Do you make friends on personality type base?


How do you make friends?

If your personality infj, intj,entp,enfp,infp whatever it is.

For example if you are an infj so you will go for entp or enfp. otherwise no. IN this way you make friend?

I don't make friends on personality base, i make them by their nature, their attitude and ability to give full commitment as friend.
Huh, the only friends I have are in this forum so I would say yes...though I do not wanted to be this way.
I never base friendships on their personality types. Proof of this is that there is really no pattern to speak of what so ever as far as personality type.
I don't really think about MBTI types when I am befriending people. I am probably more naturally inclined to gravitate towards and open up to certain types of people, for example, probably extraverted F's, particularly. But it's not a conscious thing, and I really have no idea what type I get along best with. People are people, and I have much difficulty typing people, anyway, because I see too many gray areas to decide where preferences lie.
I would be wary of taking MBTI where it's not ment to go, really ut's not a tool for finding friends and mates but instead one to help you understand others around you and to help you act in knowledgeable way.
One thing i think we must see their patience and ability to understand each other. If they need help, then we should be with them as friend. That's true meaning of friendship according me.
Oh, no! that would be stupid and very very very narrow minded. You never know what part of saomone's character will draw you to that person. Sirious friendship is like love, there is not too much logic:)
I'm drawn to certain types of people. If an inventory of my friends were taken, MBTI patterns may emerge, and I think this might be the case for many people. However, I respond to people based on how I feel about them. While I have, lately, begun to try to figure out MBTI types of people I encounter, I try not to use it for anything other than understanding them better and understanding the dynamics of our relationship, if that. I don't use MBTI to determine whether or not I will approach someone, or how I will approach them and interact with them. Type is a valid tool, but also a generalized description of a person. There is much more to each of us than which of 16 categories we best fit within. I believe you can have a highly satisfying relationship (friendship/romantic/other) between two people of any type when those persons are mutually mature, developed, and compatible. Some type interactions are easier and more fulfilling than others, but each type has their strengths and people of each type are capable of expressing a myriad of wonderful qualities. Thus, we could (and often would) truly miss out if we began to use MBTI as a social filter.
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I have a pattern of friends but this was found after the fact. Generally extroverts as it compliments me when I'm in my own little world they tend to drag me out of it.
I sure hope not! :P that would be extremely limiting, don't you think?
I don't go looking for certain types, that's ridiculous, but the friendships I have tend to always be with NP types.
To do that i think would be to be too selective. I never do that, but maybe after a while of knowing them I'll wonder what they are.
:) I don't really know how to type a person so.... I make friends with random people ahahahahahaha then when I feel that that person would be a good friend to me, then I make an effort to develop the friendship more :) :)

and... I don't quite read about other types.... I only read about INFJs so.... yeah:mhula: hahahaahahaha

I don't really care what their type is... as long as we click then GO!:m027: hihihi
What, I'm such a minority? I like INFJs and INTJs. And even then, only certain types of each. So 1/3 of INFJs and 1/3 of INTJs I would like.

I like the INFJs who are intelligent and intuitive. Not all are. Not too judgmental is preferred. Strong Fe is preferred.

I like INTJs who are emotionally balanced, and there are other things I look for too intuitively, but I haven't taken the time to analyze myself and put it into words. I've actually ignored 3 on here who tried to talk to me. They liked my blog. Dunno, didn't get a feely sorta vibe from them. I like the feely ones. 2 INTJs I did talk to a bit. One I liked a lot because she's incredibly honest, expressive, and doesn't seem that judgmental. Another similar to that too (but really not that similar as a PERSON). Found an INTJ who I like at this crisis center too (IRL!). I felt as though I saw beauty in them that nobody else did. Prior to experiencing these INTJs I actually felt that I wouldn't like or get along with INTJs.

Extroverts talk too much and it's annoying. I'm serious. Other than that, ENFJs are not bad choices.

FYI, just because I know what I like does not preclude me from giving other types a chance. But the above are just what I've learned from experience... what little I have, but it seems like enough for a tentative read.

Oh, and I like females. Not sure why, but I can guess it has something to do with being less threatening to my ginormous ego, and having softer edges. Mmm... there's usually SOME romantic interest, but not too much. More of a "yeah, whatever" sort of thing. Occasionally there's a strong spark. And, to be honest, the intensity with which I connect with people who I am interested in is really high. Connecting with males like this feels kinda gay, which I'm not all that comfy with.

INTJs and INFJs rare. I mostly have online chat buddies from here. 1 INFJ irl friend. Lonely being me, yeah... too bad... wish the types i liked were more prevalent, or at least show up in front of me more often.
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No, I choose friends by sheer chance. If I happen to sit next to them in class or talk to them after an activity (like when I made my first real friends in secondary school, just running up to them after an assault course). It's mostly luck XD
Extroverts talk too much and it's annoying. I'm serious. Other than that, ENFJs are not bad choices.

I don't agree with this. All are not same in this world. :) After all it depends on person, if they can control themselves or not. Any personality can be all rounder and very nice person.

I try to control myself.
Nope, I have friends of all personality types, from INFJ's to ESFP's.

I make friends based on their morals and how they treat me.