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  • D
    Hey just checking in to see if you're OK. xx
    Deleted member 10171
    Lovely to hear from you and a VERY VERY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! WOW...that must've been a great party...you were away for so long. *big smile and a hug*
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    Reactions: heiots
    Deleted member 10171
    Yes in a somewhat a good place....caught in the middle of a magical moment of self-actualization, contemplation and wonder. Think I need to write down my thoughts....xx
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    Reactions: heiots
    Ah, no party. But it was enough chilling with the family and playing with a happy dog. (: I'm glad you're in a pretty good place. It's time for me to do a little writing too. Also helps in clearing my head.
    Sending you lots of hugs xxx
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    Deleted member 10171
    Before you know it - it'll be Christmas and a very happy new year to you too! :-)
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    Reactions: heiots
    Christmas is my favourite. =)
    Deleted member 10171
    I think I'm not hosting this year - so yes, it's gonna be a good one (a day off....yay!!!!)*wink*
    darling heiots, the lady who introduced me to mafia ;) I'm doing wonderfully, hope you are too, love seeing you on the forum :hug:
    Good to hear you're doing well...it's always good to take some time out to self reflect. I'm slightly deprived of sleep...but otherwise very good. Going out with a few girlfriends this weekend, so I suspect I'm going to feel slightly fragile for the rest of the week! :wink:
    Hello Heiost....been meaning to drop you a message for ages....how are you? A bit late to say this...but thank you for posting that video of Gillian Anderson reading Katherine Hepburn's letter to Spencer Tracy - beautiful. xx
    Aah, nice! It's great to hear your insights! I was going insane myself this spring, until I put the MBTI aside and realized it's not that of a good tool, really, and that that doesn't matter. We are who we are, in a much, much deeper sense than just saying the words "I am ..." whatever we say. All of us have the potential to become more than who we are right now, so why would we fight our own brains so much to find out who we are right now?

    Anyways, I just think that it's only bringing too much problems trying to find out who we are in the way I did this spring, and the way I assume you did. It's nice to hear you've realized the same thing.

    I have missed you, if you didn't know that.
    So I figured.

    I'm fine, thank you! Or, at least, it could be much worse and I'm privilaged to have such a comfortable life that I have.

    Have you gained the perspective you sought for? :)
    It's fairly quiet and calm in the silence. :)

    How have you been, Miss heiots? :hug:
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