Royal said:I don't think so.
Out of everyone I've typed, ENFJ is the most common next to INFJ.
Strange huh.
You're bad at typing and they're ESFJs and ISFJs.
You must surround yourself with awesome people.Out of everyone I've typed, ENFJ is the most common next to INFJ.
Strange huh.
You must surround yourself with awesome people.
Seriously, its like this is such a big deal. Do we really need to know? adding this only puts more bias to tests. I am perfectly happy as an individual and no matter how many INFP's there are, I am me.
Down with the Ss!!!!
that's not very nice! i for one, think , i, and most the world, would be screwed without sensors.
You're bad at typing and they're ESFJs and ISFJs.
You must surround yourself with awesome people.
That's kind of funny. Most of my friends are S types, as is a very large majority of my family. For some reason I tend to fit in better with them. Perhaps it's just conditioning from experience?In all honesty I get on with N types much better than my fellow S's. I feel a lot more in tune with them too, even though there are obvious differences.
That's kind of funny. Most of my friends are S types, as is a very large majority of my family. For some reason I tend to fit in better with them. Perhaps it's just conditioning from experience?
This is rather interesting. Do you think that maybe you could be an E if either you got on with your own kind better or more from the other side got on better with you?
I reckon I could be at least more extraverted if either of these were so. Hell if I got on with most S's I have no doubt I'd be more outgoing.
People want to feel special.
If those 4 letters make you feel special, awesome for you.
I love my E, my N, my F and my P very much.People want to feel special.
If those 4 letters make you feel special, awesome for you.