INFJ and number of sex partners.

INFJ and number of sex partners

  • 0

    Votes: 73 36.3%
  • 1

    Votes: 32 15.9%
  • 2-3

    Votes: 32 15.9%
  • 4-5

    Votes: 14 7.0%
  • 6-7

    Votes: 16 8.0%
  • 8-9

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • 10-15

    Votes: 14 7.0%
  • 15-20

    Votes: 4 2.0%
  • 20+

    Votes: 13 6.5%

  • Total voters


For the longest time I felt very... inadequate partner wise numerically speaking. Expectations based on more extroverted friends exploits it could be said.

Then I decided that it'd be more useful to see what people with more 'like me' personality traits experienced. So I found a poll on the INTJ forums that I found amazing and well wanted to see what INFJ's thought as well.

Age-wise in my 30's now for the record as well.

Anyway here goes.
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I've never met someone whose admitted to having over 20 sex partners.

And I know a lot of "Sexually liberated" people.
I've never met someone whose admitted to having over 20 sex partners.

And I know a lot of "Sexually liberated" people.

I know someone in QSA who said he has had sex with over 1000 people, and he is being completly truthful.
How old is the guy? What was he a male prostitute?
I assumed as much... Sorry for the derail Joe.
Not a derail at all. Very much on topic. I know a lot of people* over the 20 mark. And yes lots of women in that range as well as guys.

I'm curious to see how many are on the extreme on over 20 and how many the more small numbers. My feeling is that the number will likely polarize towards a lot or very few with less in the midground but it's just a feeling and I'm curious to know.

*Oh and I'd say pretty much all of them were definite extroverted personalities.
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A few questions...

1. How do you define a sexual partner? Does it have to be someone you have had intercourse with, or do other forms of sexual activity count?
2. At what age does it begin to count? For example, do you count kids you sexually experimented with as a child?
Hmm. I can't imagine having a high number. It would be the opposite of liberating for me. D:
I assumed intercourse in the post, including oral. (some people tend to not count that)

As far as sexual experimentation as a kid. I was not including 'I'll show you yours if you show me mine' sort of kid activities.

This whole mental evaluation was spawned with that stupid psych evaluation that 10-12 partners for men in NA is average and 7-9 for women. Averages and meridians are just not that useful in the end. I find it much more useful to see without the extreme high numbers skewing results.

Err and excuse my sometimes overly verbose explanations. I get that way from time to time. Especially when discussing old insecurities. ;)
I was not including 'I'll show you yours if you show me mine' sort of kid activities.

What, so voyeurism's out, eh? :lol:
Ah, great typo!

Yeah, I can't imagine having sex with multiple people. Honeslty, that would rip up my soul so badly... No. I'll wait till I get married. :wink:
I'm still a virgin.

HOWEVER, I've actually kind of been thinking what it would be like to have a join relationship between three people instead of two -- I would be up to that, after time was spent and a real commitment was made.
Why are you laughing, Quin? :D
Just getting cheap thrills messing with the poll results.
I take it you're the one that put 20+, then? :B