Are a lot of INFJs bisexual?

(For INFJs only:) What is your sexual orientation?

  • Straight

    Votes: 49 55.1%
  • Bisexual

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • Gay/Lesbian

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 9 10.1%

  • Total voters


Regular Poster
Anyway I was curious if a lot of INFJs are bisexual. Someone posted a different thread about guys being bi, but I'm curious about everyone.

My theory is that it's probably pretty prevalent in this personality type.

I'm an INFJ bi female and I have dated an INFJ bi male. So... I don't know but I think it's possible. Whaddaya think.:m054:
I don't really think there is too much of a corralation between someones sexual orientation and their type. I think that gays would lean towards being feelers more, but that is about it. INFJ's would be more open and exploratory to their sexuality then other types. The Ni/Fe combo could easily lead to these kinds of thoughts and ideas and putting ones sexuality into question. This because Ni likes to probe and dig deep, and Fe is centered around interpersonal relations. Sexaulity within ones self is bound to come up at some point. Ni/Te could lead to this as well, but not in the same way, and it would be less common.
Indigo, stop making us all look dumb, with your well-formulated statements of your positions on the topics of this forum.

Stop right now.

Don't! I love it. I'm quite jealous, I suppose.

But as IndigoSensor said, I don't think this has much to do with types. There are just quite a lot of people who are bisexual, at least in my experience.
I don't think sexuality is important either. It doesn't matter at all who you love, but rather the definition of love and the reasons behind it are more interesting to me. There are so many different kinds of love - so many different aspects of love - a snapshot of society at any one time will favour some of these more than others, will condemn some more than others, but all are possibilities. I don't think there is much to be gained from assigning a label to myself, because in another time or place, with different expectations or experiences, that same label might not apply.

Love at you all
I don't think sexuality is important either. It doesn't matter at all who you love, but rather the definition of love and the reasons behind it are more interesting to me. There are so many different kinds of love - so many different aspects of love - a snapshot of society at any one time will favour some of these more than others, will condemn some more than others, but all are possibilities. I don't think there is much to be gained from assigning a label to myself, because in another time or place, with different expectations or experiences, that same label might not apply.

Love at you all

Helpful Elf, how do you always come up with these insightful posts? You worded that beautifully. It's true.
I would consider myself straight. I am definitely attracted to women in a sexual way, and quite a lot. But I have never been interested in having a relationship with one, and since I don't do casual sex I guess that kind of rules it out.
Asexual needs to be added to this poll.
True, and pansexual :)

I'm fairly sure I'm Asexual (though I feel romantic and platonic love).

EDIT: After reading Slant's post, maybe I'm demisexual? Ah, to be young and confused...
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Sexually (naturally) straight, but now I'm leaning more towards pansexual.

Honestly, if I could fall in love with you, I could really care less about whether or not you're a girl or boy. I tend to fall for guys more often because they tend to provide what I need in a relationship, but it's not limited to them.

I haven't tested this yet, though, so many it's a phase. I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about though.
I've explained this on the forum about five times.

Demisexual= someone who only has sexual attraction after having established an emotional connection with someone. It is impossible for these people to become sexually attracted to someone that they don't know, or a 'hot' person walking down the street. Their sexual attraction comes hand in hand with their emotional attachment.
I identify as a straight female.
Too many asdfgsfds-sexual types exist.

I'm bisexual, btw =3