An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away

I was 8...

Wow, you were younger than me. :m173:

Frankly, sex is just one of those things that people make a big deal out of when it comes quite naturally. The things kids need to know about sex are the possible consequences, what they can do to protect themselves, and what they need to do to form a stable relationship. Whether or not school is responsible for that is up for debate, but I will say that parents are inevitably going to do a bad job when it comes to informing their kids, either by waiting too long, leaving out pertinent information, or thinking that sex should be taught on a need to know basis (they will ask when they are ready to know).
Fair point. Sex should be taught in its biological context, not as a social issue in which everyone "should" partake.

I agree. I think it was during 5th grade that I had to take a "Human Growth and Development" class. Parents were given the option to opt their children out of the class but most kids stayed. It explained the biological parts of sex and, if I remember correctly, freaked my innocent 10 year old self the hell out. I remember being extremely uncomfortable with it all.

They explained safe sex in addition to everything I learned in that 5th grade presentation over again my freshman year of high school in Health class which is only one semester.
I agree. I think it was during 5th grade that I had to take a "Human Growth and Development" class. Parents were given the option to opt their children out of the class but most kids stayed. It explained the biological parts of sex and, if I remember correctly, freaked my innocent 10 year old self the hell out. I remember being extremely uncomfortable with it all.

So you support that method even though it made you uncomfortable? Or would you just prefer that it be saved for later?

I think teaching the physiology of sex early might do a lot of good, simply by abolishing the taboo. It really needn't be such an uncomfortable subject.
I think in abolishing the taboo, though, they should also mention the repercussions of possibly engaging in such activities.

I think the best way to present any such topic is logically, without positive or negative connotations -- the facts, straight up as they are.
I think in abolishing the taboo, though, they should also mention the repercussions of possibly engaging in such activities.

I think the best way to present any such topic is logically, without positive or negative connotations -- the facts, straight up as they are.

Of course
So you support that method even though it made you uncomfortable? Or would you just prefer that it be saved for later?

I support the method because you have to learn about it sooner or later, right? My parents definitely didn't contribute anything to my knowledge about sex. I never even got "the talk."

I was just a strange kid who was easily embarrassed, I suppose. Perhaps they could have saved it for middle school or something.
Depending on how you define masturbation, I started at the age of 12. No sex though.

I don't see how this could be implemented effectively. In my high school health class, the teacher told us that if we had sex or masturbated more than four times a month, it will damage our organs. If people are going to be educated on anything, especially sex and masturbation, it needs to be based on interdisciplinary scholarly research, with quality readings that allow for a full understanding the subject. I'm afraid the schools will just continue to spew whatever BS they want like they do now, and what I'm trying to say is that I think telling them to talk about sex and masturbation will deliberately open the doors to BS.
My mother taught me about sex when I was five - I don't see the problem with it being taught as a young age as long as the facts are all represented. I do think it's a problem when schools interfere, though, because it should be the parent's job (and no parent should be freaked out about it because it's natural). Kids as young as three or four have questions about their bodies, and they play doctor. A lot. Might as well help them understand what all those parts are for in a healthy and honest way.

As far as the schools are concerned, I'd rather know what they're being taught. Surely it can't be the, "sex is great" method without repercussions. Okay, masturbation, great. But what about STDs? What about hygiene? Pregnancy and condom usage? Ignoring that ignores a good chunk of issues. The STD rates are skyrocketing because they're not being discussed. Hell, kids think rainbow parties are safe (Hint: You can still get STDs from them!). :m133:

/rant and off high horse
When you have healthy monogamous sex that creates a deep bond, it releases a chemical that is unique. It doesn't work with any orgasm. I forgot what it is called... I'll have to google it. This is not something new, but I doubt if it applies to children. I would be furious if my kid learned this stuff at school. That's my job. I can't help it if other parent don't do their part. There might be a way to opt-out, but once the kids already know about the program, their curiosity is already piqued.

I don't want to be told when I have to have this conversation with my children.

Teaching in the form of biology is okay, but I don't want anyone telling my kids that they should have an orgasm a day by anyone of authority. That's basically giving them an excuse. This is completely different from the birth control issue.


Are you talking about oxytocin aka the trust hormone? It's not unique, it's released through a lot of activities, including hugging. (hm... I could use a hug right now...)

Anyway, yeah, oxytocin does tend to create a bond between 2 people having sex. Due to the release of it during orgasm.
Has anyone actually ever been to a rainbow party? I didn't even know what one was until I looked it up on wikipedia a few seconds ago.
Has anyone actually ever been to a rainbow party? I didn't even know what one was until I looked it up on wikipedia a few seconds ago.

I doubt many have. I'm sure some might've tried it, but it's not that common of an occurrence. But any oral sexual practice has the potential for spreading an STD.
I doubt many have. I'm sure some might've tried it, but it's not that common of an occurrence. But any oral sexual practice has the potential for spreading an STD.

Yep, and if what I was told in health class is true, it has an even higher potential than vaginal sex. They said vaginal is the safest, followed by oral, and anal is the least safe.
i hate oprah. There was on such thing as a rainbow party before moral crusaders used her as a platform to discuss something their repressed minds thought up. For fucks sake, she fell for the 9000 penis gag. She obviously doesnt research the things she says
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@OP My testicles would have exploded by the time I was 13. If there are 13 year olds out there today that already don't know such things they aren't paying attention or are extremely sheltered.
I'm sorry, but its ridiculous the things that people accept as true out there. All schools need non-abstinence-only sex education. They need to know about protection, STIs, pregnancy, etc. They need to know how to put on a condom. Fuck, I don't care if you give them condoms.

There are WAAAAAY too many teens engaging in unprotected sex and sexual activities. You can even get HIV from unprotected oral sex. So why are we going to let these teenagers figure it out for themselves, or leave it up to their parents who may not be very responsible?

We also need training (especially in the girls) about self-esteem and self-respect. First of all, girls who have lower self-esteem (I find), can often find reassurance through men. They need to have the self-respect to determine when, where and with who they will engage in specific behaviors. They also need to know they have the right to require their partners to wear protection at all times if they wish.

How are these kids going to have a shot at life if they're all pregnant and diseased? (Sorry, this is a soft spot for me)
Yep, and if what I was told in health class is true, it has an even higher potential than vaginal sex. They said vaginal is the safest, followed by oral, and anal is the least safe.

I believe its actually 1) Oral (safest) 2) Vaginal 3) Anal
girls also need training in oral sex. Half of them just use their mouth as a vagoo.
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Are you talking about oxytocin aka the trust hormone? It's not unique, it's released through a lot of activities, including hugging. (hm... I could use a hug right now...)

Anyway, yeah, oxytocin does tend to create a bond between 2 people having sex. Due to the release of it during orgasm.

Oh, so that's what it is. Whatever it's called, it seems to work. Since starting a relationship that includes good, vigorous sex with lots of orgasms and deep affection, my moods have been more stable than they have been in years. Could be oxytoxin is a form of mood stabilizer? Will have to ask my shrink when I see her in Aug. I'd love to get off the chemical shit I take,