Gay Marriage: Yes or No

Yes or No to Gay Marriage

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 73.1%
  • No

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 4 7.7%

  • Total voters


Permanent Fixture
I forget
Are you for or against gay marriage? Why or why not? If you're not sure, why are you not sure?

Please be respectful of everyone and no name calling please.
It might be a bit controversial to disagree with it in this day and age. Civil partnership is one thing, that's in the eyes of the government. The Bible kind of says that marriage is between a man and a woman with the purpose of procreation. But it's not like I have a massive problem with it or anything, each to their own.

I'm not a great fan of gay couples bringing up children. I'll agree with the general concensus that a happy same-sex-parent family is better than an abusive "normal" family. But at the same time i do think that it introduces an issue into a child's life that most kids will not have to deal with, and the potential for bullying.
Personally I believe in man, woman and procreation as well!! Although I think its every man's right to be able to marry the one they love.
However I think that it should remain a humanistic question and NOT mix with traditional religious ones. So for gays who want to remain faithful and e.g. marry in church, then there should be reform solutions rather than them imposing change on the church!!
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I believe in gay marrige. I can't see a reason not to believe in gay marrige. I have yet to see or hear an argument from the other side that convinces me otherwise.

If two people want to be partners together, then they should be allowed to. I mean it doesn't harm anyone else therefore it should be allowed.

The religious argument is totally baseless because marriege doesn't need to be a religious bond. It can be, but it most certiantly doesnt have to be.
As I understand it, marriage is purely religious. The concept was a bond between a couple and God, a threeway thing, hence it had to take place in a church. And that is the reason why divorces didn't used to happen when it was taken seriously in a religious way. "What God has brought together let no man lay asunder". It wasn't the place of the humans to make that decision, since the fact that they were getting married was an act of God. Problems have started to happen when people have made it a humanistic matter.
Could anyone tell me why you'd be opposed against it? It's a touchy subject, but I'm just interested why someone would be against it.
I think we can trust eachother and have enough respect that we won't flame eachother.
God that sentence sounds ugly.

EDIT: Yes i've read Nicole's reply, but there are 4 no votes and 1 opinion on it <.<
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Exactly, I want to hear someone who is against it without putting religion into it at all.
Leviticus; 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Hey, you can't argue with that logic
Exactly, I want to hear someone who is against it without putting religion into it at all.

This is impossible. Marriage is a religious act, it always has been. The problem is that marriage is mixed into the law. If the law was completely seperate from marriage and a contract such as civil union was given to all two parties who want to marry, straight or gay, it could be possible to talk about marriage without bringing in religion. But as it is, marriage is a religious act and the religious should have the right to limit who marries--- as long as the government does not endorse marriage or give it any legal merit. If it's part of the government, automatically a church has no right to dictate the law.
To slant: I'm against marriage as well, not because I don't want to promise my eternal love to a person, but because if love is true, the status of being married shouldn't matter. We've just been told that it is right.
And besides, most marriages end up in divorces, so it kind of has lost its value to me.

To sithious: Do I sense sarcasm?
This is impossible. Marriage is a religious act, it always has been. The problem is that marriage is mixed into the law. If the law was completely seperate from marriage and a contract such as civil union was given to all two parties who want to marry, straight or gay, it could be possible to talk about marriage without bringing in religion. But as it is, marriage is a religious act and the religious should have the right to limit who marries--- as long as the government does not endorse marriage or give it any legal merit. If it's part of the government, automatically a church has no right to dictate the law.

I don't want to go offtopic here, but in Belgium you can also have a civil marriage, without any involvement of the church.
Is this also true in other countries?
I'm against marriage in general.

Yeah, I don't believe in marriage either but that's a story for another day. So I'm not really against or in favor of gay marriage. Everyone can do with their lives whatever they want.
This is impossible. Marriage is a religious act, it always has been. The problem is that marriage is mixed into the law. If the law was completely seperate from marriage and a contract such as civil union was given to all two parties who want to marry, straight or gay, it could be possible to talk about marriage without bringing in religion. But as it is, marriage is a religious act and the religious should have the right to limit who marries--- as long as the government does not endorse marriage or give it any legal merit. If it's part of the government, automatically a church has no right to dictate the law.

Yes, but it doesn't have to be, and people do get married in this day and age more often then not for non-religious purposes. I agree religious churches and instituions should be allowed to say no to marring people for whatever reason/ However some people get married outside of a church. The purpose of marriege more or less is for financial reasons now.
I don't want to go offtopic here, but in Belgium you can also have a civil marriage, without any involvement of the church.
Is this also true in other countries?


Imo, each individual church should be able to decide if they want to perform gay marriages or not. And on top of that, gay couples should be able to have a civil marriage wherever they want.
In my country, you can have civil union but it doesn't have all of the same rights of marriage. Marriage really has nothing to do with the government and needs to be seperated from the government. Also, civil union isn't available in all states of my country.
I'm for it, but as for religious ceremonies that should be up to the descretion of the various religions.
People can always be legally married without the involvement of religion!

As I understand it, marriage is purely religious. The concept was a bond between a couple and God, a threeway thing, hence it had to take place in a church. And that is the reason why divorces didn't used to happen when it was taken seriously in a religious way. "What God has brought together let no man lay asunder". It wasn't the place of the humans to make that decision, since the fact that they were getting married was an act of God. Problems have started to happen when people have made it a humanistic matter.

Marriage is not purely religious!! It is the apraisal of a couple, declaring their love for one another by forming a unity!

"Love one another, but make not a bond of Love"

To slant: I'm against marriage as well, not because I don't want to promise my eternal love to a person, but because if love is true, the status of being married shouldn't matter.
Turn it around will you? :)
If love is true, being married should not be a problem?
But it was originally religious, and a lot of the reason it worked was because it involved God. I am a bit of a traditionalist. But most people fall in and out of love and it is extremely difficult to stay in love with one person your whole life, the point of having God involved with it meant there was an extra strength and bond. To take it past human fault and weakness. That's the way I see it anyway.
Turn it around will you? :)
If love is true, being married should not be a problem?

Hypothetical situation:

I am in love with girl x, she asks me too marry her because she wants me to be with her forever.
I'd say yes, if this truly is the wish of my partner I wouldn't want to deny her that.
But why need marriage if you have true love?
In my opinion, true love means:
- You always love eachother, no matter what happens
- You don't cheat on eachother
- You trust eachother
- You know who your partner is