

On Holiday
A political philosophy opposed to the separation of a religious group ("church") and a government ("state"), esp. the belief held by those in 19th century England opposed to separating the Anglican church from the civil government

Go figure; we have antidisestablismentarians running around all over the place today, and I for one never knew it. Something tells me they didn't either. Hm.
Yes, but antidisestablishmentarians is so much more FUN to say! LOL, sorry, I just like the word.

Can you say it 10 times fast?

I like fundies. The honestly believe the 1950s were like an episode of Leave it to Beaver.
antidisestablishmentarianism is one of those words that make you feel sick when you look at it, but brilliant when you say it out loud
My second-grade teacher wanted to prove how phonics "work" so one day when we came in from recess he had it written on the chalkboard. He asked me to read it in front of the class, under the assumption that I'd prove him right in that phonics can help with reading.

He never asked me to read words to prove phonics again.
I never knew what this word meant!

Yay, now I can sound smart and pretentious! Because this topic often comes up...

@ Satya: My dad is an antidisestablishmentarian, and he once said women's suffrage was bad because it 'split up families.'

(not kidding)
@ Satya: My dad is an antidisestablishmentarian, and he once said women's suffrage was bad because it 'split up families.'

(not kidding)


That is okay. The days of the feminists being blamed for the destruction of the family are almost to an end. It is time for us gays to take the helm of head scapegoat.
I want the plum fairy and Pinocchio to not be separated from the state.
I don't think the term is really valid except in contexts where both an established church and a movement to disestablish said church exist. Trying to get rid of the separation of church and state when it already exists would seem to be just establishmentarianism. hose who opposed the firts part of the first amendment before it passed could be called antidisestablisgmentarians, but not those who would revoke it once in place.
Just so everyone knows, I'm an antiantidisestablismentarian.

Impressive. Though I think it would be clearer if you phrased it as anti-antidisestablishmentarian. Count me in as well.
Doesn't the 'anti' and the 'dis' cancel each other out as they are both negative indicators?

So wouldn't you guys actually be establismentarians?
Establishmentarians would be those who support having an established church whether one currently exists or not. Antidisestablismentarians are those who may or may not have supported creating such an institution to begin with, but since it already existed opposed the movement to change the status quo.
Doesn't the 'anti' and the 'dis' cancel each other out as they are both negative indicators?

So wouldn't you guys actually be establismentarians?

nooo don't make it clearer! you'll take away the fun of saying such a convoluted word XD
I never knew what this word meant!

Yay, now I can sound smart and pretentious! Because this topic often comes up...

@ Satya: My dad is an antidisestablishmentarian, and he once said women's suffrage was bad because it 'split up families.'

(not kidding)

I know that a lot of females also think its a bad thing.

[ame=""]YouTube- End Women's Suffrage[/ame]