What incentives are there to work?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Aside from simply surviving and expanding upon your material wealth, what incentives do you find to work?
To learn and discover. That is my biggest drive.
I guess I get bored if I don't....I've been unemployed and it sucks. You feel like there's no point to getting out of bed (other than seeking sustenance of course).

I admit also feeling good when I accomplish something...when I am recognized for my efforts. I hate to think that I've been trained to want the little gold star, but maybe there's more to it than that.

I think we are all motivated to develop our personalities in unique ways, to show why we are different from the herd. Work is one way to do that....
There are so many incentives to work:
A sense of achievement.
No woman will look at you twice if you don't have a job
Daytime TV sucks
If you don't work your home feels like a prison
If you do work your home feels like home
If you don't work you have more spare time but less to do in that spare time
It screws your sleeping pattern up if you don't work
You have to eat cheap crappy food if you have no money.
You have to live in a cheap crappy appartment if you have no money.
You can't afford to go out anywhere if you have no money
You have to get the bus if you have no money
You can't afford to buy books or CD's or whatever you use to pass the time if you have no money

Obviously working is a good thing..... get a job!
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You have to eat cheap crappy food if you have no money.
You have to live in a cheap crappy appartment if you have no money.
You can't afford to go out anywhere if you have no money
You have to get the bus if you have no money
You can't afford to buy books or CD's or whatever you use to pass the time if you have no money

I think those fall under material wealth.
It all depends on if you like your job or not and what you want to get out of it. If you like your job, your incentive is to do the thing you love, be it saving the whales or programming computers. If you want to get fame/publicity out of your job, your incentive is to be the top laywer or designer or whatever. And of course, money is a universal incentive.
To feel like you're helping others in some way (coworkers, boss, shareholders, whoever...) and to feel useful.
Aside from simply surviving and expanding upon your material wealth, what incentives do you find to work?

none. If material wealth and survival were covered in the equasion I would not work.

I'd dedicate my time to studies, relationships, community service, nihilistic partying of caligulean proportions.

I do these things now, but if I didn't have to work I'd do them more.

But then again, I hate my job and get very little personal satisfaction from it.
Work [ school for me] is good for: Developing skills in different functions of my body; basically, mastering my body in all shapes and forms: physically in things like dance [ though I strongly dislike it I still do it!] as well as training my eyes to pick out shapes and patterns, being able to advice my ears to hear different beats in songs and recreate them, learning mental abilities such as memorization [which is something I need to improve on], reflection of materials and mind testing subjects like math that excersize the logical functions of the brain. Everything I do everyday at school monitors the control of my conciousness and extends my attention. I find that setting goals for myself besides what is expected allows me to feel that my work is more flexible; that way, I am working for myself rather than because 'I have to'. When you put meaning into what you do it becomes much more enjoyable.

The fact also remains that work and play were 'invented' to keep the human mind, body, and focus in line during a series of activities. Knowing that the way I spend my time improves abilities of mine is my 'motivation' but what keeps me going is the requirement.
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How interesting that you don't consider any of these things to be "work".

I don't consider any of those things to be work. I consider work as either a job or carreer which you get paid for. If you don't get paid for it then it is a hobbie or interest.
I don't consider any of those things to be work. I consider work as either a job or carreer which you get paid for. If you don't get paid for it then it is a hobbie or interest.

So you would consider household chores to be a hobby?
depends, I was miserable when I worked in the factories.

Incentives if the job didnt make me homicidal or what not would be...................

1. To get out of the house
2. To be busy
3. To feel like I am accomplishing something
4. Learn new things
5. meet new people
They've pretty much been addressed, but:

- To expand my skills
- Experience more
- Be part of something
- Meet people / keep in touch with people
- Have somewhere to go
- Feel productive / spend my time productively
- Have a break from being at home
- Interact with people
- Experience what it means to have a job/develop a career
- Learn about myself
- Identify my preferences, skills, talents, etc.
- Gain confidence
- Have something to reflect on, apply to myself, to my life, grow through, etc.
- Come closer to figuring out what it is that I DO want to spend my time doing
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