Shaigar recruited folks for the forum, TLM maintained cohesion within the forum, and I sorted the forum for different topics, also coming up with the forum's first rules.
after about 2 months developing a blueprint of the forum, in May 2008 transferred ownership to DeathJam, who now maintains the forum. DJ transferred it from a php board to vBulletin.
i stepped down from admin sometime in 2009 i believe and have been both an active/inactive member for some time.
moved back into full-time admin in early 2013
disengaged, then retired sometime in 2014, i think
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
Places I've seen and visited:
* Mount St. Helens, Washington
* Roswell, NM
* Washington, DC and the Smithsonian Museum
* Arlington Cemetery, DC
* Puerto Rico
* Amarillo, TX
* Malta, Italy
* Crete, Greece
* National Security Agency (NSA), Ft. Meade, MD
* Bermuda Triangle
* Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City National Memorial
* Rome, Italy
* Cleveland, OH
* Dallas, TX
* Colonial Williamburg, VA
* New Orleans, LA
* Vicksburg, MS
* 9/11 Ground Zero, NYC
* Albuquerque, NM
What would be your epitaph?
* most of the time, my thoughts and opinions keep me company
* a social butterfly
* a romantic
* very, very independent
* conform to my own standards
* time sensitive
* a silent warrior
* a solitary thinker
* internally focused
* externally observant
* hyperactive
* extremely motivated for what i believe in
* stubborn
* a free spirit
* still a nerd in a lot of ways
* gentle but bluntly honest
* a mover and a traveler