If you were water . . . quiz

Water Vapour

Everywhere, yet unseen.
I find you difficult to classfy... you don't fit easilty into a category, so I have named you water vapour for your elusiveness. You are a cloud, floating free and impossible to pin down!
You scored 17% Energy, 51% Complexity, 68% Direction and 32% Size.
Here's what the variables mean:
High Energy: Energetic, passionate, hyper.
Low Energy: Calm, cold, collected.
High Complexity: complicated personality, interesting, original maybe a bit eccentric.
Low Complexity: Simple, straightforward, traditional, maybe a bit boring
High Direction: ordered, organized, everything planned ou
Low Direction: chaotic, unplanned, let fate or whims decide.
High Size: Big ideas, big physical size, maybe a bit arrogant.
Low Size: Smaller ideas or plans, humble, smaller in physical size.
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Water Vapour

Everywhere, yet unseen.


I find you difficult to classfy... you don't fit easilty into a category, so I have named you water vapour for your elusiveness. You are a cloud, floating free and impossible to pin down!

44% Energy
61% Complexity
66% Direction
79% Size.

Here's what the variables mean:
High Energy: Energetic, passionate, hyper.
Low Energy: Calm, cold, collected.
High Complexity: complicated personality, interesting, original maybe a bit eccentric.
Low Complexity: Simple, straightforward, traditional, maybe a bit boring
High Direction: ordered, organized, everything planned ou
Low Direction: chaotic, unplanned, let fate or whims decide.
High Size: Big ideas, big physical size, maybe a bit arrogant.
Low Size: Smaller ideas or plans, humble, smaller in physical size.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 44% on Energy, higher than 25% of your peers.

  • You scored 61% on Complexity, higher than 38% of your peers.

  • You scored 66% on Direction, higher than 91% of your peers.

  • You scored 79% on Size, higher than 98% of your peers.
Your result for If you were water... quiz ...

Ig you were and smaller and more hard edged you'd be straight out of a tray from the freezer.
You killed the titanic! Just kidding, but if you had you probably wouldn't have been overly sentimental about it. Not that you're viscious, you just don't really care about a lot of things. You seem pretty cold and calculating. True, the world needs logical minds, and you're probably very good at staying calm and planning things out carefully, but it's important to balance that. Remember, icebergs look nice, but most of them is hidden below the surface. No one really knows you because you don't open up to people. It might help if you remember, that no one is perfect, so don't try to be, and don't expect other people to be. If a giant massive ship full of screaming idiots is about to crash into you, get out of the way! (ie, accept that some people aren't as smart or sensible as you, and work around that rather than holding them in contempt.) This might all seem a bit harsh, but you can take it because you probably understand more than you let on. Don't afraid to feel, or let others see that you do. Start melting.
you scored 34% Energy, 31% Complexity, 63% Direction and 49% Size.
Here's what the variables mean:
High Energy: Energetic, passionate, hyper.
Low Energy: Calm, cold, collected.
High Complexity: complicated personality, interesting, original maybe a bit eccentric.
Low Complexity: Simple, straightforward, traditional, maybe a bit boring
High Direction: ordered, organized, everything planned ou
Low Direction: chaotic, unplanned, let fate or whims decide.
High Size: Big ideas, big physical size, maybe a bit arrogant.
Low Size: Smaller ideas or plans, humble, smaller in physical size.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 34% on Energy, higher than 9% of your peers.

  • You scored 31% on Complexity, higher than 3% of your peers.

  • You scored 63% on Direction, higher than 87% of your peers.

  • You scored 49% on Size, higher than 31% of your peers.

Squishy and smelly perhaps but undeniably interesting.
Swamp, marsh, bog, fen, you probably don't mind all that much what people call you, because you're kind of weird. But that's great, you're interesting, you're unique. Originality is probably more important to you than fitting in and looking good according to other people's standards. Conformity probably isn't even in your vocabulary, but heteroclite might be, just you felt like finding out what it means. To an outside viewer, you might look kind of dead or dysfunctional, but there's a lot of life in you. You have to be careful of alienating everyone. You might have very different values from the people around you, but you're probably an open minded person, so there's no reason you can't get along with 'normal' people. Keep being yourself, don't let anyone drain your wetland.
You scored 68% Energy, 82% Complexity, 20% Direction and 46% Size.
Here's what the variables mean:
High Energy: Energetic, passionate, hyper.
Low Energy: Calm, cold, collected.
High Complexity: complicated personality, interesting, original maybe a bit eccentric.
Low Complexity: Simple, straightforward, traditional, maybe a bit boring
High Direction: ordered, organized, everything planned ou
Low Direction: chaotic, unplanned, let fate or whims decide.
High Size: Big ideas, big physical size, maybe a bit arrogant.
Low Size: Smaller ideas or plans, humble, smaller in physical size.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 68% on Energy, higher than 84% of your peers.

  • You scored 82% on Complexity, higher than 89% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 20% on Direction, higher than 5% of your peers.
  • >
    You scored 46% on Size, higher than 23% of your peers.

Oddly enough...I find swams quite beautiful...if you can get past the smell :D:m027:
ha wonderful...an iceberg...big surprise :/

I just ended a bad relationship so no wonder


If you were any smaller and more hard edged you'd be straight out of a tray from the freezer.


You killed the titanic! Just kidding, but if you had you probably wouldn't have been overly sentimental about it. Not that you're vicious, you just don't really care about a lot of things. You seem pretty cold and calculating. True, the world needs logical minds, and you're probably very good at staying calm and planning things out carefully, but it's important to balance that. Remember, icebergs look nice, but most of them is hidden below the surface. No one really knows you because you don't open up to people. It might help if you remember, that no one is perfect, so don't try to be, and don't expect other people to be. If a giant massive ship full of screaming idiots is about to crash into you, get out of the way! (ie, accept that some people aren't as smart or sensible as you, and work around that rather than holding them in contempt.) This might all seem a bit harsh, but you can take it because you probably understand more than you let on. Don't afraid to feel, or let others see that you do. Start melting.


Squishy and smelly perhaps but undeniably interesting.
Swamp, marsh, bog, fen, you probably don't mind all that much what people call you, because you're kind of weird. But that's great, you're interesting, you're unique. Originality is probably more important to you than fitting in and looking good according to other people's standards. Conformity probably isn't even in your vocabulary, but heteroclite might be, just you felt like finding out what it means. To an outside viewer, you might look kind of dead or dysfunctional, but there's a lot of life in you. You have to be careful of alienating everyone. You might have very different values from the people around you, but you're probably an open minded person, so there's no reason you can't get along with 'normal' people. Keep being yourself, don't let anyone drain your wetland.
You scored 49% Energy, 70% Complexity, 30% Direction and 68% Size.
Your result for If you were water... quiz ...

Squishy and smelly perhaps but undeniably interesting.
Your result for If you were water... quiz

Swamp, marsh, bog, fen, you probably don't mind all that much what people call you, because you're kind of weird. But that's great, you're interesting, you're unique. Originality is probably more important to you than fitting in and looking good according to other people's standards. Conformity probably isn't even in your vocabulary, but heteroclite might be, just you felt like finding out what it means. To an outside viewer, you might look kind of dead or dysfunctional, but there's a lot of life in you. You have to be careful of alienating everyone. You might have very different values from the people around you, but you're probably an open minded person, so there's no reason you can't get along with 'normal' people. Keep being yourself, don't let anyone drain your wetland.
You scored 19% Energy, 69% Complexity, 49% Direction and 26% Size.
Here's what the variables mean:
High Energy: Energetic, passionate, hyper.
Low Energy: Calm, cold, collected.
High Complexity: complicated personality, interesting, original maybe a bit eccentric.

Low Complexity: Simple, straightforward, traditional, maybe a bit boring
High Direction: ordered, organized, everything planned ou
Low Direction: chaotic, unplanned, let fate or whims decide.
High Size: Big ideas, big physical size, maybe a bit arrogant.
Low Size: Smaller ideas or plans, humble, smaller in physical size

(Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 19% on Energy, higher than 1% of your peers.

  • You scored 69% on Complexity, higher than 60% of your peers.

  • You scored 49% on Direction, higher than 59% of your peers.
You scored 26% on Size, higher than 2% of your peers.

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our result for If you were water... quiz ... River

Forever flowing forward
You are a river! You're in the middle, especially in terms of direction. That's good news for you, it means you're neither chaotic and eccentric or boring and unchanging. You have pretty good idea of who you are and where you'd like to go with your life, although you might end of running into obstacles or taking detours along the way. You can be emotional, but have enough balance to keep it in. Occasionally, if overwhelmed you might let everything flood out, but remember that you have the ability to find you're way again once the trouble passes. Everyone has to go over rapids once in a while. Although in many ways you're average in personality, this doesn't mean you aren't unique. Only you can decide who you really are: are you the Nile, bringing life and support to those around you? Or the Thames, polluted in mind but popuar and surrounded by people?
You scored 50% Energy, 38% Complexity, 56% Direction and 37% Size.


Cascades of spray or mossy fountain, gleaming spring or roaring mountains

You are a beautiful person. It would be hard to find an ugly waterfall, even if you were looking. You are energetic and passionate. Emotion rules over cold logic. Never content to be still and unchanging, you're personality is always in flux, but always pointing in the same general direction. Think of it as being consistently spontaneous. You aren't a simple person, and never boring or completly transperent. Like waterfalls that people are often content to stare at for hours, both those who know you and those who have just met you will be intrigued, and sometimes fascinated with trying to figure you out. Waterfalls change from season to season and are affected by the environment around them. The emotions of people around you have a lot of influence over your own feelings. You're destined to change a lot in your lifetime, and will have chances to take you're life in different directions. Take a look at you're size score: 41 If it's high, you might already be on your way to doing big things. If it's low, you're one of the rare people who can be truly happy with a more low key life, creating something meaningful without all the theatrics. As long as your inspration doesn't run dry, you will have a wonderful life.​
I really like the diversity we are getting on this one.
Your result for If you were water... quiz ...

Squishy and smelly perhaps but undeniably interesting.
Swamp, marsh, bog, fen, you probably don't mind all that much what people call you, because you're kind of weird. But that's great, you're interesting, you're unique. Originality is probably more important to you than fitting in and looking good according to other people's standards. Conformity probably isn't even in your vocabulary, but heteroclite might be, just you felt like finding out what it means. To an outside viewer, you might look kind of dead or dysfunctional, but there's a lot of life in you. You have to be careful of alienating everyone. You might have very different values from the people around you, but you're probably an open minded person, so there's no reason you can't get along with 'normal' people. Keep being yourself, don't let anyone drain your wetland.
You scored 38% Energy, 69% Complexity, 44% Direction and 47% Size.

Forever flowing forward
You are a river! You're in the middle, especially in terms of direction. That's good news for you, it means you're neither chaotic and eccentric or boring and unchanging. You have pretty good idea of who you are and where you'd like to go with your life, although you might end of running into obstacles or taking detours along the way. You can be emotional, but have enough balance to keep it in. Occasionally, if overwhelmed you might let everything flood out, but remember that you have the ability to find you're way again once the trouble passes. Everyone has to go over rapids once in a while. Although in many ways you're average in personality, this doesn't mean you aren't unique. Only you can decide who you really are: are you the Nile, bringing life and support to those around you? Or the Thames, polluted in mind but popuar and surrounded by people?


You killed the titanic! Just kidding, but if you had you probably wouldn't have been overly sentimental about it. Not that you're viscious, you just don't really care about a lot of things. You seem pretty cold and calculating. True, the world needs logical minds, and you're probably very good at staying calm and planning things out carefully, but it's important to balance that. Remember, icebergs look nice, but most of them is hidden below the surface. No one really knows you because you don't open up to people. It might help if you remember, that no one is perfect, so don't try to be, and don't expect other people to be. If a giant massive ship full of screaming idiots is about to crash into you, get out of the way! (ie, accept that some people aren't as smart or sensible as you, and work around that rather than holding them in contempt.) This might all seem a bit harsh, but you can take it because you probably understand more than you let on. Don't afraid to feel, or let others see that you do. Start melting.
you scored 18% Energy, 38% Complexity, 83% Direction and 59% Size.
Here's what the variables mean:
High Energy: Energetic, passionate, hyper.
Low Energy: Calm, cold, collected.
High Complexity: complicated personality, interesting, original maybe a bit eccentric.
Low Complexity: Simple, straightforward, traditional, maybe a bit boring
High Direction: ordered, organized, everything planned ou
Low Direction: chaotic, unplanned, let fate or whims decide.
High Size: Big ideas, big physical size, maybe a bit arrogant.
Low Size: Smaller ideas or plans, humble, smaller in physical size.

  • You scored 18% on Energy, higher than 0% of your peers.

  • You scored 38% on Complexity, higher than 6% of your peers.

  • You scored 83% on Direction, higher than 100% of your peers.

  • You scored 59% on Size, higher than 62% of your peers.
Your result for If you were water... quiz ...​


It's raining, it's pouring, you're small but not boring.​


You're a raindrop, how sweet! Have you ever felt like you're falling through life, out of control? At the moment you don't seem to have a lot of direction, you aren't sure what to do so you just wait and hope. You seem to have smaller ideas and plans, not aiming for anything huge, maybe because you think it's out of reach. Don't be resigned to ending up as a puddle! You have a lot of energy, and aren't as boring a person as you might think you are. Remember, snowflakes are all unique, and they're just raindrops with a bit of backbone. Trust your feelings, and trust in your potetial to be big. It's time to stop falling and fly.

You scored 39% Energy, 63% Complexity, 44% Direction and 40% Size.

Here's what the variables mean:

High Energy: Energetic, passionate, hyper.
Low Energy: Calm, cold, collected.
High Complexity: complicated personality, interesting, original maybe a bit eccentric.
Low Complexity: Simple, straightforward, traditional, maybe a bit boring
High Direction: ordered, organized, everything planned ou
Low Direction: chaotic, unplanned, let fate or whims decide.
High Size: Big ideas, big physical size, maybe a bit arrogant.
Low Size: Smaller ideas or plans, humble, smaller in physical size.

You scored 39% on Energy, higher than 13% of your peers.
You scored 63% on Complexity, higher than 42% of your peers.
You scored 44% on Direction, higher than 43% of your peers.
You scored 40% on Size, higher than 9% of your peers.
Water Vapour

Everywhere, yet unseen.
I find you difficult to classfy... you don't fit easilty into a category, so I have named you water vapour for your elusiveness. You are a cloud, floating free and impossible to pin down!
You scored 38% Energy, 46% Complexity, 54% Direction and 59% Size.
Here's what the variables mean:
High Energy: Energetic, passionate, hyper.
Low Energy: Calm, cold, collected.
High Complexity: complicated personality, interesting, original maybe a bit eccentric.
Low Complexity: Simple, straightforward, traditional, maybe a bit boring
High Direction: ordered, organized, everything planned ou
Low Direction: chaotic, unplanned, let fate or whims decide.
High Size: Big ideas, big physical size, maybe a bit arrogant.
Low Size: Smaller ideas or plans, humble, smaller in physical size.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 38% on Energy, higher than 11% of your peers.

  • You scored 46% on Complexity, higher than 12% of your peers.

  • You scored 54% on Direction, higher than 66% of your peers.

  • You scored 59% on Size, higher than 62% of your peers.

You killed the Titanic! Just kidding, but if you had you probably wouldn't have been overly sentimental about it. Not that you're viscious, you just don't really care about a lot of things. You seem pretty cold and calculating. True, the world needs logical minds, and you're probably very good at staying calm and planning things out carefully, but it's important to balance that. Remember, icebergs look nice, but most of them is hidden below the surface. No one really knows you because you don't open up to people. It might help if you remember, that no one is perfect, so don't try to be, and don't expect other people to be. If a giant massive ship full of screaming idiots is about to crash into you, get out of the way! (ie, accept that some people aren't as smart or sensible as you, and work around that rather than holding them in contempt.) This might all seem a bit harsh, but you can take it because you probably understand more than you let on. Don't afraid to feel, or let others see that you do. Start melting.

Truth is harsh. :(
The ocean... which is really fing wierd because eventually eveything on earth will end up in me...
Actually one of the more interesting ones.

[h=1]Swamp[/h] Squishy and smelly perhaps but undeniably interesting.

Swamp, marsh, bog, fen, you probably don't mind all that much what people call you, because you're kind of weird. But that's great, you're interesting, you're unique. Originality is probably more important to you than fitting in and looking good according to other people's standards. Conformity probably isn't even in your vocabulary, but heteroclite might be, just you felt like finding out what it means. To an outside viewer, you might look kind of dead or dysfunctional, but there's a lot of life in you. You have to be careful of alienating everyone. You might have very different values from the people around you, but you're probably an open minded person, so there's no reason you can't get along with 'normal' people. Keep being yourself, don't let anyone drain your wetland.

You scored 40% Energy, 77% Complexity, 38% Direction and 57% Size.