How do you envision your wedding?

I hate the thought of a wedding...

My wedding was ok except my veil caught on fire when I blew out the candle that I was holding, my dad knocked the wedding cake off the display table by accident and my MC had just gone thru an unsuccsessful cataract eye surgery...

We got divorced 10 and a hlaf yrs later, lol
Simple and small. I think the big fuss over weddings is getting a bit out of hand. People are inviting people to their wedding just for the gift (only rude people expect gifts from guests). People are spending tens of thousands of dollars when they can't even afford a house.

I think all this consumerism has a tendency to take away from the real point a wedding - having your friends and family with you to celebrate the beginning of new chapter in your lives. Who cares if the bridesmaids are wearing the same color? Or if the table settings are just right? Or how much the ring cost?

My aunt's wedding was a BBQ in the backyard. I like that kind of idea.
Maybe by an ocean..

Something beautiful..
Summer weather, daylight, probably around noon

I haven't thought about this much yet.

How do you envision your wedding Pristine? :)
This is a good point. I've yet to write the wedding ritual for OoSG.
Simple and small. I think the big fuss over weddings is getting a bit out of hand.

I agree.. none of the drama.
I want love and real joy to be palpable in the air by virtue of the people present.

But no clashing of bridesmaids dresses, lol. If I was to decide now, I would probably say shades of blue/purple/aqua/possibly spring greenish - though I would probably decide on a few close shades.

I would like the wedding to be aesthetically appealing :)
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I agree.. none of the drama.
I want love and real joy to be palpable in the air by virtue of the people present.

But no clashing of bridesmaids dresses, lol. If I was to decide now, I would probably say shades of blue/purple/aqua/possibly spring greenish - though I would probably decide on a few close shades. Depends also on how many bridesmaids I would have, maybe I'd ask them to choose one shade. I would like the wedding to be aesthetically appealing :)

I can see that desire. But I also know that bridesmaids are expected to shell out $200 for a dress they probably won't wear again, unless it's black. To me, asking people to buy a specific outfit for a single night is, well, I don't like it. I don't care if it's traditional. People didn't use to do that. People use to just wear their Sunday's best, or not even have bridesmaids. Bridesmaids is really a Victorian phenomenon. Anyway, I feel uncomfortable asking people to spend $200 so that they'll match in the pictures.

There's got to be a better way to go about this.
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Small. Not heavy; light and fun.

In the middle of a thick primeval forest, that you've got to hike to, and not allowed to camp there.

Lord of The Order of Shai Gar as Celebrant.
Anyone who made the Hike as guests.

Wedding Reception to be held three weeks later, after the honeymoon.

Definite Socially Approved Wedding Tickets Not Allowed:
  • Father to Give Bride Away (I'm not marrying a slave)
  • Brides Maids (The only evil spirits there, will be ethanol)
  • Grooms Men (If she runs away, she's gone. not bringing her back.)
  • Throwing things at the couple. We'd be in a national park. Litter aint allowed.
I can see that desire. But I also know that bridesmaids are expected to shell out $200 for a dress they probably won't wear again, unless it's black. To me, asking people to buy a specific outfit for a single night is, well, I don't like it. I don't care if it's traditional. People didn't use to do that. People use to just wear their Sunday's best, or not even have bridesmaids. Bridesmaids is really a Victorian phenomenon. Anyway, I feel uncomfortable asking people to spend $200 so that they'll match in the pictures.

There's got to be a better way to go about this.

I understand what you mean.

If I get married, when I have a wedding to plan, I will have a lot more to consider and go by than my own thoughts. I imagine I'll know more when I am emotionally involved with the process. There'll be people involved, realities to take into account, and research that I will benefit from. I'm probably idealizing now. Ultimately, I would like my wedding to be an expression of love and beauty. If I get married.
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Seriously, I have no idea. I had some ideas ages ago, but it doesn't mean a whole lot to me. A backyard campground with a big ol' tent and potluck picnics sounds ideal to me. A wedding outside in renaissance regalia would be fun, but who has money for that?

Shoot. I say let's do the JP and then have a party to celebrate. It might be the cheapest way.
the word wedding feels so foreign to me. am i from another planet? i can't for the life of me imagine myself getting married. i can though, envision spending my whole life with one person i deeply that something like getting married? i'm tired i should sleep.
Small wedding unless her family really wants it big (and by "really" I mean they're willing to pay all or most of it because I'm not gonna have that kind of money to spare anytime soon). I don't really care about the minor details that much as long as it is decently nice, perhaps unique, and that I'm marrying an absolutely wonderful woman. I'll be lucky if I can get a date at the moment though, so how I look at marriage is kinda how a 1st grader looks at college. It is some vague thing in the future. I'll work out the details later.
LOL, I am wondering what wedding does with Philosophy, especially LOGIC.
Logically the state offers less taxes and other nice benefits to married couples.
The idea that an entire day is dedicated to me as the center of so much attention . . . hmm. I think not!
My wedding would be at night... A starry crisp clear sky and a full moon maybe a low flying cloud or two for some dramatic shadows. In the middle of a field surrounded with burning torches with a huge bonfire in the middle... Drums beating and wolves howling... I am wearing a kilt with a huge white X on the front, black boots with a wild curly white boy fro thing happening with my hair... We are surrounded by my armed entourage, family and friends as my BEAUTIFUL bride descends the hill in a long flowing dress escorted by her people... The festivities started earlier in the day and the reception happens before the marriage. A shofar blasts in the background as the drum beats grow harder and louder... With the I do, I pick my new bride up after a passionate wet kiss and throw her over my shoulder... I then jump on my big white stallion and take her to my hidden lair in the wilderness... Where we consummate our union all night long in a massive bed in an intense room with no windows lit only by candles on the marble floor... As the candle light flickers the two become one... Spirit, soul and body infuse and flow as time stands still...