Air Conditioning, I've worked in it off and on but never got my EPA or Mech IV certification. Arthritis in my knees and hips would keep me out now, I ruined my body with weightlifting over the years, but this is exactly what I would choose if I could be 18 again with a clean bill of health. I'd sign up with the Air Reserves for 4 years. Full-on active duty where they would have had full control of my life 24 hours 7 days a week would've never appealed to me, but back then I could've handled part time duty obligations for a few years.

It's probably the worst thing I regret not having done when I could've done it.
I was in the Navy.

It was a transition period in my life; I needed the security and structure to pull me off of the path I was on prior to enlisting.

The military saved my life. A lot of people feel that way...I think.
Are we talking strictly combat situations, only 10% of the military is combat oriented and I know several FJs in highschool who went the route.

Discipline and structure are excelent for te J in the INFJ, I could easily see combat positions for INFJs who feel they have a reason to fight.
I almost went in to the armed services when I was 18, but I wanted it for all the wrong reasons (I saw the camaraderie of soldiers on TV shows and movies like "M.A.S.H" and "Private Benjamin" and I wanted that experience. And I also liked the idea of getting in shape. :p).

It would've been the worst thing for me, although I think the discipline would've been a positive experience. But I would've been too soft-hearted for combat (though I enjoyed weaponry).

And yes, I love studying weapons. I even took a class in fencing a bit ago, and I loved it. Loved martial arts too. I still love that program, "Future Weapons" or whatever its called on Discovery. But I know I'm weird like that. It engages my scientific mind.