What's your favorite day of the week?

What's your favorite day of the week?

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Right now it's Tuesdays because it's the only day of the week I have off.
I like them all for different reasons!
Monday - Hope for the new week
Tuesday - Monday is over
Wednesday - Halfway to the weekend and good TV
Thursday - Nearly the weekend
Friday - last day of the working week
Saturday - fun times occur
Sunday - restful and soothing like a hot bath
I was born on a saturday :)
Friday would be a close second because of the anticipation of possibilities
We're like, weekday sisters or something! Awesome! :D
no love for Wednesday . . . *wow*
I don't have a favourite day of the week, because I don't feel that a days place in a simplistic structure of time really changes the events that may or may not occur to the extent that I might experience two days entirely differently depending on their position.

Oh, I hate sundays, because nowhere is open.
Tuesday. The Monday has passed, I have some idea how the week will look like but there is still time to be surprised and I get in the working mood by then.
I like Fridays best for anticipating the weekend and the fact that it seems like everything gets nicely wrapped up on Fridays.
Tuesday. The Monday has passed, I have some idea how the week will look like but there is still time to be surprised and I get in the working mood by then.
Fellow Tuesday advocate! *high-fives*

Because its the day of the week where I get to see my counselor.
I also get to go to Muay Thai and prepare my works for Thursday which is art day for me at the local center.

I pretty much like all days of the week except Monday and Tuesday.
Always loved Saturdays :) I was even born on one, and a lot of fortunate events happened on one.
FRIYAY! :grin:


Fridays for sure. It's the day we can say the weekend has come and relax until the family commitments ramp up.

(Except when I'm in a tech support situation, in which case all the other departments dump stuff to be fixed by Monday on me, and it's like "Umm, I've worked a full work week just like you.. no, I deserve a couple of days off too.
In those situations I have no favorite day as every day is hell.)
Saturday, definitely.. Sleeping late, spending the day with my camera, writing, candles, music & take out Chinese.. Heaven.
I like Thursdays. All I have to do is get through Friday morning and I still have the rest of Friday, all day Saturday, AND Sunday in the bank.