Raccoon Love Dec 31, 2009 Wnated to wish you a happy new year, hope 2010 is awesome for you!! Love,Raccoon!!
Duty Mar 27, 2009 The whole thread was just a joke! That was the point. So I don't feel bad at all. Don't worry about it.
The whole thread was just a joke! That was the point. So I don't feel bad at all. Don't worry about it.
EloquentBohemian Mar 27, 2009 He's one of my favourite poets. His best works are Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orphus, of which I like Sonnets better.
He's one of my favourite poets. His best works are Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orphus, of which I like Sonnets better.
B B Bethany Mar 12, 2009 Hey 1/2 Human! Why are you only half now? Sorry it took me so long to write you back! How have you been ?
Hey 1/2 Human! Why are you only half now? Sorry it took me so long to write you back! How have you been ?
moonbabyam Feb 13, 2009 Thanks for the Pic comments! I love your little pic up too!!! Hope all is well!!! Sorry so long to thank you!
Thanks for the Pic comments! I love your little pic up too!!! Hope all is well!!! Sorry so long to thank you!
Bored Now Feb 2, 2009 You're less human today... I like you far too much to subject you to my writing lol.
GargoylesLegacy Feb 2, 2009 Thanks for your rep. I have seen it just yet, since I am not on here too much. =P
Motor Jax Feb 1, 2009 lol, sure... will do, dude... and the thread you were prob looking for is Here... *passes to the left*
lol, sure... will do, dude... and the thread you were prob looking for is Here... *passes to the left*