What do you think of S-types?


Right the First Time!
Be honest. :D
All of them?
If I didn't mean all of them I wouldn't have said them. :D
(I'm not gonna touch the other interpretation of your question).
My inital stigma about them is that they were closed minded, rule/controling, and boring. That has since changed, for the better! S's are quite alot of fun, and I am finding that a very large portion of my friends are S types, so I am more used to them then I expcted!
I find their insights highly entertaining. SF's are easier for me to talk to while ST's typically have a vibe that tends to stress me out a bit.
I find their insights highly entertaining. SF's are easier for me to talk to while ST's typically have a vibe that tends to stress me out a bit.

I cant deal with SJ's that well though. They generally don't understand, or like my antics very much. Nor do I like there complex about "obeying social ettiqute". And god forbid you break any rules.
I think they are superior to everyone else.
Out of my large group of friends, I'm probably the only NT(Aside from my brother, whom I suspect to be ENTP). My best friend is an ESTP though. Him and I have had some awesome conversations and even better experiences together.

Most of the people I'm around are usually ESFP. I may not be able to get into deep conversations without them getting confused. It's all cool though. I enjoy the experiences I have and the conversations are usually funny. It's good stuff.
I honestly have to claim a biased view of sensors. I've met sensors I get along with, but I've been raised and have mostly dealt with SJs for my whole life. I find them to be unbearable and sometimes even suspect that they are the reason society is so screwed up (they just won't let go of their inane traditions and prejudices...look at Star Trek: TNG: it's chock full of intuitives and there isn't hardly a sensor on the show...and it's the ideal society).

I get along much better with SPs for sure though. I can appreciate ESFPs for who they are, and even grew up with one. ISTPs I can identify largely with, as I share all but the N/S. ESTPs can get on my nerves, but largely are tolerable to me. I've only met one ISFP ever, so I can't really comment much on them. The one I met was an emotional WRECK though...everything was out to get her in her mind.

I refuse to judge a person based purely on their type, but I'll admit that I'm leery around SJs.
I get along much better with SPs for sure though. I can appreciate ESFPs for who they are, and even grew up with one. ISTPs I can identify largely with, as I share all but the N/S. ESTPs can get on my nerves, but largely are tolerable to me. I've only met one ISFP ever, so I can't really comment much on them. The one I met was an emotional WRECK though...everything was out to get her in her mind.
Dude, I had the exact same experience. I dated an ISFP for several months. Good god, was that woman emotional. She had horrible anxiety and I literally stayed as far away from her as I could when she was menstruating. She'd get so emotional and cry for no reason.

I want my three months back.
I refuse to judge a person based purely on their type, but I'll admit that I'm leery around SJs.
I agree.
I think I'm about to take a shot at dating an ESFJ and see how that goes. Should be interesting. The girl is, like, the complete opposite of me but I find it so strongly attractive. She's neat, orderly, worries about how she looks, she's the freakin' definition of an ESFJ, in verbatum. I can't figure out why I find her so GODDAMN CUTE though.

Talk me out of this. I know it's going to end in flames. ;_;
The same thing I think of N type, they're humans, and as such you shall all be judged equally, and my judgement is all humans are pathetic and a tad stupid, and need to be controlled by a higher power, and made to dance for that higher powers entertainment from time to time.
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Everyone is individual and my opinion of someone can only be based on how we interact, not by their type. That said I can struggle to connect well with SJs, one of the biggest things I'm concerned with is improving everything around me and being efficient, if there is a better, quicker more effective way of doing something I want to ask ‘why that isn't happening?’ even if the current system works, some of the SJs in my life insist on asking ‘why change things?’. I can't stand that.

There are SJs who I respect very much, two in particular who amaze me with their attitude to others and ability to get things done despite hardships, it's just that they are just so different to me that connecting on a deeper level is hard work.

You already know what I think of SP and in particular ISFPs :love:
Everyone is individual and my opinion of someone can only be based on how we interact, not by their type. That said I can struggle to connect well with SJs, one of the biggest things I'm concerned with is improving everything around me and being efficient, if there is a better, quicker more effective way of doing something I want to ask ‘why that isn't happening?’ even if the current system works, some of the SJs in my life insist on asking ‘why change things?’. I can't stand that.

There are SJs who I respect very much, two in particular who amaze me with their attitude to others and ability to get things done despite hardships, it's just that they are just so different to me that connecting on a deeper level is hard work.

100% ditto
I try not to have misconceptions based on type - I've seen too many good people get upset and angry because of type bias, and those kinds of emotions reinforce the "good type/bad type" arguments I hate so. Plus, people start thinking they're more intelligent/better if they're X type so they try to act like X type when they aren't.


Some of the bigger misunderstandings and clashes I've had have either been with ENFP folks or S-folks. And I don't like being involved in an SJ-type argument because I can't wrap my own brain around their dogmatic fixation of needing to be right/doing things "right." I have issues with ESFJ females sometimes because they can get needy and loopy - and I can't meet the needs they apparently have.

But I've also enjoyed laughing with many Sensor folks. My mother is a strong Sensor and she's one of the most gifted and creative teachers I've ever seen. We take different approaches to things, but she knows how to motivate high school students more than any person I've ever known.
I agree.
I think I'm about to take a shot at dating an ESFJ and see how that goes. Should be interesting. The girl is, like, the complete opposite of me but I find it so strongly attractive. She's neat, orderly, worries about how she looks, she's the freakin' definition of an ESFJ, in verbatum. I can't figure out why I find her so GODDAMN CUTE though.

Talk me out of this. I know it's going to end in flames. ;_;

You and me both buddy, I am also in early stages of dating an ESFJ and also suspect that crashing and burning may be the end result.... However as you say they are so cute, I love that whole ''fussy, neat and tidy lets do things the right way'' attitude she has - she is completely the reverse of me, she acts the way i fear i should act to get by in society but never could to be happy accepting. Mostly I just roll my eyes and smile.

Generally she is optimistic and supportive and needy - and rightly or wrongly i actually kind of like her being needy - wanting approval and affection from me. Lets me do the infj 'protector' thing, basically. Sadly, however, we've never had a deep conversation and probably never will...
I think I'm about to take a shot at dating an ESFJ and see how that goes. Should be interesting. The girl is, like, the complete opposite of me but I find it so strongly attractive. She's neat, orderly, worries about how she looks, she's the freakin' definition of an ESFJ, in verbatum. I can't figure out why I find her so GODDAMN CUTE though.

Talk me out of this. I know it's going to end in flames. ;_;

The tragic hours of wasted conversation...wait, monologue from her, not conversation...about makeup, what her friend's dog did, etc should be enough of a deterrent.
I'm lucky to have a rather sizable community of N types. In several dozen friends, I only have three close friends that are S types, an ISFP and two ISTPs. My mother is an ESFJ and my father is also an ISTP. Many of my co-workers are S types as well.

The several dozen N types that comprise my circle of friends seem rather evenly split across NT and NF. We all share a very clear sense that the rest of the world 'doesn't get us'. It wasn't until I discovered Myers Briggs that I had an explanation as to why the rest of the world couldn't see the things that we did. Until then, we were just different, high functioning gifted, etc.

S types in my opinion are...

Everywhere! It seems as if 90% of the population are S types. MBTI figures tend to agree.

Practical. They live in the 'real world'.

Surprisingly observant. They notice tangible things that N types often overlook. I have an ISTP friend who can spot four leaf clovers by walking past them, without even looking down. He does this with astonishing frequency. He'll abruptly stop moving. Back up. And then scan the ground until he finds it. I currently have one in my car that he plucked.

Empirical. If they can't interact with something via their five senses, they often assume it to be make believe and / or pointless. The ISTPs will discuss the inner workings of the mind and other abstract things, so long as there is a frame of reference with lots of assignable details. The rest of the S types I know seem to quickly jump to invalidating such subjects as if the mere possibility of them is annoying.

Suspicious. It takes my S type friends a long time to trust my intuition as implicitly as I do. They seem to have a strong need to protect their paradigm from the possibility of things they cannot percieve imperically. Even the ones who do trust my intuition don't seem to like doing so, and view it with an odd degree of suspicion that appears to be affable but waiting for it to fail so they can point it out and reclaim their paradigm.

I have a lot of trouble relating to most of the S types I meet because it seems like they don't have much capacity, or more specifically willingness to realize there is no box. I find myself being forced to stay within acceptable parameters of subject matter and conversational inflections in order to maintain a connection. For lack of a more respectful term, I feel like I have to dumb down to interact with most S types, or else they will assume that I'm stupid and check out of the conversation. Ironic, really. Granted, there are frequent exceptions to these behaviors but more often than not this has been my experience with S types. Because of this, I am usually less open to forming deeper friendships with most S types until they can prove themselves to be the exception to the norm.

In general (I wish I had a nicer way to put it) S types seem to be people who haven't figured out how to fully think, and because of this cannot grasp the fact that there could be more to thinking. It is as if they are missing a sense, and because they can't see, they refuse to accept the fact that others can. Yet, somehow S types often manage to be surprisingly sharp, unexpectedly smart, and remarkably on task despite these things.
I think I'm about to take a shot at dating an ESFJ and see how that goes. Should be interesting. The girl is, like, the complete opposite of me but I find it so strongly attractive. She's neat, orderly, worries about how she looks, she's the freakin' definition of an ESFJ, in verbatum. I can't figure out why I find her so GODDAMN CUTE though.

Talk me out of this. I know it's going to end in flames. ;_;

I won't talk you out of it. I'll talk you into it.

ESFJs are VERY good matches for INTPs. You have all the same cognitive functions, just in different orders. You'll compliment each other very well, but also see where the other is coming from. Your strengths are at once shared and balancing. You're probably going to marry this girl.