What country are you?

Apparently, I'm Vietnam. Hm.
I got Vietnam too.

Your country is 59 concerned with morals, 58 prosperous, 48 liberal, and 30 aggressive!
Actually, you used to be an empire! But now, you're a small, fairly conservative country recently freed from the clutches of the Soviet Union. You are, however, a country full of Vilniks. Watch out when Latvia gets feisty.

For your information, the possible countries in this test include: Haiti, North Korea, Albania, Russia, Vietnam, Turkey, Poland, India, Singapore, China, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Libya, Tanzania, East Timor, Lithuania, Indonesia, Iran, Canada, Israel, Sweden, Australia, Germany, or the United States of America.
yes yes, i'm very small...
Your country is 66 concerned with morals, 45 prosperous, 48 liberal, and 12 aggressive!

Actually, you used to be an empire! But now, you're a small, fairly conservative country recently freed from the clutches of the Soviet Union. You are, however, a country full of Vilniks. Watch out when Latvia gets feisty.

Inkling and I are the same. Must be how we were raised or something . . .

How comforting that I'm being compared to a "great country" has-been
Your country is 47 concerned with morals, 65 prosperous, 60 liberal, and 48 aggressive!

Poland likes to get rolled over a bit, but you've got a few things going for you. You're economy isn't all that terrible and you've got some political freedoms. Still, watch out for those ex-communists.

48 aggressive? wtf?

Your country is 59 concerned with morals, 33 prosperous, 48 liberal, and 30 aggressive!

You're poor, but you're basically the best thing the region's got. You like to participate internationally and, though you're poor, you're pretty nice. Hakuna matata!

Satya said:
Alas, I am Poland.
Best watch out for them Commies... I got’s your back :?
Lurker said:
Satya said:
Alas, I am Poland.
Best watch out for them Commies... I got’s your back :?

And I have yours. :D

*Waits for Lurker to turn around*

*Pulls out Hammer and Sickle and approaches menacingly* :twisted:
Satya said:
Lurker said:
Satya said:
Alas, I am Poland.
Best watch out for them Commies... I got’s your back :?

*Waits for Lurker to turn around*

*Pulls out Hammer and Sickle and approaches menacingly* :twisted:
Eeep! :o

*presents a facade of paralysing terror to lull Satya into a false sense of confidence*

*once within striking range goes ape shit and pulls out the '48 aggressive' on his @ss*

So, what's the lesson in all of this children? Simple never trust Poland!

Your country is 66 concerned with morals, 65 prosperous, 56 liberal, and 36 aggressive!
You're a charitable country with a soft spot for mounties. Don't plan on invading anyone anytime soon, but be happy--life's good and people everywhere enjoy a welfare state. Vous êtes un pays charitable avec un endroit doux pour mounties. Pas le projet sur envahir n'importe qui n'importe quand bientôt, mais être heureux -- vie bonne et gens apprécient partout un Etat-providence.


I wanted to be France but they don't have it. At least they speak some (horrible :laugh:) French :D
I got The Netherlands.

Only 41% on morals!...... maybe I shouldn't have answered yes on the "Have you ever kicked a puppy to death?" question
I got US

United States

Your country is 59 concerned with morals, 68 prosperous, 42 liberal, and 52 aggressive!
You are a hegemon. The top cheese militarily, your country is guided by a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. Though your government is conservative, people look to your culture and prosperity as a guide for progress.

Your country is 66 concerned with morals, 48 prosperous, 40 liberal, and 39 aggressive!
Actually, you used to be an empire! But now, you're a small, fairly conservative country recently freed from the clutches of the Soviet Union. You are, however, a country full of Vilniks. Watch out when Latvia gets feisty.