I-75 Jesus Burns to the Ground


Is Watching You
Retired Staff
I don't know how many people around here are familiar with the I-75 Jesus Statue, but apparently it got struck by lightening last night, and burned to the ground. It was a ridiculous 60ft tall statue of Jesus coming out of the water, and was just off of the highway.



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Bahaaha, religious irony ftw (things getting struck by lightning usually signifying god's wrath.).
Are those picture before or after?
My father was crying laughing at this story this morning.

I'll keep my comments to myself....
Speaking of lightning strikes regarding religious symbols and things, I heard a rumor that the individual playing Jesus in Passion of the Christ was struck by lightning while on the cross.
No, it is a wire frame now. There are updated pics @ http://www.journalgazette.net/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100615/NEWS11/100619817/1006/NEWS

Apparently God is didn't like the football touchdown pose. They should have went with buddy jesus.


Completely agree. Buddy Jesus also feels like a much more friendly get to know your savior type of Jesus than field goal Jesus or I'm dying on the cross for your sins Jesus.

Buddy Jesus is also the sort of Jesus you feel like you could pop open a beer with, unlike say...Kung Fu Jesus.
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$250,000 is alot of money, alot of money that could of been put to alot better use.
Talk about an act of God...

Ummmm.. newsflash.. since lightning is considered an act of God, and it was this that caused the destruction of the 6 story tall Jesus statue that cost a quarter of a million dollars...

maybe God was trying to say something here? :) Just me.. idk.. Pay no attention to the small man behind the curtain.. :P
$250,000 is alot of money, alot of money that could of been put to alot better use.
Very much agreed, and they plan on rebuilding...
Speaking of lightning strikes regarding religious symbols and things, I heard a rumor that the individual playing Jesus in Passion of the Christ was struck by lightning while on the cross.

TRUE! I believe he was struck twice by lightning? He was also accidentally whipped and dislocated his shoulder during filming.

Also agree with Seeking Self
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Totally with Seeking_Self on this one.
$250,000 is alot of money, alot of money that could of been put to alot better use.

Very much agreed, and they plan on rebuilding...

It never ceases to amaze me how much people are willing to spend on tasteless and gaudy objects.

At least if the pastor of that joint bought himself a two-door Merc coupe' he could at least claim that he had spent the 250000 on something well built, artistic and useful.
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Wow. I'm not sure what's funnier, the idea of a statue of Jesus coming out of the water near the highway (moment of culture shock) or the irony of it being struck by lightening.