Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in ghosts?

  • Yes I do believe in ghosts.

    Votes: 83 51.6%
  • No I do not believe in ghosts

    Votes: 78 48.4%

  • Total voters


Town Drunkard
It is a simple yes or no question. Of course it is interesting to read reasons posted. Stories and arguments are welcome. Boo
Nope! I just have never seen anything. I don't rule out the possibility, but I don't personally believe it until I see/experience it.
It depends on what your definition of "ghost" is.
Everything that has existed, still exists.
But at a different wavelength.
Nothing dies. Ever. It merely changes.
It depends on what your definition of "ghost" is.
Everything that has existed, still exists.
But at a different wavelength.
Nothing dies. Ever. It merely changes.

Seriously, is this naxx?
I do believe in ghosts, I hope to be one someday. I'm undecided on who I'd like to haunt though.
It depends on what your definition of "ghost" is.
Everything that has existed, still exists.
But at a different wavelength.
Nothing dies. Ever. It merely changes.

Physcially, everything dies.

Spiritually, we don't.
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Yes, i think so, There is supernatural world. We can't see.
But i want to tell one other thing, you can't see ghosts, It has two reasons:

1. If you don't believe them, then you will not able to see them
2. Our eyes don't have capacity to see them, but animals have, so they can see.
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Nope, I don't believe in ghosts in the haunting, unfinished business sort of way. I believe every person possesses a spiritual energy that is subsequently released when we die, but I severely doubt any of that energy is conscious quite the same way we are, let alone able to express the desire to stick around and attempt to interact with us fleshlings.

I checked "no" on the poll for this reason.
I do believe in ghosts. I distrust my doubts. I don't know the HOWs or whys of the ghost and spirit world, but I figure there is validity to people who time and time again share personal accounts and experiences with ghosts. That kind of information isn't easy for me to discount. It seems kind of close-minded to do so, to be honest. I don't mean to offend, I just have heard so much from people I trust that it feels close-minded for me to say "You're mistaken or making it up", just because I don't share the same level of awareness or experience. But I can understand how hard it is to believe something like that. To each their own.
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Depends on what your definition of ghost is.I do believe that there is something out there - sometimes you walk past a place and just get a bad feeling.
hotkebab said:
Physcially, everything dies.

Depends on your definition of death, it would perhaps be more accurate to say that "physically, everything de-coheres". All the particles that make up our bodies were once little bits and pieces of many other things, then they cohered together and formed us, and when we "die" they will de-cohere and go off to form little bits and pieces of many other things again. So in that sense what Crow said was true, nothing dies, ever, it merely changes.

Yes, i think so, There is supernatural world. We can't see.
But i want to tell one other thing, you can't see ghosts, It has two reasons:

1. If you don't believe them, then you will not able to see them
2. Our eyes don't have capacity to see them, but animals have, so they can see.

To address your second statement first, human eyes have no significant differences from the eyes of other animals that would account for them being able to see ghosts but us not being able to see them. The moment even one human being claimed to have seen a ghost it proved that, if ghosts really do exist, then in terms of our eyes we can see them just the same as animals can. If there really is a difference between animals and people it would be in the brain, not the eyes. Not in the sense data itself, but the way that data is interpreted (more on that in my response to Soulful's post).

To your first statement, for now I'll just rephrase your statement in a different way: "If you see them, it's because you believe in them." but I'll go into a little more detail about what I mean by that in my response to Soulful below.

Soulful said:
I do believe in ghosts. I distrust my doubts. I don't know the HOWs or whys of the ghost and spirit world, but I figure there is validity to people who time and time again share personal accounts and experiences with ghosts. That kind of information isn't easy for me to discount. It seems kind of close-minded to do so, to be honest. I don't mean to offend, I just have heard so much from people I trust that it feels close-minded for me to say "You're mistaken or making it up", just because I don't share the same level of awareness or experience. But I can understand how hard it is to believe something like that. To each their own.

It could be that the experience itself is real (in that something definitely happened) but that it contained certain ambiguities, leaving the door open to personal interpretations. In that case I wouldn't question that something had happened, but only their interpretation of what happened.

Like I said in response to Roger, it can be argued that: "If you see them. it's because you believe in them." That is, if a person experiences something that is difficult to define concretely, that has room for personal interpretation, all of us will seek to interpret what has happened according to our own preferred semantic model of reality.

If a belief in ghosts is my preferred model of reality, I'm likely to interpret the event in terms of the paranormal. If my preferred model includes a belief that angels, I'm likely to interpret the exact same event in terms of a religious encounter. If a belief in aliens, it'll be in terms of UFOs. And if my semantic model of reality includes a belief that such events simply do not happen, then I'm likely to interpret things in those terms, maybe even claiming that the whole thing was "A figment of my imagination", or even that nothing had happened at all!

This only becomes a problem when people assume that their model is definitely the "correct one" and that all the other models are definitely the "wrong ones", because it leads people to discount relevant information on the grounds that it doesn't fit their particular model so therefore it must be wrong. This applies equally to everyone who does this sort of thing, whether the belief is that it was definitely ghosts, definitely aliens, or (like in your example) that it definitely didn't happen at all.
Ghost ghost i believe in Ghosts.....

I believe...there are "other" things out there.

I have stories of ....go=hostly experiences but?..

i dunnp. the term GHOST just doesnt fit for me.

Maybe dead people are still on this earth or maybe ummm its something or someone else idk but...I do have stories.

Lets just not use the term "ghost".

Lets say theres just...other things. Or forms of beings.

I do believe in those. Bcuz i feel those. u know that feeling when u KNOW someone is watching you or near u?

I get that feeling ALOt and...i just know sumones there sumtimes. But...i mean is it there to hurt me?..

i highly doubt that.

But i had one experience where i Thought i was trying to help a spirit and something COINCIDENTALLY happened to me right when i tried but....did the Sprirt do that?

Once again i dont know. I ha ve plenty to say on ghost but its all theorys and storys and stuff. That is it.

but to answer your question( which i strangely got away from, sorry)

yes. i do. Believe in something but...the word "Ghost" or maybe the way its looked upon. i dunno. really dont.
Depends on your definition of death, it would perhaps be more accurate to say that "physically, everything de-coheres". All the particles that make up our bodies were once little bits and pieces of many other things, then they cohered together and formed us, and when we "die" they will de-cohere and go off to form little bits and pieces of many other things again. So in that sense what Crow said was true, nothing dies, ever, it merely changes.

This painting pretty much explains what I mean;

I believe in paranormal experiences and therefore in scientifically unexplainable things. Ghostly types of experiences might fit in this category but there is also a whole range of other types of experiences in this category that I definitely believe in based on certain accounts. In the end, it's just about leaving room open for things that can't be readily explained. I'm fine with that.
What I wrote doesn't exclude the end point of the particular form of particle coherence that we call a person.

Try reading past the first line next time. :tongue:

(j/k) :wink:

I tried to write down what I meant but then I saw that painting and I thought that pretty much sums up what I was trying to say.

Otherwise I agree with what you and crow said.