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Is there a Hell

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Time Lord
I've noticed this in a Couple of threads, we seem to have varying beliefs in what hell is if it exists at all. So, the question goes, what doe you know about the "Christian" hell, and what are your beliefs on hell in general, if you believe in it at all?

no harsh language please.

ShaiEdit: http://forum.infjs.com/showthread.php?t=5480 This thread is closed, but the poll has better options, for this thread.
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There are no options for "I don't know" or "it is currently impossible to know." The latter would be my choice.
"Hell" is right now, learning and doing with the free will granted to us. Heaven is that opportunity between lives to review whether to return to an earthly incarnation. In my opinion, anyways. I believe we all return to Eminence, or Grace for lack of a better word, eventually.
I assume that once we're dead, that's it, game over, no second chances.
what is hell? devil dont hurt me dont hurt me no more


just got that modified version of the techno song in mah head.
I assume that once we're dead, that's it, game over, no second chances.

Same there is no hell or heaven or afterlife.

Its only a comfort to those who can't accept death finality.
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Oh there is hell. Most likely not an eternal lake of burning fire, but anyone who has felt despair knows what hell is like.
I believe there is a heaven and hell.I also believe that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ.God has given all of us the freedom to choose whichever but at the end of it all we will face the truth on judgment day.(which is that Jesus is the only way to heaven and not merely good deeds.)
I believe there is a heaven and hell.I also believe that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ.God has given all of us the freedom to choose whichever but at the end of it all we will face the truth on judgment day.(which is that Jesus is the only way to heaven and not merely good deeds.)

There are so many philosophical inconsistencies with this...
I don't believe in a single, end-all-be-all hell. However, I do believe in places that are of such a low, negitive energetic vibration that it is pretty much a hell. Examples would be severely haunted areas, spiritual locals where netigive spirits, entities, demons, ect reside. Or even entire worlds. I don't believe that any one person goes to a hell, at least they aren't told to do so. If someone were to be truly evil they would simply be reabsorbed back into the cosmos (unless the escape).

And no poking, Duty. I won't be ingaging in any logical inconsistancy discussions :D.
The "good" go to heaven and the "evil" go to "hell", that will be my take on how hell and heaven are classified(Pretending that such statement applies). So in heaven can only exist that which is good and is devoid of that which is evil and the true can be said of its opposite in hell.

So how do we define those who are evil and those that are good?

Lets suppose that I'm a normal guy with high morals and at the end, life events lead me to kill somebody for the "good" of another. I've clearly violated one of God's commandments in some scriptures but it was for a "good cause". How will I be judged given that all my previous life I was a noble and kind individual? Will I go to heaven where only the "good" reside or do I go to hell where only the "evil" reside?

So I am with Duty in this that I cannot know that which has not been proven to be that of a good nature and that of an evil nature. God truly knows how It's judging but we surely don't.

So if there's no clear definition as to what a "heaven" and "hell" constitute of then I can state that neither of them exist.
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Same there is no hell or heaven or afterlife.

Its only a comfort to those who can't accepts death finality.

Philosophically I have problems with this. I simply do not believe we can know if death is finality. It might appear that way but I think we simply do not know. In thinking along the lines of Socrates; if one fears death, than one assumes they know what death brings.

For all I know, death could be an infinite sleep (which at times is comforting to me) but at the same time, for all I know, it could be just another level of eternal existence (which at other times is comforting to me).

Any way you look at it; I know what I believe but I won't claim that I know it to be true.
Oh there is hell. Most likely not an eternal lake of burning fire, but anyone who has felt despair knows what hell is like.

I would agree with that but I figured he meant in the traditional sense.
Philosophically I have problems with this. I simply do not believe we can know if death is finality. It might appear that way but I think we simply do not know. In thinking along the lines of Socrates; if one fears death, than one assumes they know what death brings.

For all I know, death could be an infinite sleep (which at times is comforting to me) but at the same time, for all I know, it could be just another level of eternal existence (which at other times is comforting to me).

Any way you look at it; I know what I believe but I won't claim that I know it to be true.

The reason I said finality is most people don't agree with my sense of eternalness.

When I refer to being eternal I'm referring to our bodies be used for other life or other materials( our physical body be recycled). So we go on being here in some way. But in the Consciousness sense I would argue we loose that element.
There are no options for "I don't know" or "it is currently impossible to know." The latter would be my choice.

I'll go with this. I don't know. No one knows. It's impossible to know.

According to what I understand of Christian beliefs, we were all damned to hell after the original sin, and only after Jesus died for our sins were we cleansed of our sins and could possibly go to heaven. But then, there's a lot of variation to that -- some people believe only certain people or only a certain amount of people can go to heaven, etc.

And quite frankly, we don't even know what heaven is. We can't know, nor do I believe we could comprehend if we did.

Honestly, I like to believe there is something. But then, that's because I can't wrap my mind around the idea of just stopping, nothing, end-of-all.

I'll see when I get there, though, I suppose.
There are so many philosophical inconsistencies with this...

And that's the point Christianity requires faith.It is just not any other religion rather a personal relationship with God.But you are free to believe whatever.
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I'll go with this. I don't know. No one knows. It's impossible to know.

According to what I understand of Christian beliefs, we were all damned to hell after the original sin, and only after Jesus died for our sins were we cleansed of our sins and could possibly go to heaven. But then, there's a lot of variation to that -- some people believe only certain people or only a certain amount of people can go to heaven, etc.

And quite frankly, we don't even know what heaven is. We can't know, nor do I believe we could comprehend if we did.

Honestly, I like to believe there is something. But then, that's because I can't wrap my mind around the idea of just stopping, nothing, end-of-all.

I'll see when I get there, though, I suppose.

That option is there now.
And that's the point Christianity requires faith.It is just not any other religion rather a personal relationship with God.But you are free to believe whatever.

It should be noted that faith and blind faith are two very different concepts.
And that's the point Christianity requires faith.It is just not any other religion rather a personal relationship with God.But you are free to believe whatever.

Sure, you're free to believe whatever. This doesn't mean you'll go to heaven though. You've got to believe the doctrine, and follow the laws completely.

It's harder for a rich man to get into heaven, than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
Sure, you're free to believe whatever. This doesn't mean you'll go to heaven though. You've got to believe the doctrine, and follow the laws completely.

It's harder for a rich man to get into heaven, than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

Thats right.God has given us the freedom to choose whichever but he has also told us that the only way to heaven is through his son Jesus.If you believe this and follow his ways faithfully even though sometimes you may stumble you will go to heaven.God loves us and he wants the best for us.He wants all of us to go to heaven (Land of milk and honey) but with only one condition;Accept jesus into our lives and follow him.