Why can't we just all love each other


Regular Poster
Get ready for some extreme-corny-INFJness.

But seriously...why can't we just all love each other? Fuck careers, fuck school, fuck trying to impress people, fuck going to unhealthy measures to look good enough, fuck using each other, fuck telling lies to hurt people, fuck money and wealth, fuck social statuses....etc

Imagine a world of INFJs. Now that would be world peace right thar. Why do we need to judge each other? Why do people shun their friends when they fall down? Why can't people accept that the fact that we're a changing specimen with loads of problems? Why can't we love each other in spite of that? Why do we need to make each other feel self conscious and make fun of [enter group] of people?


Get ready for some extreme-corny-INFJness.

But seriously...why can't we just all love each other? Fuck careers, fuck school, fuck trying to impress people, fuck going to unhealthy measures to look good enough, fuck using each other, fuck telling lies to hurt people, fuck money and wealth, fuck social statuses....etc

Imagine a world of INFJs.
Now that would be world peace right thar. Why do we need to judge each other? Why do people shun their friends when they fall down? Why can't people accept that the fact that we're a changing specimen with loads of problems? Why can't we love each other in spite of that? Why do we need to make each other feel self conscious and make fun of [enter group] of people?



Those are all good sentiments except for the fact that INFJs can be some of the most utterly judgemental MBTI group that I know of.
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I'm somewhat disturbed that you:

a) Suggested that an ideal world would be one where everyone is of your temperament, and then ...

b) Criticized judgmental people.

Please tell me you see the irony.

ADD: But yes, it would be great to live in a peaceful world.
Those are all good sentiments except for the fact that INFJs can be some of the most utterly judgemental MBTI group that I know of.

So very true.

But we really, sincerely do want people to prove us wrong.

It's just we are right so very, very often.
I am thinking and i am saying we can't love each other, only for one reason, we did not give freedom to ourselves. Obviously we will not able to find opportunities to learn more things about love. That's stopping us. Stoppage!!

Love spreads when freedom is given to it. :)
So very true.

But we really, sincerely do want people to prove us wrong.

It's just we are right so very, very often.

It's a curse.

How frustrating it can be when you give people all the opportunity in the world to prove you wrong and they fail to do so.

I don't always like being right. Sometimes I wish I was wrong. But you have to accept the cards you are dealt.
So very true.

But we really, sincerely do want people to prove us wrong.

It's just we are right so very, very often.

Right about what exactly? The 'correct' morals of the world or what? If you are talking about ideals, why exactly do we need to live up to them?

It's a curse.

How frustrating it can be when you give people all the opportunity in the world to prove you wrong and they fail to do so.

I don't always like being right. Sometimes I wish I was wrong. But you have to accept the cards you are dealt.

And play your hand? Don't fold.
:) :) :) ahahahahhaaha I would prefer a world full of different MBTI types :) :)

yeah why can't we just love each other!?!?!?:m168: that would be fun!!!!!!!1
we can just hug everyone:m045: and be happy :) :)

once, in class, we were discussing about wars and all and i said why can't we just spread love and happiness... and they all laughed!!!!!!!

I would love to spread:mlove2: love and happiness!!!!!!!!!:m111:
INFJ+INFJ can lead to serious power struggles
I have lived it, seen it with my own 2 eyes

Not a good idea.
Why can't we just all love each other
I have a better question: Do you think this world would be better if we did? If so, explain. Let's pretend I understand the obvious implications that love in normal known circumstances where two people are better off loving than hating each other. How could a world with limited resources yield a conflict-free situation?

You need to understand evolution to really grasp why conflict is necessary. People are different, and if we were all the same, we'd be extinct a long time ago. Difference = conflict.
[o_q];222674 said:
I have a better question: Do you think this world would be better if we did? If so, explain. Let's pretend I understand the obvious implications that love in normal known circumstances where two people are better off loving than hating each other. How could a world with limited resources yield a conflict-free situation?

You need to understand evolution to really grasp why conflict is necessary. People are different, and if we were all the same, we'd be extinct a long time ago. Difference = conflict.

Because right now there could be people with massive potential that are starving, or fighting in wars that are trivial or a million other things that limit potential. If we stop the trivialities and give each person an equal chance to move forward and reach their full potential then real problems may get solved. The real advancement in humanity is typically driven by a great mind, so it would make sense to create an environment where great minds are not restricted.

This is under the assumption that there is any point to life whatsoever, which I am not going to argue in this thread, but rather I will touch on it in another.
Right about what exactly? The 'correct' morals of the world or what? If you are talking about ideals, why exactly do we need to live up to them?

Morality, values, and ideals are relative.
Get ready for some extreme-corny-INFJness.

But seriously...why can't we just all love each other? Fuck careers, fuck school, fuck trying to impress people, fuck going to unhealthy measures to look good enough, fuck using each other, fuck telling lies to hurt people, fuck money and wealth, fuck social statuses....etc

Imagine a world of INFJs. Now that would be world peace right thar. Why do we need to judge each other? Why do people shun their friends when they fall down? Why can't people accept that the fact that we're a changing specimen with loads of problems? Why can't we love each other in spite of that? Why do we need to make each other feel self conscious and make fun of [enter group] of people?



you are right. Why do we have to fight all the time, for everything. There is a lot of potential wasted because of prejudice and discrimination. The world these days is focussed on gaining as much as possible on the back of others if we have to. There are cultures that focussed on the well being of each individual and accepting and nuriging each individual and everone participated for the greater good. Then again, we first have to agree on what the greater good is ... :frusty:
Because right now there could be people with massive potential that are starving, or fighting in wars that are trivial or a million other things that limit potential. If we stop the trivialities and give each person an equal chance to move forward and reach their full potential then real problems may get solved. The real advancement in humanity is typically driven by a great mind, so it would make sense to create an environment where great minds are not restricted.

This is under the assumption that there is any point to life whatsoever, which I am not going to argue in this thread, but rather I will touch on it in another.
Why are their starving people? Is it because we don't feed them?
It's a curse.

How frustrating it can be when you give people all the opportunity in the world to prove you wrong and they fail to do so.

I don't always like being right. Sometimes I wish I was wrong. But you have to accept the cards you are dealt.


that sounds just about right to me as well
[o_q];222718 said:
Why are their starving people? Is it because we don't feed them?
I don't think that is a rant at all krooler, I think your words are sadly true. I don't really watch the news anymore for just such reasons as you talked about. We are off the track as a species. I only hope we can get it back. I feel what you are trying to say and concure.