How strong is your intuition?


Community Member
Do you have a developed intuition? What can you intuit?

I swear that I know when people are thinking about me. This sounds bizarre and even paranormal, but it's been confirmed for me on a variety of occassions. Sometimes I'll know someone is thinking of me, so I'll call them and they'll say, "Hey, was just thinking about you!" Happens all the time.

When the connection is stronger I feel it much more strongly. It makes me feel good when people I like are thinking about me...makes me feel odd when other people who I'm not sure about are thinking about me!

just curious if people have similar experiences.

FYI I am totally a creature of reason, but I do think that even if phenomena like these aren't explained by science, doesn't mean they don't/aren't happening...would be a bit arrogant to think that science knows everything about the universe as of year 2009 of the current calendar.
I swear that I know when people are thinking about me. This sounds bizarre and even paranormal, but it's been confirmed for me on a variety of occassions. Sometimes I'll know someone is thinking of me, so I'll call them and they'll say, "Hey, was just thinking about you!" Happens all the time.

When the connection is stronger I feel it much more strongly. It makes me feel good when people I like are thinking about me...makes me feel odd when other people who I'm not sure about are thinking about me!

Happens to me all the time. I don't know if I totally agree about when the connection is stronger though. Just recently I was thinking about a friend I haven't seen or talked to in about 5-6 years and I ran into her on exactly the same day a few hours later when I went grocery shopping (same place I go once a week). And I don't live in a very big town. So, that's happened to me quite a few times.

My best friend from high school I think about all the time and I haven't seen or talked to him in 2 years. But, I just know that when the time is right, we will meet again, I have his number but I don't go looking for him. Our lives are too different right now and our relationship met a fork in the road a few years back...but I just know, someday, he's going to show up at my door, and it will be as if nothing ever changed.
I sensed you would create this thread.
As strong as an Ox.
I am not sure. The tests that I have done said I have pretty high intuition. But I am not psychic and I consider myself quite good at using logic to identify, analyze and solve problems. I also have very good imagination (which people call daydreaming).
You're in a coma?
Daydreaming is therapeutic, as long as it's not excessive! How nice it will be if I win the Lotto... Well, it doesn't hurt to indulge a little before we snap ourselves back to the dreadful reality of work.
Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain.

Do you have a developed intuition? What can you intuit?

I swear that I know when people are thinking about me. This sounds bizarre and even paranormal, but it's been confirmed for me on a variety of occassions. Sometimes I'll know someone is thinking of me, so I'll call them and they'll say, "Hey, was just thinking about you!" Happens all the time.

When the connection is stronger I feel it much more strongly. It makes me feel good when people I like are thinking about me...makes me feel odd when other people who I'm not sure about are thinking about me!

just curious if people have similar experiences.

FYI I am totally a creature of reason, but I do think that even if phenomena like these aren't explained by science, doesn't mean they don't/aren't happening...would be a bit arrogant to think that science knows everything about the universe as of year 2009 of the current calendar.

I get this all the time, and have done since around the age of 20. Except confirmation is via people calling or SMS txting me. Of course cynics argue that its just about what you are paying attention to and choose to confirm via association,but I know its more than that. I've had plenty of genuine 'spooky moments' and very slight precognition. The trouble is it is not something I can control, its random occurences and not a switch I can flip on or off.

I totally agree with you about science not knowing everything. Its a bit like a kind of religion, with hidden enclaves of mavericks who will never admit 'publicly' a belief in more than 5 senses or knowledge of data that confirms it. Mainstream science is very politically correct and cliquey. If you look around in older books from the 80s and 70s, you will find there is actually much serious research that has been done about Telepathy, PKI, Near Death Experiences, etc...Its just hard to find these days in the age of 'information overload' online. The larger groups of professional doubters such as James Randi et al, do not in fact have the proof to definitively prove that ALL such phenomonen are imaginary. But they do have a desire to do so, and as the cynics will say ' we find the evidence to prove or disprove our beliefs eventually' . ;-)
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I'm a new user of this forum and I'm glad that I found a community that thinks and lives the same way as me. I have found that in certain situations, my intuition has brought me apart from the crowd. I don't know how to explain it; but one odd example that comes to mind is that I live on the mouth of a fork, in terms of two roads, and the bus only comes down the left road. However, one day I had the inking that the bus was going to come down the right lane and 5 minutes later, it did.
"How strong is your intuition?"

so strong it can be a nuisance at times.

never steered me wrong..... so thats a good thing...
but sometimes i really wish my intuition wasnt as sharp. :m107:

cool thread.
so strong it can be a nuisance at times.

never steered me wrong..... so thats a good thing...
but sometimes i really wish my intuition wasnt as sharp. :m107:

cool thread.
I suggest you have more 'reproductive excercise' *avoids the S word in light of recent thread dramas* :m034: Just kidding, but seriously thats it isnt it? There is no manual as such on our 'higher faculties' apart from piles of vastly contradictory and competing classical and modern mysticism theory.
I've got a very well developed intuition. It is not certain, and can't be forced to give me stuff like lottery numbers etc....

But I have found i am able to tune into people. especially people i know well. On many occasions I've guessed correctly who is calling either me or my spouse. There are times I've thought about someone 'seemingly' randomly only to have them call the next day, or I've had an incredible urge to call someone only for the first thing for them to say is they were 'just thinking of me'.

I've have lots of precognitive episodes....pain in the ass really. As I usually only get a flash of a scene which doesn't make sense until I approach when it happens in subjective time....then I get that deja vu feeling. Usually a series of flashs are related to some end....and I believe those flashs are like warnings. Change what you are doing and stop 'whatever' from coming to pass. I don't really understand it all, am not going to try to.

I have discovered that my developed intuition is very helpful in tarot readings.
Just kidding, but seriously thats it isnt it? There is no manual as such on our 'higher faculties' apart from piles of vastly contradictory and competing classical and modern mysticism theory.

Haha...yea that about sums it up.
hmm the best I can do as far as pre cog is I had a dream I had a pop quiz in this class and the very next day we did. I can tune into people pretty well, but I've been wrong a few times about certain things. Often times its more of a connection thing. I'll be thinking of a song and the other person will be singing it or vise versa (I dont know who thinks of it first, but the other person will almost always voice it instead of me). Or me and another person will be thinking of the same thing at the same time. Possible coincidences of course but it happens more than the odds call for. The brain is a pretty amazing thing, which we know little about, so alot is possible.
My intuition is high, but if I think about it (instead of going for it) I can talk myself out of it. I can get too logical about it and convince myself that things "aren't really true" when in fact I was right the first time.

Which really, really bugs me.

I wish I'd let myself go with the flow more, and just trust it. It rarely steers me wrong.