What is important in life?


Retired Staff
I have no idea what is important in life any more. What is important in life?

I feel so drained right now. My social circle is basically that of a functional extrovert in the popular sense of the world. It is loads of nothing. I guess it is important, but really its not the most important thing. Going to parties isn't important (not that I'm a hard partier). Sex isn't important (though sex is vital to life, and I'm a virgin). I'm talking in terms of meaning. I want to say relationships are important, and they are, but you know many people have terrible relationships.

All this stuff may be lumped in with the materialism which dominates the modern mentality. Too many have lost their souls to the idiot box. Most relationships, sex, friendships, etc... are extremely superficial. One might as well be friends with a robot.

Then there are those who are devoted to "science" or a "life of the mind", which seems to me to be another form of materialism which contents itself in the acquisition of thoughts instead of plasma televisions.

So is happiness important then? You can seek happiness, but you probably will not find it if you think it is hiding. Knowing this, I'm still very disappointed.

I guess you can't really ask what is important in life, so I will ask this:

What is important to you in life?
Seeing the people around me happy.

I am only truly happy when everyone else is happy.
I have no idea what is important in life any more. What is important in life?

I feel so drained right now. My social circle is basically that of a functional extrovert in the popular sense of the world. It is loads of nothing. I guess it is important, but really its not the most important thing. Going to parties isn't important (not that I'm a hard partier). Sex isn't important (though sex is vital to life, and I'm a virgin). I'm talking in terms of meaning. I want to say relationships are important, and they are, but you know many people have terrible relationships.

All this stuff may be lumped in with the materialism which dominates the modern mentality. Too many have lost their souls to the idiot box. Most relationships, sex, friendships, etc... are extremely superficial. One might as well be friends with a robot.

Then there are those who are devoted to "science" or a "life of the mind", which seems to me to be another form of materialism which contents itself in the acquisition of thoughts instead of plasma televisions.

So is happiness important then? You can seek happiness, but you probably will not find it if you think it is hiding. Knowing this, I'm still very disappointed.

I guess you can't really ask what is important in life, so I will ask this:

What is important to you in life?

It changes as time goes by..

For me,

6 months ago, it getting out of depression/ psychosis

3 months ago, repairing some pretty beaten relationships (not romantic)

2 months ago, learning to create my own happiness...

Currently, dealing with complex issues and aspects of romantic 'love', plus the whole infj thing

For you, right now, is asking these questions, sorting yourself out and learning to deal, is your priority.
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Trying to build relationships with people, I guess that's what's important to me.
Being liked and accepted the way I am.
Trying to achieve my goals.
To say it the hippie way: love, peace and freedom.

Respect for each other and everything that lives.. There's never enough of this. It's important in life, and it's important to me too.

Respecting other people and feeling respected myself. That's important to me. The few meaningful relationships I have mean the world to me.
To crush your enemies. See them driven before you! And to hear the lamentation of their women!

Oh wait you said important I thought you asked what was best in life.
Friendship, love and happiness.

I'm trying to find them but I haven’t been lucky so far.
But where there is life there is hope I guess.
to live a good life, not to lie, cheat, betray or hurt anyone on purpose....even if it's hard...succeeding at that gives meaning to my life..so basically growing as a person is important to me

also, not to let the beautiful things in life pass me by unnoticed: traveling and seeing the world is something I plan on doing for sure...falling in love and caring for someone is something i want to experience ...success and achievement is something I want to have

and appreciating the little details and the small things is always a start...the things we take for granted...sometimes a passing glance at a starry sky is enough to make your day (or night for that matter =P), or cup of tea, a good book, a night with firends...it all helps you find out what you want in life. Bring an INFJ should make this easier...we enjoy beautiful things..we are sensitive and emotional enough.

one thing though, do not depend on others to make you happy, I know relationships seems to be important nowadays..but really it's not...if your life is void, do not expect someone else to come along and fill it for you..especially if that other person is just as lost as you are, you'll get nothing but pain and hurt from it...and then when they leave , the leave a bigger gap behind. So really, it's you who decides what's imortant in your life...and it happens slowly...step by step you'll come to know what it is, just don't give up along the way, no one said it's easy

When life gives you lemons you [______] ...fill in the blanks :D lol

good luck =)

EDIT: this may have made me sound the perfect person walkign this earth, but I am not..I've hurt ppl beofe, i've done many mistakes, i've let myself and others down many times...those goals i mentioned are nothing but the result of the huge mistakes i've made the past two years
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To win the game: set some goals to meet, don't make excuses, enjoy the ride, and help others along the way.

But most important of all: Live up to your own standards.
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I have no idea what is important in life any more. What is important in life?

I feel so drained right now. My social circle is basically that of a functional extrovert in the popular sense of the world. It is loads of nothing. I guess it is important, but really its not the most important thing. Going to parties isn't important (not that I'm a hard partier). Sex isn't important (though sex is vital to life, and I'm a virgin). I'm talking in terms of meaning. I want to say relationships are important, and they are, but you know many people have terrible relationships.

All this stuff may be lumped in with the materialism which dominates the modern mentality. Too many have lost their souls to the idiot box. Most relationships, sex, friendships, etc... are extremely superficial. One might as well be friends with a robot.

Then there are those who are devoted to "science" or a "life of the mind", which seems to me to be another form of materialism which contents itself in the acquisition of thoughts instead of plasma televisions.

So is happiness important then? You can seek happiness, but you probably will not find it if you think it is hiding. Knowing this, I'm still very disappointed.

I guess you can't really ask what is important in life, so I will ask this:

What is important to you in life?

Hi Dragon, I know what you are trying to say. I experience the same thing at the moment. I feel that my life is so empty most of the times. My friends seem not to be able to see further than the everyday sorrows and parties. To me too most of the time my relationships with other people seem superficial. They doesn't touch me but they seem to be realy pleased with it, what I can't understand. Relationships and parties and stuff like that are important up to some level but they are not the goal of my existence. I can't live of that alone. There has to be something more, a purpose, a deeper connection.

For me the meaning of life is to live as it is at the fullest. Enjoy every minute of it at the fullest, the good and the bads. And this with a deep connection to everything and everyone, to life itself. But it is realy hard for me to stick to it when no one understands me and everyone is going on as they are, disconnected without knowing it.

so I also wonder a lot of times, why do we live actualy?
To live in a way that is congruent with my values. For me that means loving even--or maybe especially--the most difficult of people because I know that love, when applied consistently, heals. Often those who seem least deserving of love need it the most.
To live in a way that is congruent with my values. For me that means loving even--or maybe especially--the most difficult of people because I know that love, when applied consistently, heals. Often those who seem least deserving of love need it the most.

this actually works...I've done this to someone, and now he's my bestfriend and the happiest guy alive.

so i beleive in your theory
It's hard to say this because my priorities in life change every time so I don't have a specific answer to what's important. All I can say is that whichever path my fate opens up to me I always try to be true to myself no matter the consequences. The times I've lied to myself my "soul" breaks apart and I feel so miserable and with no purpose. That's why I try to be the best I can be and give vasts amount of happiness to those around me. My life seems to be driven more by moments of inspiration than a step by step guide of objectives. I don't know where life may lead me but all I know that I'm ready for everything that comes ahead of me.

So what's important in life? The answer: I don't know.