Favorite TV programs for INFJs

Favorite TV programs for INFJs?

  • Discovery and National Geographic

    Votes: 29 50.9%
  • News

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • Movie channels (tv1000, canal+, etc)

    Votes: 10 17.5%
  • Soap operas, Friends, Will and Grace and the similar

    Votes: 9 15.8%
  • CSI and other crime series

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 22 38.6%
  • I don't watch TV

    Votes: 15 26.3%

  • Total voters


Community Member
Hey. I was watching a very interesting program on National Geographic today about the London Eye and how such huge constructions are being made and I realize that I follow National Geographic and Discovery channel quite often. In addition I follow the news channels to inform myself about what is going on around me. What about you, INFJs? Are you attracted to similar TV programs or are you just watching soap operas, other entertainment TV series and so on?
I rarely watch TV. I will watch specials on science type stuff. I love things on Astronomy, Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Cosmology, Archeology, and history. The one series I was REALLY into in the last five years was Jericho! I love that and they canceled it after one and one half seasons! Yeah, I was one of those weridos that called CBS, wrote them, and sent them peanuts! If your weren't paying attention to TV right then, you might have missed it, but we made a little bit of history! Maybe I'll start a thread on the whole thing.......

I demand a option for cartoons.
Absolutely not! I have four kids and would have to check off every box, even though I don't willingly watch them. I can recite every episode of Sponge Bob from memory!! :m169:
Absolutely not! I have four kids and would have to check off every box, even though I don't willingly watch them. I can recite every episode of Sponge Bob from memory!! :m169:

well I was hoping for more of just a general cartoon box, not a listing of cartoons. Is that acceptable.
I'm a Animal planet fan (I can watch this whole day), Discovery and National Geography, when it comes to movies I don't watch them on cable mostly, and tv shows, well it's embarrassing but I watch too much of them definitely, I like British tv when it comes to tv shows but number one place on my list of top tv shows ever still holds The Wire which is HBO. I like crime/drama shows, occasional morbid themes (like Six feet under was), comedies,... meh you name it, I watched it. :D
Not an INFJ so I won't vote on the poll, however my favorite TV shows are;

Master Chef (its pretty big over here in New Zealand)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ici1CGo0NE"]YouTube- MasterChef New Zealand Promo[/ame]

Hunger for the wild (another kiwi cooking show)
Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares (both Gordon Ramsay shows)

Spongebob Squarepants (watch it everyday)

Tenko (my most favorite old school BBC soap drama about a womens p.o.w camp in the second world war based on real life experiences, a must watch, I'll have to upload the series on youtube sometime)

Thats pretty much all I can think of at the moment.
I have never heard about it, QP. Can you explain a bit more about it? INFJ and causes - oh, yeah :D Barnabas, I would add it if I knew how to edit a poll, but I don't know :S
Unfortunatley you can't, wish you could, I've found myself with the need to add options to a poll before.
I like it when good films come on (saves me having to rent them out), Documentaries are awesome, soap operas are usually good (Friends and Scrubs being the best, probably), I like The Mentalist (crime-type thing).

But I clicked other as well 'cause I still love cartoons XD they're strangely theraputic.

Interestingly, although I put down that I like a lot, I really don't watch much TV at all...
(Moxie's next avatar?)

I tend to the science fiction, BSG, Flash Forward, V, Lost, Defying Gravity, Caprica, Also a fan of 24 Life, and Damages.
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I dont watch much television. Its really boring to me, but when I do. I watch discovery channel, or movies, or true crime type shows...

I will admit that I have shows I watch regularly, but I wouldnt watch them if not for my hubby.


I indulge myself in True blood, but only when it came on dvd!
Oh, yes - Lost, Heroes, Flash forward and similar I like as well. I am also a very big fan of Big Bang Theory and Sheldon :popcorn: This show fits me sooooo good :D I guess I am a person who emphasizes a lot on visual perception of the world around me. People like Elf who don't watch TV but listen to the radio ...... they probably explore the world through their ears? :m125:
"In Treatment" (it is intense)
I have never heard about it, QP. Can you explain a bit more about it? INFJ and causes - oh, yeah :D Barnabas, I would add it if I knew how to edit a poll, but I don't know :S

Jericho was a series on CBS that got canceled after a good first season (ratings-wise). The fans got really pissed and started a write-in campaign to get the series back. We also bombarded CBS switch boards and sent TONS of nuts to CBS headquarters (this is from a reference in the final episode). I did all of this, wrote letters, called CBS, sent nuts. We managed to get CBS to green light a shortened second season. This was only the second time that had happened in broadcast TV history.

Unfortunately, CBS only made 8 episodes, put it in a terrible time slot, and didn't let everyone know (no advertising) that it was coming back. It didn't perform well and was again canceled. They replaced it with two different series that both did worse in ratings and neither lasted a full season. That's the last TV show I watched regularly. Network TV sucks! Check out this link:

I always favor documentaries of some sort, but I do watch Top Gear and sometimes a how-to show. I pan all of the network shows...a bit too contrived, formulaic, high-drama for my taste.
I only use my TV for movies and video games. I don't even get local channels. I've been known to watch the following shows:

Judge Judy
People's Court
Bridezillas (Guilty pleasure # 1)
Eli Stone (aww, I just saw it got canceled)
The Real World (I've grown out of it I think. I know instantly if I'm going to like a cast.)
The Maury Show (I don't tell people about this, but paternity tests = hilarious.)
I watch cartoons/anime as well, but usually only the stuff that comes on late night.