What field of science are you?


You Are Physics

You are a highly intellectual and intelligent person. There's not a subject that doesn't interest you.
You are very drawn to theories, and you are capable of understanding incredibly complex ideas.

You are curious about everything around you - from the smallest cell to the universe as a whole.
You believe that there are many connections in the world that we can't see. The way everything fits together fascinates you.
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You Are Astronomy

This world is not enough for you... literally. You can't help but wonder about what else is out there.
You're the type of person who believes that anything is possible, and you'd like to prove it.

You are also quite philosophical. You spend a lot of time wondering about our place in the world, how the universe was started, and what the future holds.
You may not ever get all the answers you seek, and that's fine with you. Questioning is part of the journey.
You Are Astronomy

This world is not enough for you... literally. You can't help but wonder about what else is out there.
You're the type of person who believes that anything is possible, and you'd like to prove it.

You are also quite philosophical. You spend a lot of time wondering about our place in the world, how the universe was started, and what the future holds.
You may not ever get all the answers you seek, and that's fine with you. Questioning is part of the journey.

You Are Chemistry

Of all the types, you are the most "mad scientist." You love to really get to the essence of how things work.
You are also a total brainiac and good at crunching out equations. You are very detail oriented.

You understand concepts and theories well. You are capable of very abstract thought.
You are inventive and creative. You might create a drug to make everyone smarter or come up with a totally new food flavor!

Got that right! Organic chemistry to be specefic thankyouverymuch :D
You Are Physics

You are a highly intellectual and intelligent person. There's not a subject that doesn't interest you.
You are very drawn to theories, and you are capable of understanding incredibly complex ideas.
You are curious about everything around you - from the smallest cell to the universe as a whole.
You believe that there are many connections in the world that we can't see. The way everything fits together fascinates you.

physics certainly interests me, but what doesn't ><
i chose to be given a better space-time theory, than a trip to the moon. i mean, a trip to the moon you can get with money and efforts, but new theory requires something more. plus, if you are lucky, the new theory could make the trip to the moon trivial.
You Are Biology

You are a warm and connected person. You are interested in all living things - plants, animals, and humans.
Beyond just being curious about how creatures work, you're driven to make the world a better place.

You would love to help cure diseases, or even just save a species from extinction.
If you can make anyone's life a little more comfortable, you feel like you've done your job.
You Are Physics

You are a highly intellectual and intelligent person. There's not a subject that doesn't interest you.
You are very drawn to theories, and you are capable of understanding incredibly complex ideas.

You are curious about everything around you - from the smallest cell to the universe as a whole.
You believe that there are many connections in the world that we can't see. The way everything fits together fascinates you.
You Are Biology

You are a warm and connected person. You are interested in all living things - plants, animals, and humans.
Beyond just being curious about how creatures work, you're driven to make the world a better place.

You would love to help cure diseases, or even just save a species from extinction.
If you can make anyone's life a little more comfortable, you feel like you've done your job.
Bio fa-evah.
You Are Biology


You are a warm and connected person. You are interested in all living things - plants, animals, and humans.
Beyond just being curious about how creatures work, you're driven to make the world a better place.

You would love to help cure diseases, or even just save a species from extinction.
If you can make anyone's life a little more comfortable, you feel like you've done your job.
You Are Astronomy

This world is not enough for you... literally. You can't help but wonder about what else is out there.
You're the type of person who believes that anything is possible, and you'd like to prove it.

You are also quite philosophical. You spend a lot of time wondering about our place in the world, how the universe was started, and what the future holds.
You may not ever get all the answers you seek, and that's fine with you. Questioning is part of the journey.

You Are Physics

You are a highly intellectual and intelligent person. There's not a subject that doesn't interest you.
You are very drawn to theories, and you are capable of understanding incredibly complex ideas.

You are curious about everything around you - from the smallest cell to the universe as a whole.
You believe that there are many connections in the world that we can't see. The way everything fits together fascinates you.

No surprise here.

Post it now!

You Are Physics

You are a highly intellectual and intelligent person. There's not a subject that doesn't interest you.
You are very drawn to theories, and you are capable of understanding incredibly complex ideas.

You are curious about everything around you - from the smallest cell to the universe as a whole.
You believe that there are many connections in the world that we can't see. The way everything fits together fascinates you.
I'll take this seriously for once. Well. Sort of.

You Are Biology

How nice. So long as I don't have to dissect anything.

You are a warm and connected person.
Thank you very much. I do feel warm, now that you've complimented me.

You are interested in all living things - plants, animals, and humans.
That's true. Especially the nice and cuddly ones, although I've yet to find a cuddly plant. Trees don't hug back, people. Trust me. I've tried.

Beyond just being curious about how creatures work, you're driven to make the world a better place.

You would love to help cure diseases, or even just save a species from extinction.
I'm just waiting for the magic button. In the meantime I'll just smile at people and help them find the information they need to complete their university assignments.

If you can make anyone's life a little more comfortable, you feel like you've done your job.
Well not my actual job. Library fines aren't high on anyone's comfort list. Anyway, I'd prefer to make them a little more cheerful. Comfortable is nice, but not everyone can be comfortable. They can be uncomfortably happy, however if they're feeling cheerful. :)
Blogthings said:
You Are Physics
You are a highly intellectual and intelligent person. There's not a subject that doesn't interest you.
You are very drawn to theories, and you are capable of understanding incredibly complex ideas.

You are curious about everything around you - from the smallest cell to the universe as a whole.
You believe that there are many connections in the world that we can't see. The way everything fits together fascinates you.
Well type me sideways. It's bang on and surprisingly so for such a short test. Not sure about the physics part though.... I'm not sure I'm that practical :D
You Are Biology


You are a warm and connected person. You are interested in all living things - plants, animals, and humans.
Beyond just being curious about how creatures work, you're driven to make the world a better place.

You would love to help cure diseases, or even just save a species from extinction.
If you can make anyone's life a little more comfortable, you feel like you've done your job.

Well, maybe in theory and with people I'm very close to. But I'm not that warm nor connected with most of the people. I am interested in...just about everything. I don't really feel that I am so much a "Save the world" kind of person, I do hate suffering and would like to make things comfortable for everybody but I'm not an activist in a cause at all.
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You Are Biology

You are a warm and connected person. You are interested in all living things - plants, animals, and humans.(right on)
Beyond just being curious about how creatures work, you're driven to make the world a better place.

You would love to help cure diseases, or even just save a species from extinction.
If you can make anyone's life a little more comfortable, you feel like you've done your job.
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You Are Chemistry
Of all the types, you are the most "mad scientist." You love to really get to the essence of how things work.
You are also a total brainiac and good at crunching out equations. You are very detail oriented.

You understand concepts and theories well. You are capable of very abstract thought.
You are inventive and creative. You might create a drug to make everyone smarter or come up with a totally new food flavor!
You Are Earth Sciences

You are a very outdoorsy, connected to nature type of person. You are happiest when you're outdoors.
You couldn't imagine having a nine to five desk job. It would drive you crazy!

But if you could be outside for part of the day, you'd hardly even notice you were working.
You'd like to climb every mountain and swim every ocean. You're very curious about the natural world.

Not really what I expected. I suppose I like the outdoors, but I wouldn't call myself an outdoorsy person.

You Are Astronomy

This world is not enough for you... literally. You can't help but wonder about what else is out there.
You're the type of person who believes that anything is possible, and you'd like to prove it.

You are also quite philosophical. You spend a lot of time wondering about our place in the world, how the universe was started, and what the future holds.
You may not ever get all the answers you seek, and that's fine with you. Questioning is part of the journey.