God is Evolution, and god hasn't been perfected...


Life's a ride
God is Evolution, and god hasn't been perfected...


The only question that keeps us here, is 'why are we here?'

A )We don't know the existence of God. We argue that he does exist, that he doesn't exist, and that it doesn't matter...

We are the gods, because we are part of the universe

God is seen and unseen, unseen because we are the gods. Seen because we are everywhere. (Relate back to argument A)


Hence, the first question is terminated. We were always here ---> evolution.

Evolution is faulty, maybe it's trial an error, maybe it's disaster! But I don't think it's perfected...

----Open offshoot---
A perfect world mean perfect ENTPs, and perfect INFJs. Male and female. That is all. The rest need to be 'evoluted'. Only the ENTPs and INFJs would be comfortable with this. Oops.

You can't have a world of just INFJs, because you'll need someone to boss them around...:D The ENTPs need someone to help them. (To build a better world.)

You'll have the evil ENTPs, good ENTPs, evil INFJs and good INFJs but INFJs adamantly see what's good and what's evil, the ENTPs don't give a damn...
....they cancel out each other. And good and evil doesn't exist anymore, just the world wokring in perfect harmony / god seen and unseen / exists, does not exist, does not matter

--> To Ego. You either have it, or you either don't. We know who has. Back to binaries, they both cancel out each other. ^^

Power. one desires it, the other one doesn't. There ain't any Fear. The certain intensity of INFJness /ENTPness needs to be corrected too ;D and evoluted.

---Close Offshoot---

Of course, i'm speaking from this point in evolution. We are the single ultimate science experiment, taking forever

Perhaps we are leading ourselves to destruction? --> because that is the 'perfect world' = no world, no us, no god, de-evolution.

Well, at least the Big Bang theory supports this --> (the one where there are many big bangs ^^)

God is Evolution, and god hasn't been perfected...

The thing is, evolution has been 'proven' by Darwin, and God has been theorised through religion, but we are the gods, and the two should be put together.

Now, bash me scientifically............
You have just canvassed the basic tenets of PANTHEISM.

Philosophically, pantheism isn't tenable; and it basically contradicts the whole notion of God as a distinct being.
Pantheism, also known as the relabeling of the universe as god, is just a last ditch attempt to have some sort of divine meaning to life...

Spinoza's god and the pantheistic god are not deities, and are just the sum totality of the universe. Why cling to the concept of god so tightly that one must relabel everything as god? Just let it be what it is, the totality of everything. There is plenty of room for reverence and awe, without mystical mumbo jumbo.

"Matter flows from place to place and momentarily comes together to be you. Some people find that thought disturbing. I find the reality thrilling." -Richard Dawkins

That quote sums up my philosophy of life.
Has it ever occurred to you that how we got here isn't very important... as long as it doesn't have to do with why we are here? Not to be condescending, I'm not trying to, just curious if that's an occurrence that's occurred! Why is what matters... I think. And the why will not ever be known! Not until after we die. And if we fade away... then what is to be said of the why?

Has it ever occurred to you that how we got here isn't very important... as long as it doesn't have to do with why we are here? Not to be condescending, I'm not trying to, just curious if that's an occurrence that's occurred! Why is what matters... I think. And the why will not ever be known! Not until after we die. And if we fade away... then what is to be said of the why?


Why is a very human thing. We must assign whys and hows to things in order to make them useful to us. Order causing bodies (brain/mind) create whys, not vice versa. My take on it anyway.
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Why is a very human thing.
I think you are right....perhaps it is the quest, the journey. I will say that in all my own searching the results were always far more immense than I had imagined and tended to upset all my assumptions. In the end, through the search I was recreated in a manner of speaking. The search for answers became an assent...and that, too, is a very human thing.
God is Evolution, and god hasn't been perfected...

----Open offshoot---
A perfect world mean perfect ENTPs, and perfect INFJs. Male and female. That is all. The rest need to be 'evoluted'. Only the ENTPs and INFJs would be comfortable with this. Oops.

You can't have a world of just INFJs, because you'll need someone to boss them around...:D The ENTPs need someone to help them. (To build a better world.)

You'll have the evil ENTPs, good ENTPs, evil INFJs and good INFJs but INFJs adamantly see what's good and what's evil, the ENTPs don't give a damn...
....they cancel out each other. And good and evil doesn't exist anymore, just the world wokring in perfect harmony / god seen and unseen / exists, does not exist, does not matter

--> To Ego. You either have it, or you either don't. We know who has. Back to binaries, they both cancel out each other. ^^

Power. one desires it, the other one doesn't. There ain't any Fear. The certain intensity of INFJness /ENTPness needs to be corrected too ;D and evoluted.

---Close Offshoot---
Posted via Mobile Device
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Darwin just had the observation that:
- species are born with slight random differences
- in harsh conditions only some survive, which happen to fit optimally
- the trend is accumulated over millions of generations
- the result is some condition-fitting features get enhanced slowly

That's all fine, but it's no longer relevant for humans, unless we want it to be, against our better judgement.

The only evolution now should be cultural, and should be aimed towards preservation and keeping natural balance and health, which supports brain development.

If the brains continue to make harsh conditions for each other, in order to outrule each other, the tendency would be that they destroy everything that supports their own health, and so the hypothetical ultimate winner would win nothing.
God is Evolution, and god hasn't been perfected...


The only question that keeps us here, is 'why are we here?'

A )We don't know the existence of God. We argue that he does exist, that he doesn't exist, and that it doesn't matter...

We are the gods, because we are part of the universe

God is seen and unseen, unseen because we are the gods. Seen because we are everywhere. (Relate back to argument A)


Hence, the first question is terminated. We were always here ---> evolution.

Evolution is faulty, maybe it's trial an error, maybe it's disaster! But I don't think it's perfected...

----Open offshoot---
A perfect world mean perfect ENTPs, and perfect INFJs. Male and female. That is all. The rest need to be 'evoluted'. Only the ENTPs and INFJs would be comfortable with this. Oops.

You can't have a world of just INFJs, because you'll need someone to boss them around...:D The ENTPs need someone to help them. (To build a better world.)

You'll have the evil ENTPs, good ENTPs, evil INFJs and good INFJs but INFJs adamantly see what's good and what's evil, the ENTPs don't give a damn...
....they cancel out each other. And good and evil doesn't exist anymore, just the world wokring in perfect harmony / god seen and unseen / exists, does not exist, does not matter

--> To Ego. You either have it, or you either don't. We know who has. Back to binaries, they both cancel out each other. ^^

Power. one desires it, the other one doesn't. There ain't any Fear. The certain intensity of INFJness /ENTPness needs to be corrected too ;D and evoluted.

---Close Offshoot---

Of course, i'm speaking from this point in evolution. We are the single ultimate science experiment, taking forever

Perhaps we are leading ourselves to destruction? --> because that is the 'perfect world' = no world, no us, no god, de-evolution.

Well, at least the Big Bang theory supports this --> (the one where there are many big bangs ^^)

God is Evolution, and god hasn't been perfected...

The thing is, evolution has been 'proven' by Darwin, and God has been theorised through religion, but we are the gods, and the two should be put together.

Now, bash me scientifically............

Hmmm, if we are the gods, because we are a part of the universe. And if we are leading ourselves to destruction, who are we and what is destruction?
You have just canvassed the basic tenets of PANTHEISM.

Philosophically, pantheism isn't tenable; and it basically contradicts the whole notion of God as a distinct being.

Pantheism. I was trying to avoid a term, I just came up with the sentence...'God is Evolution, evolution hasn't been perfected'

Has it ever occurred to you that how we got here isn't very important... as long as it doesn't have to do with why we are here? Not to be condescending, I'm not trying to, just curious if that's an occurrence that's occurred! Why is what matters... I think. And the why will not ever be known! Not until after we die. And if we fade away... then what is to be said of the why?


I did know how wasn't important because I created the offshoot, and close offshoot. The only question that keeps us here, is why are we here. The sentence God is evolution, Evolution is God eliminates it.

I'm not sure this is possible as I'm not sure how much real science is actually contained in the premise!

That's how I usually get turned over?

Perhaps not fully known...but glimpsed? Yes.

Why is a very human thing. We must assign whys and hows to things in order to make them useful to us. Order causing bodies (brain/mind) create whys, not vice versa. My take on it anyway.

I am getting rid of it! The Why!

Posted via Mobile Device

Darwin just had the observation that:
- species are born with slight random differences
- in harsh conditions only some survive, which happen to fit optimally
- the trend is accumulated over millions of generations
- the result is some condition-fitting features get enhanced slowly

That's all fine, but it's no longer relevant for humans, unless we want it to be, against our better judgement.

The only evolution now should be cultural, and should be aimed towards preservation and keeping natural balance and health, which supports brain development.

If the brains continue to make harsh conditions for each other, in order to outrule each other, the tendency would be that they destroy everything that supports their own health, and so the hypothetical ultimate winner would win nothing.

It's...bigger than brains, bigger than people...trees, birds, everything. Everything is made of matter/God.



In order to create the universe, God became the universe and ceased to exist. Evolution and the natural processes of the universe will eventually recreate God.

It's a fun theory.

Hmmm, if we are the gods, because we are a part of the universe. And if we are leading ourselves to destruction, who are we and what is destruction?

Neither is here nor there.

Evolution = De-evolution

God = no god (existence or non-existence) Our 'brains' are tiny

Neutrality and natural state. Avatar's tree of life (part one). The circle of life....ying and yang disappeared into thin, air.
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That's all fine, but it's no longer relevant for humans, unless we want it to be, against our better judgement.

By "no longer relevant" are you referring to our increasing knowledge of genetics, and how because of that it's increasingly the case that we are/will be able to direct the course of our own evolution?
Well I would have argued against you, but your ideas are directly similar to mine.

The Satanic Notion that we are our own gods, my Atomist/Deist leaning and hell, most of that is a part of my philosophy.
Neither is here nor there.

Evolution = De-evolution

God = no god (existence or non-existence) Our 'brains' are tiny

Neutrality and natural state. Avatar's tree of life (part one). The circle of life....ying and yang disappeared into thin, air.

Hmm, sorry, still don't get it. So, who are we and what is destruction in your concept? I mean, I am asking not the processes which are happening now in you, but the definition of your thoughts to my questions.
By "no longer relevant" are you referring to our increasing knowledge of genetics, and how because of that it's increasingly the case that we are/will be able to direct the course of our own evolution?
Cultural evolution. Not DNA evolution. DNA evolution will change nothing, from here, because its importance for culture is entirely relative to how culture decides to interpret DNA.
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Cultural evolution. Not DNA evolution. DNA evolution will change nothing, from here, because its importance for culture is entirely relative to how culture decides to interpret DNA.

I disagree, I think DNA evolution stands to have a huge impact on cultural evolution. Apart from the issue of eliminating genetic diseases (which with all those extra people walking around effects resource availability, and also may alter our attitudes towards the disabled), there is also the issue that in time it is certain that we will be able to alter our DNA in such a way that it effects our brains, which will effect our level of intelligence, our emotional behaviour, and many other things. In other words, it will affect the evolution of our culture.

Cultural evolution and DNA evolution are intrinsically linked, each one affects the other.
I disagree, I think DNA evolution stands to have a huge impact on cultural evolution. Apart from the issue of eliminating genetic diseases (which with all those extra people walking around effects resource availability, and also may alter our attitudes towards the disabled), there is also the issue that in time it is certain that we will be able to alter our DNA in such a way that it effects our brains, which will effect our level of intelligence, our emotional behaviour, and many other things. In other words, it will affect the evolution of our culture.

Cultural evolution and DNA evolution are intrinsically linked, each one affects the other.
Welcome to Nazi Germany, then. With all of its "science", fabricated for a couple of years, and debunked later. You will hear this nonsense only from people who either don't understand how a brain works, or have been forced by circumstances.

No matter what evolution we make, AI will surpass us (in a few decades), and merging us with AI (cyborgs and such) would be as stupid as merging us with flying machines/cars, Google, or the Moon. In the end, we use them, without being merged with them. So that superhero ideal is utter nonsense, motivated by extremely primitive ego of people (should I say psychopaths), who have no idea what they are doing. (remainders of the self-destructive selfishness of kings and queens: I, I, I, I ... well, "I" has limits, otherwise it's just no longer "I" anyway)

But if you are already so brainwashed to fancy the die off of "disabled" people, I pity you, and remind you of:

Besides, there are no "extra people", there is only very stupid and inhumane management of people's abilities, by very inefficient culture, led by the most antisocial ones, who got society into the consumerist trap it is, in the first place. But I guess they'll realize it only after they're done with the ignorant genocide, as usual.
I hate it when people are like 'if there is no meaning to life, no god, I don't want to live'.

I don't understand that perspective.