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  • hey thanks for the support. you know i pride myself on doing my own thing but getting knocked out so early def shook me a bit, so knowing other people dig my style is what the dr. ordered for me right now lol. i'm guessing you mean that you didn't know drums could be musical? well unfortunately i don't think the judges knew that either and saw it as something that less talented drummers do when in all honesty i think its harder. my plan is next year do a more technical solo for the 3 minute with less emphasis on music, then do my 5 minute with a musical approach bc the judges further up the ladder might understand what angle i'm going for and how difficult it can be to achieve. anyway, thanks again means alot right now :)

    as far as your career path goes what type of stuff would your schooling enable you to do? maybe if you made a list and then pick through the ones you want over others would be a good place to start though it sounds like a pretty obvious suggestion and i'd imagine you may have tried this route already. did you have a general plan when you started into this field and then have to change or something?
    Awesome! I'd love to see your results. Did you learn English as you were going through school around the age of 8?
    oh ok i see, would grad studies be like on the job training? and for that matter what kind of job are you hoping to get? something in a hospital?

    thanks for the support and yeah its still weird to think the competition was over so quickly for me, i still find myself thinking i gotta get out there and work on my solos lol. it was interesting when the two people moving on were announced bc it was dead silent, i think i wasn't the only one who expected to advance, and i actually got not only the biggest crowd response, but the announcer and another contestant came up and said they were surprised as hell i didn't advance afterwards which felt pretty good. i'll post it on youtube later today and shoot ya the link, the 5 minute was never officially finished so i dont have a video of that.
    Well lovely miss, that doesn't change the fact that your thread did contribute productively. :]
    Oh, you're welcome. I'm sorry if I made it sound like the questions were wonky though. They were great. Made me think. ;)

    But here's a better one. Thank you for creating that thread and contributing to the forum in a most productive way. <3 :)
    well never having been to college what exactly do graduate studies entail and for that matter, what did you go to college for?

    well i lost in the first round tonight which i was surprised with but nontheless is what it is. i don't mean to say this in the sense that i don't take what i want seriously, but getting aggravated and crying foul play isn't going to get me anywhere either. you may have seen some of my posts on "living in the moment" and i am not just blowin smoke rings, i believe in the idea of being ok with where i am and of taking my time to work towards something i want. the way i see it, every year i get better and they can't ignore me forever.

    well i didn't always know i wanted to be a drummer, but for the most part i knew i wanted to be an entertainer, drumming or music in general just became my angle by default. if it wasn't this i could've seen myself most likely writing but who knows, its just what i've always wanted to do and the way i see it you get one life, and when its done its done so do what you gotta do.

    here's link to this years 3 min solo;
    ah very cool i also played clarinet for a year too, and i was in the process of teaching myself the minor scales when i dropped piano, though i never got to the point where i could adequately play the bass line with my left hand while using the melody with my right. i learned a few melodies to some video game music though lol.

    i currently play the drums and its why i gave up the piano and guitar, not bc i didn't enjoy them, but bc i was using them as a creative outlet and to be a good enough drummer to win this competition i needed to just play one instrument. thank you for the goodluck, i am trying not to psyche myself out too much as i am quite nervous. its like i've worked all year on these solos and for the day to finally be here feels daunting! but if you wanna be an entertainer stress is something you gotta find a way to be ok with i guess. but i will be sure to let you know how it goes :) i have a link to my facebook page with my current solo on it if you're interested.

    the good news is that i can get alot of practice in out here living in the sticks so i think i may have an edge on those who don't. do you live in a city? i never have, but i feel as though thats where my path will take me eventually though i know i'll always want a house in the country later on in life, it can be so relaxing this close to nature when i'm feeling stressed.

    are you currently in school? i never went to college, at one time i wanted to for drums but i realized that if i worked hard enough i wouldn't need schooling to be successful. jo jo mayer is considered by many to be one of the best current drummers and he is completely self taught like myself. it just takes alot of dilligence and ability to realize what you're doing wrong. ok well time for one last day of practice, ttyl!
    ah ok, yeah i see what you mean, what kind of oldies? i used to have a friend who djed at an older country station so we used to listen for him. actually before i discovered my passion for 90's rock i grew up listening to what my mom always had on in the car which was like 80's mainstream pop kind of. genesis, ace of base, natalie merchant stuff like this but that was when i was like elementary school tho today i am still a big fan of all but AoB.

    my band plays mostly modern post grunge crap. not all of it's bad like we play some matchbox 20 and collective soul but most get old pretty quickly. i'm not really trying to go anywhere with the band i'm in, they just don't work hard enough to go anywhere, soloing is my ticket to the city.

    there's an annual competition held by guitar center that consists of 5 rounds, and actually the first round is this thursday. its like i want to say i'll at least make it to the 4th round this year but at the same time its like i could lose to a guy who's going to the 5th round on the first so i'm trying not to get ahead of myself. haev you ever played any instruments before?
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