which type??


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Which mbti type is best at understanding an INFJ and can read an INFJ easily? Which types can an INFJ feel open with? Please elaborate. Thanks.
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Which mbti type is best at understanding an INFJ and can read an INFJ easily? Which types can an INFJ feel open with? Please elaborate. Thanks.

Well I think ESTJ is a good combo a lot of times. I know being an ENFP I tend to get along really well with INFJs, I think that is common. ESFP I think as well, probably ESFJ too.

I mean INFJs are really nice people so they can get along with anybody I think. INFJs don't like people who are arrogant in my experience, or who are too pushy or ego driven, but of course this isn't absolute.

I am sure that INFJs would get along well with any NF, usually NFs get along, even if they have problems, they are usually willing to work them out.

Of course, I am not an INFJ so perhaps other INFJs could come in and give some insight into who they tend to get along with.
Any nice, gentle, open, honest and loving person. I don't think it's so much dependant on personality as it is on character, which is something anyone can develop, but I suppose some types are more likely than others to value the traits I mentioned.
INFJs understand INFJs the best XD
Though, I'm pretty scared by the one I know... He knows too much O_o
Maybe ENFJs and INTJs too, as the T balances the F and the E balances the I.
INFJs understand INFJs the best XD
Though, I'm pretty scared by the one I know... He knows too much O_o
Maybe ENFJs and INTJs too, as the T balances the F and the E balances the I.

I agree. INFJs know INFJs best. I scare the crap outta all my INFJ friends hehe
Well I think ESTJ is a good combo a lot of times.

This is the worst combo for us. They would try to understand and read us, and might think they do, but they are very likely off base, or they wouldn't even try to read us.

I think NJ's are the best at understanding us, with ENFJ's at the top of the list. Simply because this varient all uses Ni, and since that is our primary function, a decent handle on Ni is needed to 'get' someone who uses it for every day life.
In my experience, ENFJs tend to have a good start; if they want to understand us, it's usually easier for them to. INTJs can understand us well too.
A snapshot:

I'm not sure what my type is, maybe an SJ but I have a friend who I think is an ESFJ and I definitely don't feel that we communicate along the same wavelength. It could be her personally (not her type), or maybe my somewhat stronger T traits coming out, but it's just not as easy or flowing.

In comparison, I do experience greater understanding with my ENFJ friend. Not total, but greater.

One of my ISFP friends is great, except that my life is heavily based on my spiritual beliefs, ones that she doesn't share, so explaining my decisions and feelings about things isn't easy.

I know an INFP that I feel gets how I feel if I express myself, though she gets how most people feel I think. I don't know if she innately gets me.

I had an INFJ counsellor, and hard to say whether it was her counselling-abilities or her INFJness, but she was the first person I felt truly understood by.
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I here INFPS and INFJs are supposed to "get" each other.

Don't Tell know one!:m077:
I think infjs and infps naturally sort of have a connection, but it can get awkward at times.

NJs seem pretty cool. Oddly, I think I may know like one or two infjs, but I think they are spread out among the "groups" at my school. Like one for each XD

We're the ambassadors, haha
I think infjs and infps naturally sort of have a connection, but it can get awkward at times.

NJs seem pretty cool. Oddly, I think I may know like one or two infjs, but I think they are spread out among the "groups" at my school. Like one for each XD

We're the ambassadors, haha

I agree with the bold part up there.
Well I think ESTJ is a good combo a lot of times. I know being an ENFP I tend to get along really well with INFJs, I think that is common. ESFP I think as well, probably ESFJ too.

I mean INFJs are really nice people so they can get along with anybody I think. INFJs don't like people who are arrogant in my experience, or who are too pushy or ego driven, but of course this isn't absolute.

I am sure that INFJs would get along well with any NF, usually NFs get along, even if they have problems, they are usually willing to work them out.

Of course, I am not an INFJ so perhaps other INFJs could come in and give some insight into who they tend to get along with.

i was also thinking ESTJ. i know an ESTJ and she and i are pretty different but we always get along without effort. i think she understands me well and at the same time helps me balance my own thoughts and see them from other perspectives as well.
That's weird for INFJs. We tend to really bash heads with ESTJ most of the time. I could see that happening with an ESTP, though.
The only person who I can actually sometimes feel comfortable with in my whole school is an INTP..he's very cool though we don't talk much as we are both deadly introverted but when we do is very interesting..too bad we don't see each other much..besides that I really dont have much experience socializing with people..so I don't know how I will get a long with other types(besides the fact that I know I cant stand ESXX people)