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  • Nice! What kind of career does that get into?

    I couldn't find any sage tea at the grocery store :mad:
    My schedule is pretty open because I am on call for work, but my weekends are generally open anyway. What programs are you taking for school?

    Sounds like you will have a pretty fun weekend!
    Ooooh I have heard of sage tea too, but I don't think I have ever tried it! I think I am going to pick some up after work when I go get groceries. Are you doing anything exciting this weekend?
    I am on day 6! No caffeine is going well for me, actually it is a lot better than I thought it would be. I wasn't much of a tea drinker but I bought a sampler pack of decaffeinated teas and I am really liking Earl Gray so far, Green Tea is alright too.

    I can send you a link to the document I was reading about meditation if you want. I am going to be reading it again soon. That is AWESOME that you had such a good sleep! I have been waking up a lot better again lately and during the day I have found I am much more at peace, not so filled with anxiousness which has unfortunately become the norm for me.
    I have been practicing Vipassana although I don't really focus on any technique right now much more than just having a clear mind and only observing sensory stimulus, if I start to conceptualize I just remind myself to observing my breathing.

    How about you?

    Oh, and tea and fruit sounds wonderful, I avoid the sweets as well. What kind of tea do you like? I will make us some. :D
    A thousand words, setting suns, and quiet melodies

    Do you mean you want no commentary on the entire thread
    or just the first post?
    aw that's sweet of you to say =) and i'm glad you like my profile colors, yours are pretty too! reminds me of lavender flowers :)
    thanks dear, i am feeling better =) appreciate the note in the dear so and so too, lol ive been told more than once than i over complicate simple things and i was starting to believe it :/
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