What Stresses you about the holidays?


Being Alone Is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

Whether it's by choice or not, you end up feeling quite lonely during the holidays.
It's hard to not have a lot of family or friends near by... or at all.

While being lonely stinks, it's not to late to have a happy holiday.
Find other lonely people, and organize a dinner. If that fails, volunteer, adopt a pet, or go to the movies on Christmas.
I love the Holidays....my biggest stress is figuring out how I am going to slip $100 Xmas tips to all the waitresses at my favorite little Mexican restaurant. My solution: leave $50 tips instead.

Seriously, other than that it's all fun. Being lonely is something I do all year, so it's really no biggie.
Having Too Much To Do Is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays


You love the holidays. You love them so much that you end up taking on too many responsibilities.
Your heart is in the right place, but you don't have the time to get it all done.

Consider doing a little less. Don't bake that last batch of cookies or go for that Christmas Eve shopping run.
You'll still be giving the people you love what they want most... time with you!

Not quite accurate. I couldn't really relate to the options fully.
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Being Alone Is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

Whether it's by choice or not, you end up feeling quite lonely during the holidays.
It's hard to not have a lot of family or friends near by... or at all.

While being lonely stinks, it's not to late to have a happy holiday.
Find other lonely people, and organize a dinner. If that fails, volunteer, adopt a pet, or go to the movies on Christmas.
Your Family is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

You do enjoy bonding and reconnecting with your family during the holidays.
However, you hate the conflict, pettiness, and arguing that goes with it!

The holidays rarely bring out the best in your family. You tend to get on each other's nerves.
Consider spending a little less time with your family this year... and more time with your friends.
I don't like the options to this test.

"Freedom from choice!" - we'll put that as our main revolutional slogan.

or this one:

"E) None of the above!" - I think it's a good slogan too.
Being Alone Is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays


Whether it's by choice or not, you end up feeling quite lonely during the holidays.
It's hard to not have a lot of family or friends near by... or at all.

While being lonely stinks, it's not to late to have a happy holiday.
Find other lonely people, and organize a dinner. If that fails, volunteer, adopt a pet, or go to the movies on Christmas.
Being Alone Is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

Whether it's by choice or not, you end up feeling quite lonely during the holidays.
It's hard to not have a lot of family or friends near by... or at all.

While being lonely stinks, it's not to late to have a happy holiday.
Find other lonely people, and organize a dinner. If that fails, volunteer, adopt a pet, or go to the movies on Christmas.
is this a common trait or what?
Before taking the test, I will just say being on sensory overload is what stresses me about the holidays. The fact that I am around so many people that I love and feeling how they feel is what just makes me a nervous wreck. It's so easy to sense everyone's underlying feelings that I have a hard time getting comfortable, and it is why I try to bring a sense of peace and calm to all situations. Otherwise, I might actually lose it. :D

Okay... *goes to take the test* Let's see....

Having Too Much To Do Is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

You love the holidays. You love them so much that you end up taking on too many responsibilities.
Your heart is in the right place, but you don't have the time to get it all done.

Consider doing a little less. Don't bake that last batch of cookies or go for that Christmas Eve shopping run.
You'll still be giving the people you love what they want most... time with you!

Don't really think that's right... well maybe in a sense it is, because trying to keep everyone happy can be a lot to do. :)
Memories are What Stress You Out About the Holidays

For you, the holidays are bittersweet.
You love them so much, but they also remind you of the people you've lost.

And while some remembering is healthy, you tend to get a bit depressed.

Consider spending some time with friends and volunteering. You need to make some new memories.
The holidays are your time for remembering.
Your Family is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

You do enjoy bonding and reconnecting with your family during the holidays.
However, you hate the conflict, pettiness, and arguing that goes with it!

The holidays rarely bring out the best in your family. You tend to get on each other's nerves.
Consider spending a little less time with your family this year... and more time with your friends.

Wait? It suggests avoiding the problem? Pretty sure that's not healthy...
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I don't like the options to this test.

Ditto. I don't find holidays stressful because I'm pretty indifferent toward them. I do my own thing while everyone else celebrates, and only participate when necessary, or when there's food involved.
I don't need a test to figure this out. What stresses me out about the holidays?

My father and his drama-queen temper tantrums.


Food is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

During the holidays, you tend to forget that there can be too much of a good thing.
Plus, there are so many good things to go around!

You tend to over indulge... and then indulge some more. Self control is not really an option for you.
And while you eat well, you don't like buying new jeans after the holidays are over!
Being Alone Is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays
Whether it's by choice or not, you end up feeling quite lonely during the holidays.
It's hard to not have a lot of family or friends near by... or at all.

While being lonely stinks, it's not to late to have a happy holiday.
Find other lonely people, and organize a dinner. If that fails, volunteer, adopt a pet, or go to the movies on Christmas.

Nope. No surprises there.
Having Too Much To Do Is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

You love the holidays. You love them so much that you end up taking on too many responsibilities.
Your heart is in the right place, but you don't have the time to get it all done.

Consider doing a little less. Don't bake that last batch of cookies or go for that Christmas Eve shopping run.
You'll still be giving the people you love what they want most... time with you!
Your Family is What Stresses You Out About the Holidays

You do enjoy bonding and reconnecting with your family during the holidays.
However, you hate the conflict, pettiness, and arguing that goes with it!

The holidays rarely bring out the best in your family. You tend to get on each other's nerves.
Consider spending a little less time with your family this year... and more time with your friends.