Class poll on prejudice

true, but if your sister marries someone you REALLY disapprove of you can disown her.
or an Arch-Conservative Religious Bigot
That too, probably...although I also admit I would be more likely to disown her for marrying a person who was looking to kill or persecute me specifically, since I would be a relatively close target.
You know Satya, I used to live in one of those states you had circled in red. It was such a shock because me (being the only black person in the majority of my neighborhoods, schools, etc. etc. etc.) didn't matter as much since folks were so occupied with making fun of all the religious sects. It was like: "Oh, you're not're good. Let's sit around and talk about how crazy those Mormons are!"


Now I live in Texas and it's a completely different story down here, lol! Mostly: "Damn the homosexuals, the democrats, and the Mexicans!"
Only things from texas are steers and queers, and you don't much look like a steer, so that pretty much narrows it down boy now don't it.
That sounds like Texas. Ever watched YouTube videos of stupid americans? It can be mad funny...
In Florida, there isn't as much of a problem, though you'll find some people annoyed with hispanics, which I find retarded considering we live in La Florida...
You are not the only one.


See the area circled in red. My state is amoung those. Sociologist have examined this effect in the innermountain west and they have come to one conclusion about what causes the rates of prejudice, depression, and suicide in this area. The LDS church.

I...won't necessarily disagree with the statistics, Satya, but I would disagree that the only reason for prejudice, depression, and suicide in that area is due to the Mormon church. That's a just plain barren area, period. The reason for the high rate of suicide/depression might be because there are fewer people. Fewer friends, fewer people to talk over issues...that whole thing. I don't think the ultimate reason is a religious one - I don't think there's enough logical evidence to support just one ultimate cause.
Still, those are crazy, scary statistics in many categories. But faced with it in our own lives...the truth comes out.

Trust me. Even in small ways, like interracial dating versus interracial marriage. It is a huuuge difference once it hits, for some. :p
You know Satya, I used to live in one of those states you had circled in red. It was such a shock because me (being the only black person in the majority of my neighborhoods, schools, etc. etc. etc.) didn't matter as much since folks were so occupied with making fun of all the religious sects. It was like: "Oh, you're not're good. Let's sit around and talk about how crazy those Mormons are!"


Now I live in Texas and it's a completely different story down here, lol! Mostly: "Damn the homosexuals, the democrats, and the Mexicans!"

Lol! We're both in Texas, and I know *Exactly* what you're talking about. It's even crazier when your a Christian Democrat/Libertarian. They reaaally don't know what to do with me. :p
I...won't necessarily disagree with the statistics, Satya, but I would disagree that the only reason for prejudice, depression, and suicide in that area is due to the Mormon church. That's a just plain barren area, period. The reason for the high rate of suicide/depression might be because there are fewer people. Fewer friends, fewer people to talk over issues...that whole thing. I don't think the ultimate reason is a religious one - I don't think there's enough logical evidence to support just one ultimate cause.

If the main cause is that it is a "barren area" then explain why Nebraska, which does not have a high LDS population, is exempt from the suicide rates of the other states that do.
If the main cause is that it is a "barren area" then explain why Nebraska, which does not have a high LDS population, is exempt from the suicide rates of the other states that do.

I can't. I don't have enough information to make a determination one way, or another. But there are always exceptions. If all contingencies are taken into account and the only trend is the LDS church then I'd agree with you, 100% because the answer would be obvious. But I'm only seeing one statistic, and at this point I don't know why Nebraska is the odd man out.

But you're talking about the blue belt area, too, and each state has its own "personality". Why are Minnesota and North Dakota bright green? Why is Oklahoma a darker blue? Actually as far as Oklahoma is concerned, it could have something to do with poverty and Native American Nations. Native American areas typically have a higher rate of poverty and suicide, too.

Until I know more about the history of the state and why suicides are down, I couldn't tell you. Maybe there's a different religious system in Nebraska that's stronger than the LDS church, or maybe a lot of happy people moved to Nebraska one year. I couldn't tell ya.

For that matter, why is Utah a slightly lighter blue color? If Utah is the Mormon "hub" as it were...why isn't it the darkest blue color of all?
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For that matter, why is Utah a slightly lighter blue color? If Utah is the Mormon "hub" as it were...why isn't it the darkest blue color of all?

Because the LDS church decreases suicide rates among its own membership while increasing the rates of those who aren't LDS or who have been excommunicated from the church. For example, 70-80% of the homeless in Utah are gay teenagers. Kids that are 14-18 that have been kicked out of their homes for coming out. They have nowhere to go and if they are underage, no homeless shelter is allowed to take them in. It is stuff like that which leads to such high depression and suicide rates.
Because the LDS church decreases suicide rates among its own membership while increasing the rates of those who aren't LDS or who have been excommunicated from the church. For example, 70-80% of the homeless in Utah are gay teenagers. Kids that are 14-18 that have been kicked out of their homes for coming out. They have nowhere to go and if they are underage, no homeless shelter is allowed to take them in. It is stuff like that which leads to such high depression and suicide rates.

That's so sad! :( So the suicide rate in Utah is primarily homeless teens? That breaks my heart. Shoot. I wouldn't care - I'd create some kind of shelter or opening in my home. There has to be a way to take care of those kids!
For example, 70-80% of the homeless in Utah are gay teenagers. Kids that are 14-18 that have been kicked out of their homes for coming out. They have nowhere to go and if they are underage, no homeless shelter is allowed to take them in.

So when the private charities are most needed, the government won't let them fulfill the need. That's messed up.
What about foster homes? Do most of the kids go to the Department of Social Services? (I suppose some might be worried that they would be sent back to their parents, who would just despise their presence while being forced to take them back in.)
I just read both articles and I return, shaking my head. It's winter, now. Where are those kids going to go? Will they allow them to suffer on the streets and freeze to death?

*Shakes head*

The thing that really gets me is how a parent can kick out their own child from their house. Although I've seen it happen, I can't imagine how much prejudicial hatred has to be in someone's heart for them to sentence their own child to death like this. Just because they "didn't like" or agree with their sexual orientation.

I wonder - is it the same issue for pregnant teens, too? Do parents kick the girls out of their homes for being pregnant?
If it was my daughter I would surreptitiously slip in a chemical to induce miscarriage if she wanted to keep it without any form of financial support. I'm an arsehole I know. Just don't have kids with me.
If it was my daughter I would surreptitiously slip in a chemical to induce miscarriage if she wanted to keep it without any form of financial support. I'm an arsehole I know. Just don't have kids with me.

I should be used to it by now. And you did add the arsehole disclaimer (duly noted and appreciated), but man, Shai. You blow me away with your views on women and pregnancy.

Your plan gives a whole new chilling dimension to the expression Pro-Choice.

I find myself fervently hoping you meet a girl some day who radically expands - even epiphanizes - your views on this topic.