What patterns do "you" notice about INFJs on the forum?


There are numerous threads on INFJ personality type characteristics on the forum, but many are based on generic typological descriptions.

Throughout the threads, here and there, a few have mentioned their own observations about the INFJs on the board, either confirming or questioning the beliefs about the type.

My question, is what are some interesting, and often overlooked patterns of thinking, reactions, attitudes, perspectives, feelings, behavior, etc. you've noticed about INFJs on the forum based on your observations?

This is your chance to show off those intuitive, insightful, and analytical skills we love so much. :m155:

(Don't worry, this is not ANOTHER appreciation thread.)
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There are numerous threads on INFJ personality type characteristics on the forum, but many are based on generic typological descriptions.

Throughout the threads, here and there, a few have mentioned their own observations about the INFJs on the board, either confirming or questioning the beliefs about the type.

My question, is what are some interesting, and often overlooked patterns of thinking, reactions, attitudes, perspectives, feelings, behavior, etc. you've noticed about INFJs on the forum based on your observations?

This is your chance to show off those intuitive, insightful, and analytical skills we idealize so much. :m155:

Some of them don't "talk" much, meaning they'd post rarely, short and to the point messages. All of them read a lot, they read more than they write on the forum. They like to respond to other people's problems and are concerned. May even address suspected problems that were not mentioned by the other person. Occasionally, they are pissed off and can react in a cold-shower type of way, and yet never too rude. You won't get a long shouting if they are angry; instead you'll get a one-liner needle right in your brain. They like books, and quotes from the books. They often write poems. Have a witty sense of humour. They are full of doubts, which they share here sometimes. Are knowledgeable in many different fields, even though they never mention this on their own resume. Faced with tough decisions, they may seek advices or encouragement. Not sure if any of this is so specific, because it fits many online forums.
Normally I would not write this but since you are asking...

I actually feel negative vibes in this forum (but not everywhere) :m190:
Hard to explain what it is though...

Maybe it feels a bit closed
like entering a group uninvited

Also something.. resentment, bitterness stemming from past experiences

There's a lot of high emotional energy
I find it can get in the way of things...

Oddly enough I felt a lot warmer being around in the company of INTJs the other day ... I'm still curious to stay here though.
This is just a question Guis, not an opinion or a judgment or even a critique in any way.

Could the anger, resentment, or bitterness you see be because of people letting their emotions out on the forum for good or for bad?

It seems possible to me that emotion has to go somewhere, and for introverts, it's sometimes harder to find ways to express it.

This is just a question Guis, not an opinion or a judgment or even a critique in any way.

Could the anger, resentment, or bitterness you see be because of people letting their emotions out on the forum for good or for bad?

It seems possible to me that emotion has to go somewhere, and for introverts, it's sometimes harder to find ways to express it.


The first time I visited this forum (when I was in getting out of my hardcore INTJ depressed mode) I think that the overwhelming emotions that a lot of individuals expressed was something I was not used to, and it did annoy me. I felt that people were arguing with just their emotions and ignored their logic.
I feel that this is a very positive place. There is so much emotion. It is emotion that is rooted in caring and sensitivity. It is not angry, destructive or self pitying. I think on thing I really notice is openess and responsiveness. One thing that I don't sense is pettiness. I get a sense of acceptance.
This place has "phases", we are currently in a light-hearted phase. I can see it transisitioning to being rather deep in a month or so.
The biggest pattern I noticed is that no two INFJs are alike and fit the pattern perfectly.

Other than that

-Tend to be really, really, stubborn at times.
-Can have a volcanic temper, but much like a volcano it only goes off every so often.
-:m125: Monkey Fetish?
-Dislike of conflict can end up being pathological and self destructive.
-Hard to change -see stubborn
-Tend not to "see" their environment.
-Can get away with making snap judgement of people cause lots of the time its correct
-Usually very private like they don't reveal a whole lot of themselves

Well actually a lot of the above spiel I got from interactions in real life.
Patterns? INFJ's grouping together by personality (light-hearted, somber, poetic, thoughtful), yet still not really seeming to have cliches. Everyone seems to get along pretty well (especially INFJ to INFJ).

Also, I feel most of us are much more outgoing on the forum than we would be in real life. This is probably true for almost any "I" type. The "crowd" is not overwhelming here.

Finally, we seem to change our avatars a lot more than I have noticed with my friends on my Facebook page. Not sure what that one means--creativity maybe?
This place has "phases", we are currently in a light-hearted phase. I can see it transisitioning to being rather deep in a month or so.

I'm betting it gets that way as we get closer to the holidays. We might even make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Normally I would not write this but since you are asking...

I actually feel negative vibes in this forum (but not everywhere) :m190:
Hard to explain what it is though...

Maybe it feels a bit closed
like entering a group uninvited

Also something.. resentment, bitterness stemming from past experiences

There's a lot of high emotional energy
I find it can get in the way of things...

Oddly enough I felt a lot warmer being around in the company of INTJs the other day ... I'm still curious to stay here though.

I feel the same way about the INTJ, INTP, and INFP forums. I just want you to know that you are welcome, and there is a lot of interaction that might seem clique-ish, but it is not exclusive (I hope not) and you can get into it if you want (most likely).

The biggest pattern I noticed is that no two INFJs are alike and fit the pattern perfectly.

Other than that

-Tend to be really, really, stubborn at times.
-Can have a volcanic temper, but much like a volcano it only goes off every so often.
-:m125: Monkey Fetish?
-Dislike of conflict can end up being pathological and self destructive.
-Hard to change -see stubborn
-Tend not to "see" their environment.
-Can get away with making snap judgement of people cause lots of the time its correct
-Usually very private like they don't reveal a whole lot of themselves


I especially agree with the not "seeing" the environment one. I can go whole days without seeing anything- just living it my head. Time passes really fast when you do that. I don't like it and want to slow it down, but it seems like it just keeps getting faster and faster. Maybe that is just me though.

The stubborn thing sounds correct too. Of course, humans in general are stubborn.

Patterns? INFJ's grouping together by personality (light-hearted, somber, poetic, thoughtful), yet still not really seeming to have cliches. Everyone seems to get along pretty well (especially INFJ to INFJ).

Also, I feel most of us are much more outgoing on the forum than we would be in real life. This is probably true for almost any "I" type. The "crowd" is not overwhelming here.

Finally, we seem to change our avatars a lot more than I have noticed with my friends on my Facebook page. Not sure what that one means--creativity maybe?

I am definitely more outgoing on here than in real life. I've gotten to the point where I don't care very much what I say here. On most forums that = banned (and I have been banned from several forums). We do have a fair amount of lurkers and semi-lurkers though. They're always watching.

I never noticed the avatar things compared to facebook, but then again my facebook friends are constantly changing their profile pictues, while I almost never change mine. It gets changed like once every 4 months.
-Tend to be really, really, stubborn at times.
-Can have a volcanic temper, but much like a volcano it only goes off every so often.
-:m125: Monkey Fetish?
-Dislike of conflict can end up being pathological and self destructive.
-Hard to change -see stubborn
-Tend not to "see" their environment.
-Can get away with making snap judgement of people cause lots of the time its correct
-Usually very private like they don't reveal a whole lot of themselves


Wow. Well done. I agree with every point. Except the one about the monkey fetish. Though I have been known to deeply appreciate a really good monkey birthday card.
Sensitive, complex, understanding individuals. Most seem to be nice and agreeable, they seem to be pretty reserved. A lot of variety in temperaments, often switching moods, sometimes I see a lot of self-doubt, and there's usually high emotional activity, some which can be quite negative. Stubborn and independent, and like other introverts online, appear to be more outgoing do to the fact that we can communicate in written form without the pressure of others. Peaceful,conflict-avoidant, and enjoy understanding more about who they are and how they feel(Very introspective).
I'm betting it gets that way as we get closer to the holidays. We might even make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I feel the same way about the INTJ, INTP, and INFP forums. I just want you to know that you are welcome, and there is a lot of interaction that might seem clique-ish, but it is not exclusive (I hope not) and you can get into it if you want (most likely).

I especially agree with the not "seeing" the environment one. I can go whole days without seeing anything- just living it my head. Time passes really fast when you do that. I don't like it and want to slow it down, but it seems like it just keeps getting faster and faster. Maybe that is just me though.

The stubborn thing sounds correct too. Of course, humans in general are stubborn.

I am definitely more outgoing on here than in real life. I've gotten to the point where I don't care very much what I say here. On most forums that = banned (and I have been banned from several forums). We do have a fair amount of lurkers and semi-lurkers though. They're always watching.

I never noticed the avatar things compared to facebook, but then again my facebook friends are constantly changing their profile pictues, while I almost never change mine. It gets changed like once every 4 months.

One point I though of while reading your post Dragon. My FB friends average age is 40, the average age on this forum is a lot less. I notice my FB friends that change their avatars more frequently are younger. Ah...and epiphany!!