Motor Jax
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  • Hey man. You're still around. Just logged back in here after a long time awol. Hope you are well... (You invited me here many years ago.)
    I'm glad that you've been well despite being busy, and it makes me happy that things seem to be going well with your new property. :)

    Best of wishes to ya - I hope the nature and solitude have been good for some soul-searching.
    Ahh, I'm sorry to hear you had some rough spells - but I'm glad to hear you're doing better. : )

    It'll be great to hear from ya and see how things have been going. :}
    Of course Jax, we got your back.

    Even when you're broadcasting your shrieking banshee morning alarm for us. :D
    Good luck with everything Mojaxio! I hope the move goes well and things go as smoothly for ya as they can.
    thanks for the thumb, im sorry i irrationally exploded on you about Katy Perry some months ago, not sure what that was all about exactly. cheers
    Rest well. ; )

    Feeling's mutual, my friend. As crazy as some of the times were, I miss a lot of it all, even some of the sparring with trolls (who were often entertaining, at least). I wish I could still be as active nowadays. It's great to see that the place is still active, though. Carry on the tradition!
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