What color of the rainbow are you?


Well-known member
You Are Blue


You believe the key to living a good life is simple. Be as honest with yourself and others as possible.
You value the truth over everything else. You will remain loyal to those who are honest with you, even if their honesty hurts.

Compared to most people, you handle the truth well. You take every event in stride. You are the calm spot in a sea of chaos.
You think the solution to most problems is open communication. You wish that people would be more real with each other.

What Color of the Rainbow Are You?

You Are Green

You are a very intuitive person. You understand what people need. You are both a natural healer and persuader.
You've always found it easy to get what you want in life, whether that is material success or just making a difference in other people's lives.

You change with the times, and if anything, you tend to lead the way toward the future. You anticipate what's going to happen next.
You have the opportunity to be a very powerful person. What you end up doing with your power is up to you.
You Are Indigo

You are a highly intuitive, wise person. You are quite spiritual, even if you aren't religious in the least.
You have a lot of insight to offer and you are often profound. If people listen carefully to what you say, they can find a lot of meaning in your words.

You have a broad view of the world. You are always pushing yourself to learn more. You believe that wisdom comes from perspective.
Your greatest ideas come to you in a flash. You work off inspiration, and luckily, you're easily inspired.
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You Are Blue


You believe the key to living a good life is simple. Be as honest with yourself and others as possible.
You value the truth over everything else. You will remain loyal to those who are honest with you, even if their honesty hurts.

Compared to most people, you handle the truth well. You take every event in stride. You are the calm spot in a sea of chaos.
You think the solution to most problems is open communication. You wish that people would be more real with each other.

<- Blue too! I wouldn't have guessed though, I obviously do not like blue.
You Are Green
You are a very intuitive person. You understand what people need. You are both a natural healer and persuader.
You've always found it easy to get what you want in life, whether that is material success or just making a difference in other people's lives.

You change with the times, and if anything, you tend to lead the way toward the future. You anticipate what's going to happen next.
You have the opportunity to be a very powerful person. What you end up doing with your power is up to you.
It's funny how Solar Empath gets blue to match his blue avatar. Nela gets green to match her green avatar and my avatar is sort of indigo-ish.
Ohhh wow I want to be all the colors!! Neither could survive without the others <3

That sort of sounded like Harry Potter-ish lol

"Neither can survive without the other"....or something to that effect.:md:
It said I was green. But, actually, I was hoping for red or purple, my preferred colors. I don't think there were enough questions to be a valid test (of what? really!).
You Are Orange

You are a creative, interesting person who's always looking to spice things up. You are a little wild!
You love new endeavors and adventures. You are fearless, and you love the thrill of doing something completely foreign to you.

You are spontaneous, and you sometimes end up doing the strangest things. If you have a gut feeling, you just go with it.
You may be a bit eccentric, but your enthusiasm is catching. People want to live as freely as you do.

Hey Flyaway, did you draw that avatar?
You Are Yellow

You are the brightest person the crowd, and you stand out every place you go. You are incredibly charismatic.
You are truly joyful, and people like to be close to your happiness. You have a strong, positive effect on others.

You are very memorable. A lot of people know you, even those who you haven't seen you in years remember you well.
You are often as happy as you seem, but sometimes you fake it a little bit. You know people are counting on you to lift them up... and you don't want to let them down.

AHH I think that the results are true ^^
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You Are Blue

You believe the key to living a good life is simple. Be as honest with yourself and others as possible.
You value the truth over everything else. You will remain loyal to those who are honest with you, even if their honesty hurts.

Compared to most people, you handle the truth well. You take every event in stride. You are the calm spot in a sea of chaos.
You think the solution to most problems is open communication. You wish that people would be more real with each other.

Wouldn't have it any other way. :D
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You Are Indigo

You are a highly intuitive, wise person. You are quite spiritual, even if you aren't religious in the least.
You have a lot of insight to offer and you are often profound. If people listen carefully to what you say, they can find a lot of meaning in your words.

You have a broad view of the world. You are always pushing yourself to learn more. You believe that wisdom comes from perspective.
Your greatest ideas come to you in a flash. You work off inspiration, and luckily, you're easily inspired.