are you saving the world?


On Holiday
i'm interested in how other people (particularly INFJ) feel that they are improving things in the world around them. i'd like to know all sorts of details. do you dream of the world being a happier or cleaner or more just or somehow better place? do you have any special major plans to use your life for making the world a better place, and if so, do you feel that you are on track to achieve these goals, or are you afraid that you might not be able to achieve the things you want to? have you ever achieved any major goal of this kind, and what was the outcome? maybe you just live your life in ways that minimise your negative impacts on your surroundings, or try to improve the world by treating others well, and bringing joy to your loved ones?
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Aha. Mostly from myself. It's a great battle!

No, the truth is: what does it mean "save the world"? What exactly are you saving? It is greatly determined by other people. Well, I've tried lots of things, but I noticed that other people mostly don't accept it right, or even feel harmed. I've led great masses on conquests from time to time, but that's not really so well suited for ENFPs. We can do it naturally, inspiring the crowds is as easy for us as lighting a match. The question is: does it help in the end. Usually no. Unfortunately. We are head-in-the-clouds idealists, we undervalue some negative elements of reality, and we end up betrayed, hated, scarecrows who allowed some evil people to use them as frontrunners for eventually atrocious acts. (sounds like most of the politicians and presidents out there) ... So I kind of learned my lesson, and I know that there are wiser people than me to handle the masses successfully. I just try to support them as I can. And of course, I'm doing the small daily things that help, without creating obsessive cult-followings with that. Another way I hope I could help is through science. But I also want to point out that saving the world and contributing to society are somewhat overrated concepts. If you just follow your heart, and you do your best, what suits you best - you are more likely to be more useful eventually, than by devoting yourself to some cause. I used to think that I owe something to the world, just because I was born and raised, but this burden only creates guilt and misery and suffering. And that's not the way to save the world. In short: maybe we could do our best for the world when we actually don't think about it at all.

Cheers with: Tool - Eulogy.
By making fun of people.

You must sacrifice the few for the enjoyment of the many- John Hitchicks 1904
Yes, through appreciation, being joyful, and thinking well of people.

On a grand scale, no, not yet. Though maybe one day..
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i'm interested in how other people (particularly INFJ) feel that they are improving things in the world around them. i'd like to know all sorts of details. do you dream of the world being a happier or cleaner or more just or somehow better place? do you have any special major plans to use your life for making the world a better place, and if so, do you feel that you are on track to achieve these goals, or are you afraid that you might not be able to achieve the things you want to? have you ever achieved any major goal of this kind, and what was the outcome? maybe you just live your life in ways that minimise your negative impacts on your surroundings, or try to improve the world by treating others well, and bringing joy to your loved ones?

Ahh, yes, do what you love...

I think as INFJs we're in a constant battle between wanting to do more to help the planet, and then thinking we're not good enough to help it. At least that's how it is for me - don't know how everyone else feels about it. I'm a writer but I always doubt my talents because I see so many others who are much better writers. So I end up talking myself out of doing something really, really good and/or important. Or even fun (because it's not possible to have fun/do what you love and save the planet, is it? :rolleyes: ).

The best thing we can do to save the planet is to save ourselves - if that makes sense. Once we realize we do have value and our talents *are* important, then we can start saving the world, one person at a time. We need to start on our dreams and believe that they can happen, even if they start out small.

To misquote that trite ol' phrase: Build it, and they will come.

That's my rah-rah for the day. :cheer2:

As for me, I need to finish my stories and get more published instead of staying on the Net at all hours (ahem). I love my students, though, and I will pour into them all I have in order to help them graduate and be successful at whatever they choose to do. I love to encourage and help people realize their dreams and I love seeing their faces light up when they "get it." I may never know how I'm helping society; but by being myself and allowing myself to be me, I already am.
I may never know how I'm helping society; but by being myself and allowing myself to be me, I already am.

I will second that notion arbygil, nicely put. How am I saving the world? One kid at a time would be my answer. The most important thing we do is raise other (little) humans. Yes, genetics plays a part, but as parents we have an even greater influence on what type of an adult will eventually emerge. Are we going to raise a great thinker, a caring doctor, a serial killer? We have great influence, and it is our chance to "pay it forward". The ripples, yes the ripples of humanity. If small actions can have great effect given time, how much moreso does the molding of even one human being have?
saving the world? Well Im just one woman! I like to think I do my part. But Like Arbygil said I can never no what impact I will have. One thing that I do to help, something I feel good about, is I turn every day paper garbage into something extraordinary. I raise my child to responsible and respectful of the earth.
I am an employment coach and will possibly be a life coach soon as I have an interview later on today. I currently help people to achieve their goals and I support them through all kinds of problems.

I also used to do volunteer work and when my town flooded a few years ago me and some other colleagues went down to help the victims and we also arranged a fundraising concert for them and we had John Par (from the 80's - still with 80's haircut) perform on stage for us.

I'm going to heaven :m114:
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no I'm barely saving myself, but I think the world can take of itself :P
My professional endeavors have all been part of contemporary large-scale, macro issues. Having an INFJ perspective (I think) has given me the ability to size up situations and jump in only because of the potential good....of course, it just meant more work for me. :)
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I pray for people a lot, and myself too, that I might love myself enough to love others better.

I give people dressed as tramps some of the money that is cluttering up my wallet. This helps them buy whatever it is that makes them feel a little happier.

I eat fairtrade chocolate, and get fatter with an easier conscience.

I sometimes pick worms up off the pathway and put them down on the grass, so they won't get trampled. I once did this for a baby frog too.

I don't have any specific goals. Just general good will. I don't know the outcome of any of the little things I do either, but that doesn't matter.
*stares blankly.* *blink* *blink* uumm, maybe, i doubt it?
I take cats to the vet to be genitally mutilated to prevent additional hungry cats from being born. Sometimes I indulge the endless meowing of the monsters in my home with what they want.
How to save the world, ya? Practice forgiveness.

My "cause" would be helpin' teh littel furry guys and the not-so-furry guys when I can.

Other than that, I know one day my powers...will return.:mjedib: