What physical features ... | INFJ Forum

What physical features ...


Si master race.
Feb 17, 2009
... turn you off to a person?
An uneven face.
I'd have to say bangs.
Hairiness, especially hairy arms.

Too much muscles. A lil’ bit is good, but you don’t have to be no hulk Hogan.
Yeah, someone who is hairy including facial hair except for a light fuzz around the beard area.

Edit: Not too muscular either. don't care for six pack or anything like that.
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oh yea, and guys with NO facial hair, gotta have at least some facial hair
I don't like men that are too skinny or too large- or too muscular for that matter. I like happy mediums.
Fat. I can take anything else. They're just quirks.

Oh. And most "scene" girls.

*cringe* Put another one down for that team. I don't need anyone with any particular muscle tone (although it's nice) but too much flub around the waist and arms is a physical turn off.

I don't mind a little bit of scruff, but really a hairy-scary chest and arms are another issue. Back-hair... ick.

Someone shorter than me. I don't mind my height or just a bit shorter, but yeah...

*buries head under shallow blanket*
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Just curious, those who say "Fat," i'm assuming you mean overweight. What weight would you consider "fat"?
that depends on height doesn't it...

Muscle also weighs more than fat. So, it'd once again be changed...
that depends on height doesn't it...

Muscle also weighs more than fat. So, it'd once again be changed...

How about this:

How much over the recommended BMI does "fat" indicate for all of you? Because i think each person's idea of fat varies.
BMI is a lousy indicator of fat, I think WHR and body fat percentage are much better indicators.
How about this:

How much over the recommended BMI does "fat" indicate for all of you? Because i think each person's idea of fat varies.

I don't believe in the BMI, first of all, because everybody's body is different. It doesn't take into account frame or muscle mass or body fat-percentage and fat distribution (the latter two which are the most important indicators of health).

To me, it's all about how a person carries their weight. Fat can be someone who is only mildly overweight but the extra weight doesn't match their frame. Conversely, someone can be moderately overweight and still look pretty darn good. So to me, when I say 'fat,' it just basically means that the person's present mass isn't in line with their features.

It all comes down to aesthetics and depends on the person and how their mass either enhances or deters from their appearance. I don't think there's any way anyone can sit down and give a universal indicator of what they consider fat or what they consider just right.... at least where attraction is concerned. You either are attracted or you aren't. If you look good, you look good. Regardless of x number shows up on the scale or how you measure up on WHR or BMI.

That's just my take on it. I sincerely hope no one was offended by this.
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I don't believe in the BMI, first of all, because everybody's body is different. It doesn't take into account frame or muscle mass or body fat-percentage and fat distribution (the latter two which are the most important indicators of health).

To me, it's all about how a person carries their weight. Fat can be someone who is only mildly overweight but the extra weight doesn't match their frame. Conversely, someone can be moderately overweight and still look pretty darn good.

It all comes down to aesthetics and depends on the person and how their mass either enhances or deters from their appearance. I don't think there's any way anyone can sit down and give a universal indicator of what they consider fat or what they consider just right.... at least where attraction is concerned.

If you look good, you look good. Regardless of whatever number shows up on the scale or where on the BMI or WHR you fall into.

That's just my take on it.

I am sexually attracted to the typical standards. However, my initial attraction to a woman is greatly changed after I learn who they are. I can easily find a smoking hot woman VERY unattractive after I hear her speak...