If Creationism/Intelligent Design is Right...


Permanent Fixture
Would it mean that humans are actually an artificial intelligence?
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No...it would only mean our intelligence, real as it is, is perhaps wee bit limited.

But artificial doesn't really mean unreal or fictional or anything in that vein. It only means that something is constructed and not natural.

I think the answer to the original question depends on what the designer-god is. Is it a being that evolved? Is it a consciousness, or perhaps something else?
Well, since our understanding of a creator is as much about revelation as anything else, one might say that our intelligence is a direct reflection of the Creator's...real, not artificial. Furthermore, we are also invited to partake ourselves in the Divine Nature, to find our highest meaning in connection to the nature of the Divine Mystery...perhaps of the cosmos. This kind of thing has and does happen to lots of people...it is a very personal journey.

However, the mystery will always remain....we will not possess it, rather the opposite. For example, in exploring some revealed truths, one might be faced with the idea that the Creator is One, but also a communion of three persons, interrelating in Love. Frankly, we can use our intelligence as a springboard to launch out a bit, but pretty soon we eventually are forced to deal with the inescapable transition to Mystery. Most of the revelations offer only refractions of this Ultimate Reality/Truth. It is something, but not all. Even here, though, at the very end of our understanding, we see that the Creative Mystery is presented in terms that are benevolent and caring and close.

What one makes of this is, of course, is up to personal choice, but for those who actually launch out on the path to the Divine Mystery it is no game.
I think it’s just a matter of definition, when is something artificial?

When people usually talk about artificial intelligence they refer to "getting intelligence into a machine" I think.
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hmm this comes into mind while I was reading about some of Jungs work:

The outer world is called maya, meaning illusion, and is thought of as God's dream or God's dance. That is, God creates it, but it has no reality of its own. Our individual egos they call jivatman, which means individual souls. But they, too, are something of an illusion. We are all actually extensions of the one and only Atman, or God, who allows bits of himself to forget his identity, to become apparently separate and independent, to become us. But we never truly are separate. When we die, we wake up and realize who we were from the beginning: God.
^^^^That is very interesting. It would seem that many mystic traditions speak of movement past illusion to "what is." Perhaps this could be seen as a type of intuitive human intelligence, one that does not necessarily employ scientific methods, but is an organic, experiencial journey based on faith and love.
^^^^That is very interesting. It would seem that many mystic traditions speak of movement past illusion to "what is." Perhaps this could be seen as a type of intuitive human intelligence, one that does not necessarily employ scientific methods, but is an organic, experiencial journey based on faith and love.

Quite agree there. Except, these observations serve no empirical evidence to test this as true. How will one find out? I guess we will have to wait until death to do so :( or if someone comes with great proof, though I doubt it.
How will one find out?
True...although some science has been done on the prolonged effects of contemplative prayer on transitions in human awareness. This may be past the realm of science for now....what we do have is thousands of years of experience, much of it documented. What impresses me about the mystics is how down-to-earth and practical they are. It is a form of intelligence that is highly interal, at home with paradox, generous, and, in it's truest forms, almost devoid of ego. It might actually be one of the best kind of intelligences around....and, considering the journey, not for the faint of heart.
Artificial intelligence, we all have. We say: We are coming from perfection, i mean we're part of god.

So we do. We all are intelligent. It depends on person, if they wanted to activate it or no. Sometimes, i feel intelligence is one type of energy which flows from everyone and we can use it any time we desire. That's why there is nothing we can't have, do anything. :)
Metaphysical Freedom

We are the real intelligence in the universe. God didn't "create" us ab nilhil.

I think (imho) the original question is more interesting when done in context of inquiring if humans have metaphysical freedom. Being a programmer, I understand that so called artificial intelligence is just creative programming. In the end the "choices" made are just the result of an algorithm. Whereas humans, if we truly aren't determined (something more than wet robots)... That makes us something absolutely wonderful and unique in the universe. It means that we are originators and creators. This is one respect where we are "one" with God.

It is good to note that anybody arguing for the idea of determinism, like arguing for any other idea, is probably doing so because they believe the idea is true. And, truth should be believed. The only problem is that they are being inconsistent: they want you to believe, but, from their own position, they know you probably can't. Poor determinists always stuck saying "you should" when they have no real hope of fulfillment...

Would it mean that humans are actually an artificial intelligence?

Not necessary so. As it have been mentioned we may be parts of creator's original consciousness. However that would also mean that the creator is schizophrenic :D
Well, first off, what are we comparing this too? Artificial compared to what? Limited compared to what?

We can say we are limited compared to the potential of humanity, but in comparison to what is outside of humanity, I wouldn't say so. Also, artificial usually detonates something that is not found naturally in nature or has to be somehow synthesized; humans are not so.
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