Where do you think best?



You Think Best at a Coffee Shop

In order to be able to think, you sometimes have to pull yourself out of a rut. All it takes is a change of scenery.
You are inspired by any one of your senses. The smell of coffee, the taste of a latte, the feel of a comfy sofa, the sounds of conversation...

For you, there's no such thing as too much stimulation. If anything is a creativity killer, it's dead quiet.
The bustle and changing scenery of a coffee shop prevents your mind from being hung up on one or two things. A dynamic atmosphere gets your ideas flowing.
You Think Best While You're Driving

In order to be able to think, you need to be able to have time to think. Problem is, there isn't a lot of time for that in your life.
When you are driving, you are finally able to let your mind wander. And it wanders to some pretty interesting places.

Depending on the conditions, driving can make you feel elated, relaxed, or even frustrated. All of these varying emotions spark a lot of revelations.
While the thoughts you have while driving may have a lot of noise in them, there's definitely some insight to be found.
You Think Best Outdoors

In order to be able to think, you need to clear your head. And in order to clear your head, you have to get moving.
There's nothing like getting your heart pumping and breathing fresh air to drive you to greatness. Exercising outdoors makes you feel on top of the world.

There's nothing more awe inspiring than the beauties and challenges of nature. Being outside really puts your life in perspective.
You feel powerful when you're moving through a natural setting. You're more likely to think boldly and trust your instincts.
You Think Best Outdoors

In order to be able to think, you need to clear your head. And in order to clear your head, you have to get moving.
There's nothing like getting your heart pumping and breathing fresh air to drive you to greatness. Exercising outdoors makes you feel on top of the world.

There's nothing more awe inspiring than the beauties and challenges of nature. Being outside really puts your life in perspective.
You feel powerful when you're moving through a natural setting. You're more likely to think boldly and trust your instincts.
This was kind of obvious. :D

You Think Best at a Coffee Shop


In order to be able to think, you sometimes have to pull yourself out of a rut. All it takes is a change of scenery.
You are inspired by any one of your senses. The smell of coffee, the taste of a latte, the feel of a comfy sofa, the sounds of conversation...

For you, there's no such thing as too much stimulation. If anything is a creativity killer, it's dead quiet.
The bustle and changing scenery of a coffee shop prevents your mind from being hung up on one or two things. A dynamic atmosphere gets your ideas flowing.

You Think Best in the Shower

In order to think, you need to be almost totally distracted. If you try too hard to think, you end up failing.
Because your best thoughts come at the most unexpected times, they often surprise you. You're a lot more insightful than you realize.

When you're showering, you're often fairly tired, and that's another factor working in your favor.
Your best thoughts are always lurking there in your mind, you just have to have your guard down to accept them.

true, this,
You Think Best While You're Driving

In order to be able to think, you need to be able to have time to think. Problem is, there isn't a lot of time for that in your life.
When you are driving, you are finally able to let your mind wander. And it wanders to some pretty interesting places.

Depending on the conditions, driving can make you feel elated, relaxed, or even frustrated. All of these varying emotions spark a lot of revelations.
While the thoughts you have while driving may have a lot of noise in them, there's definitely some insight to be found.
You Think Best in Your Bedroom
In order to be able to think, you need to feel like you have some privacy and space.
It's likely that you spent a lot of time in your bedroom while you were growing up. It's your sanctuary.

You need a high level in control in your life, especially when you have something important to do.
The best thing about your room is that it's exactly the way you like it. Having things the way you want allows you to relax and think.
You Think Best at a Coffee Shop

In order to be able to think, you sometimes have to pull yourself out of a rut. All it takes is a change of scenery.
You are inspired by any one of your senses. The smell of coffee, the taste of a latte, the feel of a comfy sofa, the sounds of conversation...

For you, there's no such thing as too much stimulation. If anything is a creativity killer, it's dead quiet.
The bustle and changing scenery of a coffee shop prevents your mind from being hung up on one or two things. A dynamic atmosphere gets your ideas flowing.
You Think Best at a Coffee Shop

In order to be able to think, you sometimes have to pull yourself out of a rut. All it takes is a change of scenery.
You are inspired by any one of your senses. The smell of coffee, the taste of a latte, the feel of a comfy sofa, the sounds of conversation...

For you, there's no such thing as too much stimulation. If anything is a creativity killer, it's dead quiet.
The bustle and changing scenery of a coffee shop prevents your mind from being hung up on one or two things. A dynamic atmosphere gets your ideas flowing.
You Think Best in Your Bedroom


In order to be able to think, you need to feel like you have some privacy and space.
It's likely that you spent a lot of time in your bedroom while you were growing up. It's your sanctuary.

You need a high level in control in your life, especially when you have something important to do.
The best thing about your room is that it's exactly the way you like it. Having things the way you want allows you to relax and think.
You Think Best at a Coffee Shop

In order to be able to think, you sometimes have to pull yourself out of a rut. All it takes is a change of scenery.
You are inspired by any one of your senses. The smell of coffee, the taste of a latte, the feel of a comfy sofa, the sounds of conversation...

For you, there's no such thing as too much stimulation. If anything is a creativity killer, it's dead quiet.
The bustle and changing scenery of a coffee shop prevents your mind from being hung up on one or two things. A dynamic atmosphere gets your ideas flowing.


Not really, but alright.