Do you hide parts of your self?


Do you hide parts of your self/personality because you're afraid of the way others will respond or because you're worried that people will not be accepting?
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Yea, to some extent.

I don't disguise my identity on here but I don't go throwing my poems up on facebook or anything.

I mean, I am truthful if someone asks me something, but I don't wear it all on my sleeve.
Yeah - But I'm trying not too these days. Now my friends keep telling me that I'm overreacting to stuff because if I think something's funny, I'll laugh.

Usually, I'm cracking myself up in my mind...

Now that I think about it, I'm like an iceberg. Icebergs are still icebergs even though most of their surface area is under water. I don't think it's a misrepresentation but honestly, I don't think people really get how deep I am.

Pun intended.
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Not really, although with age I've learned it's sometimes better to keep my mouth shut. I'm a very original thinker and there are times if I said what I was thinking I would get some very funny looks. I'm not as traditional as I might seem.
I don't go throwing my poems up on facebook or anything.
What 'choo trying to say?

I hide parts of myself in the physical world a lot more than I do online. It's a defense mechanism, and I would find it rather strange to talk about the workings of my mind without having a chance to think about them.

I think if I met any of you (outside of QP) you'd view me in an entirely different way than my friends and possibly even family do.
I hide parts of myself in the physical world a lot more than I do online.

as of right now im with you, though im tryin to work on this. think im just getting sick of self limitations.
I hide a lot of myself unless someone's in my very close circle of about 8 or 10 people.

That's why my acquaintances think I'm an INTP and my long-time friends/girlfriends know I'm an INFJ.
I find its just harder to properly express all the parts and I get worn out trying. At work however I do indeed hide, unless my buddies are around. Like suddenly switching modes, and its acute enough that everyone else thinks there is something lovey going on, lol.
Also sometimes the opportunity to show off sides of myself don't really come up. Like I like overly cute clothing but I had no opportunity to show such until the Scott Pilgrim Avatar thread came up. I made a rainbow coloured loli costume for myself XD. All it was missing was my trademark hairband.
Otherwise, I don't actively try and hide parts of myself, and if fact I think I might have to start doing that as my tone is often very harsh when I speak my mind. I got a lot of enneagram type 9 rage-ohol.
yep. For security. >_>; Not everyone's accepting of everything....... Of course, saying that, I mean I simply put no effort in showing it. If it shows (one time I was caught looking at a ceiling during a card game, for example); sure, that's me.
Do you hide parts of your self/personality because you're afraid of the way others will respond or because you're worried that people will not be accepting?

Yeah, I hide all my less than positive emotions; anger, sadness, loneliness. I'm sure people can still tell something is wrong, but I'm just not one to burden others with all the 'i've no business feeling this way' feelings
yep. For security. >_>; Not everyone's accepting of everything....... Of course, saying that, I mean I simply put no effort in showing it. If it shows (one time I was caught looking at a ceiling during a card game, for example); sure, that's me.

LOL I get yelled at for spacing like that when playing Gostop... probably why I always end up losing money. D:

...are those the lyrics to "Lydia" in your sig?
I'm mostly concerned about what revealing myself says about me.
I'm mostly concerned about what revealing myself says about me.
As in what exactly? You saying that showing anger would show weakness, as an example?
Yeah, like that. Maybe I have a cynical, fatalistic side that I don't show because I'm not the kind of person who would impose his morbidity on others.

Just because you have flaws doesn't mean you have to throw them out there.
Yeah, like that. Maybe I have a cynical, fatalistic side that I don't show because I'm not the kind of person who would impose his morbidity on others.

Just because you have flaws doesn't mean you have to throw them out there.
True enough, but I'd just say you're being polite more than hiding anything. Though are you actually morbid?
Not really. Well, it's hard to say because I've been really into metal over the past four years and it's distorted what I actually think and feel a bit, but I'm pretty sure not.
i'm actually not that shy, though many people mistake my silence for not wanting to talk to them. It's not that at all; it's more me trying to think of something that would be meaningful to say.

I usually save my opinionated side for when I get to know someone very well
Not really. Well, it's hard to say because I've been really into metal over the past four years and it's distorted what I actually think and feel a bit, but I'm pretty sure not.
Hehehe, okay, I am into metal too actually and it certainly hasn't made me morbid. It just makes me want to learn violin or cello actually...

More on this, I have my own questions for everyone: do you consider the way you think and act when you are upset to be an actual side of your personality? I have a hard time reconciling if how I am when I am mad is another side of myself, or rather me through a filter of stress. I often don't like how I behave when I am mad but see the actions as foreign, not as some deep dark self coming out that must be repressed. Anyone else feel the same?
More on this, I have my own questions for everyone: do you consider the way you think and act when you are upset to be an actual side of your personality? I have a hard time reconciling if how I am when I am mad is another side of myself, or rather me through a filter of stress. I often don't like how I behave when I am mad but see the actions as foreign, not as some deep dark self coming out that must be repressed. Anyone else feel the same?

I feel both at different times. I think it depends on how I interpret my own anger. If I'm jealous of somebody for something petty, I'll try to close myself off from that "side" of myself, and then the anger feels foreign, like you said.

On the other hand, if someone insults or wrongs me for no reason and I'm standing up for myself, an angry response would feel like it was coming straight from the heart. And thus totally part of me.

Hmm... makes me think.
Yes I do. I can't tell people I'm bipolar for obvious reasons. Most of the time when I've revealed much about myself to people they just it to manipulate me. I only have two friends that I reveal most of myself to.