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  • Naw, you are right. I was simply speaking with simplicity. The world is a complicated place.
    Thanks! You are so kind. I am doing great =) I think many people have the same perspective, but it gets clouded in people's minds by their own issues. If we all just realise how much we can relate to one anothers hardships it would bring us closer together! ...heh pardon my Fe.
    I have noticed some major improvements in mental capabilities and a major reduction in anxiety/stress. I have been able to stop trying to just survive mentally and move on to some planning and proactive tasks. If you want more detail I wrote about it in my blog.

    If you decide to start up again, we can be meditation buddies!
    I started on Saturday the 4th. I have been getting at least 15 minutes in daily. I try to go for 20 minutes a session. I just stopped drinking caffeine and I noticed that helps considerably for reaching a deeper state.

    I have been noticing some definite improvements. Have you noticed any differences since you stopped?
    lol, no my mood was like that for the past few hours. I am off TC for a lil while, you guys enjoy the night. =)
    Well indole actually isn't a solvent as it is too chemically active. As far as how you can make it, there are many different ways. I don't know which one is preferred for industrial processes, but I have made indole derivites before and I made them via a reaction called the "bachto-liemgruber indole synthesis". Most compounds found in perfumes back in the old days were extracted via solvents dissolving the natrual oils found in plants and flowers. They still do that in some cases now adays, but it might be easier to just make the smelling part of the perfume chemically as many things that smells are rather small/simple molecules.

    Hope that helps :smile:.
    I know how you feel. It's a very touchy subject for a lot of people. It's hard not to get upset when you see such blatant ignorance from people trying to make a statement. I understand where these Christians are coming from but I feel like they're going about it in the wrong way... I don't want to see how people may retaliate.
    aw no problem! it was the least i could do after your wonderful analysis :) really glad you liked it ^^
    Thx Soul. Love your profile pic. Nice. :) Your pic reminds me of a friend of mine from college.
    some, but not really. It's more me just trying to take the MBTI less seriously
    Of course.

    It makes me feel warm, it makes me think of Bag end and wizards.

    I want to read it and shrink back into a more peaceful time I once knew.

    Perhaps I should.

    Thank you.:)
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