What's Your Personality Type?


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You are the INFJ "Mystic"

As the Mystic personality type, you are wired to notice the future implications of the things happening around you. You tend to have deep insight into people and situations. This is because rather than seeing what's on the surface, you look for the underlying reasons why people do what they do. You're someone who reads-between-the-lines, notices patterns, and picks up on symbolic meaning.You are also deeply concerned with how your choices will impact other people. You care about harmony, maintaining morale, and improving the emotions of the people around you. This tends to make you skilled in the art of counseling.

Your Strengths Include:
- Ability to sense the underlying reasons for things.
- Foresight into future implications and effects.
- Empathy for the emotional states of others.
- Strategic planning abilities.
Let's find out.

You are the ENTJ "Strategist"

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As an ENTJ you are a progressive, focused individual who values objective logic and visionary thinking. You want to organize the world around you so that you can reach your maximum potential. You enjoy playing with ideas, discovering philosophies, and bringing those abstract interests into the real world through action and effective strategic energy.

Your Strengths Include:

  • An ability to see the logical components in any decision
  • A desire for fairness and justice
  • Insight into the underlying meaning behind things
  • Focus on future possibilities and implications
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You are the INTP "Prodigy"
As the prodigy personality type, you approach everything with a combination of skepticism and curiosity. You spend your life creating a vast internal framework where every piece of data is sifted into the most precise categories and connected to everything else. You have a knack for modifying and adapting to situations and solving novel problems that require innovation and creativity. Because you tend to have strong intuition, you see possibilities beyond the present and obvious. You love to theorize and discuss abstract relationships and connections. You like to do things in new ways and are bored when you have to follow a pre-ordained routine.

Your Strengths Include:

  • Ability to troubleshoot effectively
  • A sense of the logical connections between things
  • Creativity
  • Innovative approach to problem-solving
I got ISFP on that one which I've never gotten before. I don't know though, it kind of makes sense. I used to get INFJ, then INFP, and the occasional ENxx

I mean, Fi has to be near the top - that much I'm certain of. I feel it deeply as a personal conviction. Se has thrown me a bit but Ni as tertiary is very plausible. It's there but I'm not Ni dom and I really only started using it noticeably in my early 20s. That I was enamored with it but nonetheless use it clumsily seems like a realistic situation to me. Also, Te being inferior rings true because I'm not so good at the logical arguments, leaning of Fi and FU if you don't agree. My post in the spirituality thread about trying to make it make sense reeks of inferior Te cemented by hard Fi The bits about sensitivity to criticism ring true too. Here, for example, I'll post my thoughts in relation to the OP but it's less common to reply to a post from mid-thread unless it's a joke. When I do engage someone, I almost immediately regret it and hope I don't get the notification telling me I've been quoted because it's going to be a criticism or an obligation to make a structured argument.

This is assuming I'm understanding the functions properly. Se I can see in my smoking, binge eating, always needing some kind of distraction. Maybe I didn't develop that properly which led to a weird leap where I leaned on my lesser two functions but kept rigidity of Fi in first. I don't know if that happens though...
You Are the ISFP "Virtuoso"

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You are both a realist and an idealist. Whether you're creating art, starting a business, or helping at an animal shelter - everything you do stems from an inner sense of purpose. You have a deeply-held set of core values that you strive to live in harmony with. Because honesty is so important to you, you have a finely-tuned awareness of other people’s honesty levels. You use your sense of practicality and human awareness to help people, solve problems, and make an emotional impact.

Your strengths include (but are not limited to):

  • Unique ability to sense dishonesty in others
  • Drive to stand up for the "underdogs"
  • Realistic, pragmatic outlook
  • Strong attention-to-detail
This was a surprising result to me. I guess stress has something to do with it ;)
You are the INTJ "Philosopher"

As an INTJ you are strategic, forward-thinking, and visionary. You seem to grasp the underlying reason for things and can sense how situations will unfold in the future. You go through life with an, "if this, then that" approach to everything. Because of this you see threads of meaning that many other people miss. You love exploring ideas, theories, and abstract possibilities. You also enjoy putting your ideas to the test in the real world. Being objective, logical, and effective is important to you.

Your Strengths Include:

  • Ability to foresee future implications
  • Logical, objective way of solving problems
  • Insight into the underlying meaning for things
  • Strategic, analytical perspective
You are the INTJ "Philosopher"

As an INTJ you are strategic, forward-thinking, and visionary. You seem to grasp the underlying reason for things and can sense how situations will unfold in the future. You go through life with an, "if this, then that" approach to everything. Because of this you see threads of meaning that many other people miss. You love exploring ideas, theories, and abstract possibilities. You also enjoy putting your ideas to the test in the real world. Being objective, logical, and effective is important to you.

Your Strengths Include:

  • Ability to foresee future implications
  • Logical, objective way of solving problems
  • Insight into the underlying meaning for things
  • Strategic, analytical perspective