What's your favorite day of the week?

What's your favorite day of the week?

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What's your favorite day of the week? Why?
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Sundays because it's a full day off and I don't have school until tuesday (so no worrying about homework).

I might change this to weds since I also have those off and a new club I am involved in tends to do stuff on weds, and it's a LOT of fun to hang around with them for the evening.
Thursdays. Because no matter what you have a weekend ahead.

I get to hang out with friends in school. The school atmosphere is usually less tense. It takes the pressure of knowing there's homework next time for quite some time. I can get home and relax. There's youth group <3.
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Saturday, because it offers more choices to ponder during hunting season. I like choices. Looking forward to a Saturday also helps get through a bad week.
Saturday, and Sunday is a close second because it's the weekend and there's some time to veg without thinking about work the next day.
Friday. I like Friday. I was born on a Friday :) There's nothing quite like knowing you've only got one day of work/school left 'til you're free to do what you want.
Friday. It's the end of the week, there is still stuff to do and things to be done but at the end of the day the night is yours. The energy is usually pretty high and exciting so in general it is just a fun day. I usually have some degree of feeling "a job well done" on friday.
Saturday because I get to sleep in and have the entire day to relax and do as I wish.
Friday. I like Friday. I was born on a Friday :) There's nothing quite like knowing you've only got one day of work/school left 'til you're free to do what you want.
I was born on a saturday :)
Friday would be a close second because of the anticipation of possibilities
Sunday, lazy day for me. :)
everydays the same for me LOL

in fact, sometimes I have to remind myself what day it is LOL
Friday, because the mood is very light and celebratory. Also, my family has a tradition of eating pizza and renting a movie every Friday. It was also the day I was born on, and the day when the most happy memories in my life took place. I would say Saturday, but my family is usually crabby on Saturdays, so I spend most of the day wishing it were over.