How do you judge people?


How do you judge people?

You Judge People Based on Others' Opinions

You believe that your friends and family members are good judges of character.
If a friend can vouch for someone, that's all you need to give that person a chance.

If your friends or family dislike someone in your life, you take that seriously as well.
While you can rely on others for advice, try to rely on yourself more. You know deep down who to trust.
You Judge People Based on Evidence

You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.
quite true!

You Judge People Based on Evidence

You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.
You Judge People Based on Evidence

You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.
You Judge People Based on Evidence

You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.
I Judge People Based on Evidence.

I'm noticing a trend here..
Often and accurately.
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You Judge People Based on Evidence


You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.
You Judge People Based on Experience


You think you know human nature pretty well. You've lived long enough to know what kind of people to stay away from.
On the flip side, you know what kind of people you click with. You find it easy to bond with certain strangers.

While you tend to be right about people, sometimes you will dislike someone too quickly for having minor character flaws.
Give new people more of a chance. You can keep strangers at arm's length, but don't write them off right away!
You Judge People Based on Intuition

You can't explain why you trust and like some people. It's all about going with your gut.
Your instincts tend to be right, and your first impression of someone usually sticks.

Keep going with your intuition, as it has served you well ... especially when you have a bad feeling about someone.
Be open to changing your mind about people. Your intuition may change if you learn more information about someone.
You Judge People Based on Evidence
You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.

You Judge People Based on Evidence
You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.

You Judge People Based on Evidence

You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgments about people either.
You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong.

It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people.
You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize.

You Judge People Based on Intuition

You can't explain why you trust and like some people. It's all about going with your gut.
Your instincts tend to be right, and your first impression of someone usually sticks.

Keep going with your intuition, as it has served you well ... especially when you have a bad feeling about someone.
Be open to changing your mind about people. Your intuition may change if you learn more information about someone.
for a bunch of intuitives you sure test like a bunch of thinkers

You Judge People Based on Intuition
You can't explain why you trust and like some people. It's all about going with your gut.
Your instincts tend to be right, and your first impression of someone usually sticks.

Keep going with your intuition, as it has served you well ... especially when you have a bad feeling about someone.
Be open to changing your mind about people. Your intuition may change if you learn more information about someone.
for a bunch of intuitives you sure test like a bunch of thinkers

You Judge People Based on Intuition
You can't explain why you trust and like some people. It's all about going with your gut.
Your instincts tend to be right, and your first impression of someone usually sticks.

Keep going with your intuition, as it has served you well ... especially when you have a bad feeling about someone.
Be open to changing your mind about people. Your intuition may change if you learn more information about someone.

tell that to the NT's xD.