Icelandic Erupting Volcano!!

Time for a road trip!! Seriously...I think purveyors of other modes of transport are cashing in big time! Apparently John Cleese paid a taxi driver $5,100 to drive from Oslo to Brussels.
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my brother actually joked about this yesterday - he said what about the 700 people killed in earthquakes in china? that apparently wasn't a big disaster, but people missing flights! oh no, that can't happen, god forbid they miss their flights.

i kind of agreed with him, this isn't that big of a deal, all things considered, but since it affects many people & slows down business, it's being made into a huge thing.
my brother actually joked about this yesterday - he said what about the 700 people killed in earthquakes in china? that apparently wasn't a big disaster, but people missing flights! oh no, that can't happen, god forbid they miss their flights.

i kind of agreed with him, this isn't that big of a deal, all things considered, but since it affects many people & slows down business, it's being made into a huge thing.

Yes I noticed..The lack of attention to the Chinese Earthquake heavily disappointed me..

It will be very interesting to see what other members are observing though..I've heard the evenings are very beautiful
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Yes I noticed..The lack of attention to the Chinese Earthquake heavily disappointed me..

It will be very interesting to see what other members are observing though..I've heard the evenings are very beautiful

what is up with the immense amount of natural disasters (especially earthquakes ) this year? or am i just noticing them more?
Yes I noticed..The lack of attention to the Chinese Earthquake heavily disappointed me..

yep, i suppose it's pointless to expect balanced coverage though, considering there is always a commercial interest at play behind the scenes.
what is up with the immense amount of natural disasters (especially earthquakes ) this year? or am i just noticing them more?

I've noticed it too, actually since the tsunami in 2004 there seem to have been a slight increase in natural disasters, though alternatively maybe they're just being reported more, or if you look at the past 100 years, such fluctuations could be typical. if they're not, it makes you wonder what the increase is caused by - hopefully not something humans are doing.
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Of course nobody cares about 700 dead in China. We already don't care about them. We didn't care the day before too. Economically they are negligible. With or without their existence, economy in the world doesn't change. However, wealthy elite missing flights London-Frankfurt etc, is a huge problem for the world. Serious chunk of the economy gets affected. There could be unexpected storms and crashes of many indexes. The 700 dead might have preferred to die in place of big business missing flights, because their families may potentially suffer more from the latter case.

That's why I laughed at a forum member in another thread expecting that his country must educate the youth, in order to compete with the other countries better and pull itself... and blah-blah. Nobody cares about those educated cheap workers. They are worth nothing, in relative economic sense. If they live or die, if they remain dumb, or get the highest rank education, has nearly zero effect on the real world economic powers. It's just some buzz to keep people busy with something. The fate of these countries is not really decided by their populations at large.
I've noticed it too, actually since the tsunami in 2004 there seem to have been a slight increase in natural disasters, though alternatively maybe they're just being reported more, or if you look at the past 100 years, such fluctuations could be typical. if they're not, it makes you wonder what the increase is caused by - hopefully not something humans are doing.

The pacific plate is "getting comfortable" and is nudging everyone else in the techtonic bed.

As for volcanic ash: bring back the cruise liners of the ritzy '30s!

Edit: rizty ART DECO 1930's!

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I actually looked up the volcano thing because there were a number of jokes about it on Sickipedia, I live in the UK now but I didn't know about it. Whurps.
We climbed onto our roof to see and yup.. not a single plane in the sky.

As for the china thing, buh? I saw quite a bit of news coverage on that and it was talked about for a while, I can't compare its coverage to this story however as I don't watch tv anymore. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe it's to do with what country you live in?
It is bad for those who have plans to travel by air. It is bad for people with health problems if they inhale too much of the particles. It is bad for business, it affects many people in different areas of their lives. We kind of took flying for granted and now we see that we should learn to live and deal with everyday life without planes. I hope it gets better soon, otherwise I will be just too scared to fly in the next months .........
I was going to fly to Barcelona on Thrusday ... I hope the ashes will be gone by then but I'm not very hopefull.

it is a big economical disaster yes. And yes it is not as big a disaster as the Chinees earthquake but you have to be realistic. This happens in Europe, it is happening to us so it is obviously that in Europe it would be a big deal while China is so far away.

maybe we can learn something from it, to not take travel for granted.

I wonder, and maybe shouldn't be saying this, but why do we have to care for all the misery in the world all the time? Do we have to take responsiblity for it all?
I was going to fly to Barcelona on Thrusday ... I hope the ashes will be gone by then but I'm not very hopefull.

it is a big economical disaster yes. And yes it is not as big a disaster as the Chinees earthquake but you have to be realistic. This happens in Europe, it is happening to us so it is obviously that in Europe it would be a big deal while China is so far away.

maybe we can learn something from it, to not take travel for granted.

I wonder, and maybe shouldn't be saying this, but why do we have to care for all the misery in the world all the time? Do we have to take responsiblity for it all?

I don't know, I am just naturally build this way. I know I have unrealistic/idealistic ideals about current world maters. I feel as if I should be responsible in making a change, contribute to a greater cause yet I know that for such equality to exist and for humans to be more concerned about the tragedies of others might never be possible, after all humans are mainly meant to look after themselves.
Given some volcanic exports believe it is intensifying, this could turn into a crisis.
I don't know, I am just naturally build this way. I know I have unrealistic/idealistic ideals about current world maters. I feel as if I should be responsible in making a change, contribute to a greater cause yet I know that for such equality to exist and for humans to be more concerned about the tragedies of others might never be possible, after all humans are mainly meant to look after themselves.

I think people care a lot already, everyone in his own way. I pay every month 25
my brother actually joked about this yesterday - he said what about the 700 people killed in earthquakes in china? that apparently wasn't a big disaster, but people missing flights! oh no, that can't happen, god forbid they miss their flights.

i kind of agreed with him, this isn't that big of a deal, all things considered, but since it affects many people & slows down business, it's being made into a huge thing.

Yes I noticed..The lack of attention to the Chinese Earthquake heavily disappointed me..

In the U.S., the NY Times, Washington Post, and NPR thoroughly covered the earthquake and its aftermath. OTOH, the Chinese Government strictly controls the access journalists and NGO's have to locations in and near Tibet, especially when bad news is involved.

The Icelandic Volcano and its effects on air travel will probably, at least indirectly, cause the deaths of more than 700 people although this will be hard to verify and quantify. Beyond that, if the volcano continues to erupt, many businesses that depend solely on air transport will fail and this will have dire consequences for many families and individuals particularly during this terrible economic time.

I wonder, and maybe shouldn't be saying this, but why do we have to care for all the misery in the world all the time? Do we have to take responsiblity for it all?

With almost six billion people on the earth, tens of thousands die sadly and tragically every day (~150,000 total die daily). Just think of the current starvation in North Korea, which is a direct result of a drastic revaluation of North Korean currency dictated by Kim Jong-il because he is threatened by the growth of the black market economy. We don't even know how many people are dying there daily both in the countryside and concentration camps. You have to pick your crises and donate accordingly.
well if your visiting Floridaand can't get back due to the ash, Sea World and Bush Gardens are offering a free admission to their parks for those who can present tickets.
In the U.S., the NY Times, Washington Post, and NPR thoroughly covered the earthquake and its aftermath. OTOH, the Chinese Government strictly controls the access journalists and NGO's have to locations in and near Tibet, especially when bad news is involved.

So the lack of news is due to the Chinese government restricting access to the area? Perhaps, but I think there is more to it than that.

The Icelandic Volcano and its effects on air travel will probably, at least indirectly, cause the deaths of more than 700 people although this will be hard to verify and quantify.
That's quite a claim, would you mind explaining how?
So the lack of news is due to the Chinese government restricting access to the area? Perhaps, but I think there is more to it than that.

no actually that is very well possible. I don't know if it was with this earthquake or the previous one, that the Chinse gouvernement not only restricted acces to press but to aid as well! Aid organizations where standing at the bourders with all there equipement but where not allowed to enter!!!!

but ofcourse, on other reason why there is more publicity about the european vulcano eruption now than about diseasters elsewhere is because this is happening here! It is our diseaster now. People here are asking whether they can travel or not, whether there are health issues or any other danger and it is only natural that the press wants to do everything to help them get all the information needed. It is a hot topic, that is how the press works...