Class poll on prejudice

Correction. It is a "family values" state.

A state that is over 66% Christian and whose government is over 90% Christian. But none of this kind of stuff is new to me. Just what I have been dealing with since I was in junior high and part of what has made me the person I am today.

TLM pretty much answered the question. The problem with organized, think-for-the masses religion is, few people go to the source text; they rely on other people telling them what the text says, and then they follow that person. There's no "Christian" love in Utah if they're sending their kids off into the street, homeless and poor. That's human ignorance and human self-righteousness. It's, "I'm better than you", pharisaical guano rearing its ugly head. Not Christianity.

Jesus was hardest on the leaders of organized religion. He didn't condemn the people - he loved them, right where they were. All he did was open his hand to the people.

But I know we have different opinions on religion, Satya, and that's ok. Either way you look at it, putting kids out on the street is WRONG. It's cruel, and I hope the laws in Utah start changing so kids can stop dying and start living free.

I'm glad I don't live in Utah, but in a way I wish I did, just so I could help these children.
Utah: home of America's most powerful weirdos - The Simpsons

Why would I go to Utah? I love booze, caffeine and monogamy - Homer Simpson
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Shai, I'll say right up front that your argument made sense to me. I understand it, and sincerely don't have a problem with it.

We live in different cultures, with different laws. There are no laws requiring fathers of children to take financial, emotional or moral responsibility for their "illegitimate" children here. Even if there has been marriage - and divorce - good luck collecting the settlement or engaging the man who impregnated you in the life of your child. Been there. Got pregnant at 19, got married, got divorced at 21. Ex wouldn't pay the $50 freaking dollars a month (which didn't pay half of one week's childcare while I worked) I settled for (not alimony, which I didn't ask for) because then he wouldn't have been able to make his Harley payment. My father never paid the child support he owed my mother, either. Ever. Despite having an Astin Martin while we lived in a crappy apartment that often didn't have heat/hot water in the winter.

There are two sides to that coin.

Cool, you want a vasectomy. I'm ALL FOR responsible parenting, including conscious thoughtful decisions about becoming a parent. I'm pro-birth control, I'm pro-choice. I'm pro-committed, loving parenting. Men who use condoms and get vasectomies are HEROES in my eyes. So are men who acknowledge and care for their children, if not the mothers of those children.

I just freaking HATE to hear all women lumped together as the sinner, the parasite, The One To Blame, regardless of their choice. If they have a choice. It makes my lips curl back to hear any man... any man... dismissively and derisively talk about pregnancy and/or abortion like they could possibly begin to have the shadow of an inkling of a concept of what either entails.

Making assumptions about women who find themselves young, alone and pregnant is cold, shallow, and lacking in imagination and empathy. Not all of them are wellfare sluts.


Yeah, I rock.
Reading that poll I think the thing that sickened me most was the "genocide" option and the fact that there was even ONE person who marked that. What the hell is wrong with those people? I never understood people who are so intolerant of someone just because they have a different ideology or skin color. I mean seriously? That's like saying you don't like/trust someone because they always wear a blue shirt - IT'S JUST IDIOTIC.

As far as Christianity goes I doubt most "Christians" actually have it right. A lot of people say they're Christian but they don't stand for what it actually represents. This really saddens me.
If the main cause is that it is a "barren area" then explain why Nebraska, which does not have a high LDS population, is exempt from the suicide rates of the other states that do.

I wouldn't call Nebraska barren. It may not be as lush and verdent as oh...Florida but even the rolling hills of cornfields and pasture land have their own beauty to them. And there is a definate difference in the midwestern mindset in Nebraska to that of the South (Texas specifically) and even here in Nevada (from what I have discerned).
I wouldn't call Nebraska barren. It may not be as lush and verdent as oh...Florida but even the rolling hills of cornfields and pasture land have their own beauty to them. And there is a definate difference in the midwestern mindset in Nebraska to that of the South (Texas specifically) and even here in Nevada (from what I have discerned).

Barren wasn't my choice of words, hence the quotes.
Oy! Now I kinda feel like I'm being taken out of context...I didn't mention Nebraska by name. I was talking about that area in general. And I didn't mean barren as in the flora and fauna - I meant barren because that area seems sparsely populated compared to other areas.

Hopefully that makes more sense now. I'd forgotten about this conversation, actually.
Reading that poll I think the thing that sickened me most was the "genocide" option and the fact that there was even ONE person who marked that.

Same. Saddened by the expulsion option too. I understand not wanting to be around violent criminals that have shown they are capable of recklessly hurting others, that's common sense self preservation but other than that it's just wrong.
Everyone has the same capability as a murderer...
Everyone has the same capability as an assaulter...

The only difference is, they haven't been pushed over the edge for that crime.

I love the john denver reference quinlan. "Almost heaven west virginia"
I live in the "dead zone" Idaho. Let me give you my perspective on the subject.
For the longest time I wanted to put a bullet thru my skull. Still think about it even today. Now people will call suicide a selfish act. I call life a selfish act, and it really is all about you when you dig to the bottom of your inner hole. I wanted to kill myself over others judgements about myself and how I felt about their judgements of me. They put me into the depression. And yes I am a LDS member. It's all the your bad for this or your bad for that. It is judging that is killing everyone!!
It comes in many forms. Hard stares of disapproval from people who don't know you but you can feel them judging you as they look at you. Unlike others I look people right in the eye and I will stare them down if I need too. I grew a beard last month grizzly adams style. You should have seen the looks I got from people. Humans suck.
We have sucked since the dawn of our existence. And over the centuries we have gotten smarter. But I think in the last thirty years we have been going on a downward spiral. People like to feel your pain but they do nothing to help your pain which is more important. Just feeling for someone does absolutely nothing. What everyone is guilty of myself included is not helping our fellow man. Since we have all this technology we think that we are independent from one another.
What happens when the lights go out? Do we need one another? What if food was in short supply. Would most people try to live together and help? I don't think they would. And current history makes my case. Look at Katrina. People were shooting at the first responders. People suck without good upbringing. A lot of kids have been neglected and ignored by their parents. It seems to be a trend today. If I keep my kids busy they won't bother me. And I don't have to be a parent I can be a friend. Ignorance begins at home and I had plenty when I grew up. Living in isolation is the cause. I did not know any thing about the world other than what was being directly taught to me by the people I was around. For some reason I always looked at different points of view and have learned to see the world that way.
I could go on and on. Bottom line. Man has corrupted himself to the point that he thinks that he does not need anyones help even god's. He thinks he knows best and is doomed to fail until he learns to get along with the other inhabitants of this planet.... In short WE SUCK...
I love the john denver reference quinlan. "Almost heaven west virginia"
I live in the "dead zone" Idaho. Let me give you my perspective on the subject.
For the longest time I wanted to put a bullet thru my skull. Still think about it even today. Now people will call suicide a selfish act. I call life a selfish act, and it really is all about you when you dig to the bottom of your inner hole. I wanted to kill myself over others judgements about myself and how I felt about their judgements of me. They put me into the depression. And yes I am a LDS member. It's all the your bad for this or your bad for that. It is judging that is killing everyone!!
It comes in many forms. Hard stares of disapproval from people who don't know you but you can feel them judging you as they look at you. Unlike others I look people right in the eye and I will stare them down if I need too. I grew a beard last month grizzly adams style. You should have seen the looks I got from people. Humans suck.
We have sucked since the dawn of our existence. And over the centuries we have gotten smarter. But I think in the last thirty years we have been going on a downward spiral. People like to feel your pain but they do nothing to help your pain which is more important. Just feeling for someone does absolutely nothing. What everyone is guilty of myself included is not helping our fellow man. Since we have all this technology we think that we are independent from one another.
What happens when the lights go out? Do we need one another? What if food was in short supply. Would most people try to live together and help? I don't think they would. And current history makes my case. Look at Katrina. People were shooting at the first responders. People suck without good upbringing. A lot of kids have been neglected and ignored by their parents. It seems to be a trend today. If I keep my kids busy they won't bother me. And I don't have to be a parent I can be a friend. Ignorance begins at home and I had plenty when I grew up. Living in isolation is the cause. I did not know any thing about the world other than what was being directly taught to me by the people I was around. For some reason I always looked at different points of view and have learned to see the world that way.
I could go on and on. Bottom line. Man has corrupted himself to the point that he thinks that he does not need anyones help even god's. He thinks he knows best and is doomed to fail until he learns to get along with the other inhabitants of this planet.... In short WE SUCK...

Theodore Kaczynski was an INFJ as well wasn't he?

Uhh...efromm--? Do we need an intervention for you? You ok, bud? Do we need to start wearing flak jackets on the forums?

I dunno...was the Unibomber more T than F?
Wow you guys think I am crazy..? I am just saying that as a species we suck. We could make the world a better place. We just choose not too..
The common sentiment that humans are generally a bad species only makes sense from a theistic point of view, at least as far as I can reason it. If you compare humans to Jesus Christ or an idealized God, we look pretty dismal. But then, what wouldn't? If you believe that God created humans in present form, designed from scratch, then you have to wonder why he did such a bad job of it. After all, even we, in our comparative ignorance and primitiveness, can think of some improvements for ourselves.
If you believe that we evolved to our present form, however, it makes perfect sense, and you need not have a condemning opinion of mankind. You just have to recognize that while we are far from perfect, we are also far more perfect than what we evolved from. Our features have been improved through a painstaking process, with each generation gaining by the hardship and death of the previous one. My eye is so intricate because countless (relatives of) ancestors died and/or failed to reproduce due to a flaw, or simply a less-sophisticated system. So we can all consider ourselves among the elite in natural history, since we have come from only the very best stock over millions of years. What more could you ask for?
I believe we have evolved thru the teaching of others. And I agree with your post. It could be one way or the other we may never know. But as a whole I feel that mankind has screwed himself. And it only seems to get worse decade by decade. When will the people of the world become responsible for there own personal actions? Sure would be a nice place to live if we did. I have been reading Jefferson's book about his life. And I can already see that even in his time people acted the same as they do today.
Being human is a test and it seems that many of us succumb to our own weakness. Myself included...
Oh, no - not crazy! I know you're venting. :) The idea of people being absolutely irredeemable, though, is not an opinion I hold. If people really don't matter, then...yes, we'd be dying in droves. We'd either kill them, or people would kill us.

But we all have hope that things will be better. Or we have to have that hope in our lives. Some receive that hope from religions - while some religions kill that hope - and some receive that hope from people, while some people will kill that hope.

Now I'm rambling.

But do you know what I mean? Maybe it's the way idealists see it, though. The alternative is far too frightening. An idealist with little to hope for is...not a good thing.
Right now I have no hope for mankind. We are letting others control our world we need to not let them control but we should control ourselves..