Gone Today, Here Tomorrow


Absent-Minded Professor
I guess I started this thread to apologize to everyone. I know on this forum, I'm either really here, or absent. I'm like that in my relationships too.

I think I'm kind of like a gypsy (apologies to anyone who is a gypsy, or who would take that offensively). I travel a lot, and can't stand to be in one place too long, but wherever I am, I'm really 100% there. I feel like the woman in Chocolat - when the wind blows east, I'm gone. When the wind blows west, I'm back again.

Maybe it was growing up in foster care, but I have a real stability issue. Not in myself, but with others. I'm very loyal, and anyone I've named as friend here, is a friend for life. But I'm the disappearing woman - here I am - blink, and I'm gone as if I was never there at all. I can't say it makes sense to me, but I really have a hard time staying put anywhere, or in any relationship at all.

So, this is really my apology to you all. I do love and care about many of you and this forum in general - because of the wonderful people in it. I just wanted you to know that. I think this disappearing thing is really a part of who I am though. I'm sorry if I've hurt any of you by it, I really don't mean to. Guess I just wanted to explain myself a bit, and let you know that if any of you reach out to me, I'll always be there for you to the best of my ability.
Just do what feels right for you, and no one can except any more from you. I've always wanted to be friends with a "tumble-weed", just be sure to share some adventures when the wind comes blowing west again!
Hey, as long as you keep coming back it's all good, Moxie. :D We'll leave the light on, and wait for you to come home. :m159:
Not to worry, dearie, lots of things in life are that way. I have some super friends who I ride the train with, or who I dine with, or who I work with....and then one day life changes and *poof*, they're gone! Just seems the way it goes sometimes. The important thing is what you said about "friend for life"....one never knows when paths may cross again.

btw, my excuse is that I am too engaged in "life as we know it" to spend much time on this crazy inter-link thingy.
I thought it is was Mary Poppins whose comings and goings was governed by the winds.
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Can we no longer put in youtube videos? Have a song anyway:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJnQr0O3wNI"]YouTube- silverstein- here today gone tomorrow[/ame]
I'll drag you back to this forum if I have to. :msith:

*hugs* I miss talking to ya.
Oh but its fun to be a tumbleweed! I'm a bit of a gypsy myself. But I moved around a LOT as a kid too. Out of sight out of mind was how I kind of survived. Just so it didn't hurt to leave all the time.*terrorist fist bump* Have fun and peace in your adventures!.
How'd I miss this thread? Having had the pleasure of meeting you, I must say I hope I am in the "friend for life" group as I think you are a super lady! I'm proud to call you a friend! I really don't even see anything to apologize for, but thanks just the same. I think you have one of the most appropriate names on this fourm so don't go changing it to "Tumbleweed!"

No need to apologize, it happens. I do that too sometimes. As long as you don't disappear for good, I think nobody will mind :)
I'm very much the same, Moxie. My own tendencies in that way leave me very understanding when others need to check out for a while. Everyone I engage with is encouraged to travel as they need and welcomed back with joy when they return.

Best to you on your journeys in the east. When you make your way back west again, know you'll always have a place to stay in my friendship.
So many people here come and go for breaks and times of high activity. I totally understand that, you do not need to feel bad for this in any way what so ever.
I am "Mister Stability" myself (or so it seems) but out of respect for others I tend to hold expectations of them very, very lightly. People should be totally free to move about and explore and follow where their destiny seems to be taking them. Seems the least a real friend should do.
I love tumbleweeds!
Well moxie, I think you are so loved around here that the joy of your return would far outweigh anything else, anytime.
I'm a tumbleweed myself although raising three kids takes a lot of the tumble out!
No need to explain. People have their real lives and their online lives, their real personalities and their online personae. The connection between the real and virtual is tenuous. For all you know, I could have traveled to Japan and back in the last week and no one was the wiser. In fact, that's what I did.
No need to explain. People have their real lives and their online lives, their real personalities and their online personae. The connection between the real and virtual is tenuous. For all you know, I could have traveled to Japan and back in the last week and no one was the wiser. In fact, that's what I did.

Norton you going to have post pictures or at least tell us how your trip went.