Default Emotion


Regular Poster
Robert Plutchik developed a theory showing eight primary human emotions and argued that all human emotions can be derived from these.Boredom has been my "default" emotion for a while..What is your default emotion? What do you feel a majority of the time?

For a long time I was in apprehension, and I seem to default there when I am stressed. Although I move around through all of the warm color moods most of the time.
Amused apathy is my default emotion. It looks like serenity, but it isn't quite.
I fall into the green sector on that chart. I usually feel a bittersweet combination of anxiety and peace, of attachment and loss.
As Patrick Swayze taught me in Donnie Darko, all human emotion actually stems from Fear and Love...
For a long time, mine was pensiveness, but now it's acceptance. Sometimes, I slip into serenity. I suppose that means I've grown?
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I tend not to notice my emotions unless a) they are obvious and overwhelming, or b) I'm purposely trying to notice them to answer a "How do you feel?" question. Even then, it can take some effort.

That's why I like the 'mood in pictures' thread. Instead of trying to translate anything, I can just look through pictures until: "Yup, that's it."

Looking at the chart right now, I feel some blend of 'interest' and 'apprehension.' But I don't know what my most frequent emotions are.
Where is shame???

Wouldn't that be self-directed contempt? Or possibly remorse? It's definitely a form of disgust, so it should be hovering around that purple section.
Wouldn't that be self-directed contempt? Or possibly remorse? It's definitely a form of disgust, so it should be hovering around that purple section.
Yes, I would have to agree.. good eye, thanks

P.S. You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
No, human emotions can be explained by the all the lost Alien souls released by Lord Xenu
Damn, would be nice to have optimism as a default emotion. I decided I will do that.
Chronic irreverence.

ETA: ...with humor, of course.
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I've been thinking about this question, and I think I have an answer now! Speaking only about the recent past... because I went through a lengthy dark blue/purple period before that, and my memory isn't good enough to discuss any earlier period with certainty.

I think I'm mostly orange ("interest"/"anticipation"), yellow ("joy"), and darker green ("apprehension"), which splashes of sky blue ("amazement"/"surprise"/"distraction").

The color I feel least is probably light green ("trust").
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complete apathy with a healthy dose of pain :m176:

I wouldnt have it any other way :mcunni: